Zend Framework 2 Application
Explore the Zend Framework 2 and create your own
superb social network
Christopher Valles

Zend Framework 2 Application Development
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First published: October 2013
Production Reference: 1211013
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ISBN 978-1-78216-210-0
Cover Image by Tim Green (thisistimgreen@gmail.com) via Flickr InMail

Christopher Valles
Richard Ainger
Gabriel García Fernández
Doug Johnson
Brent Shaffer
Acquisition Editor
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Lead Technical Editor
Madhuja Chaudhari
Technical Editors
Shashank Desai
Krishnaveni Haridas
Ankita Thakur
Project Coordinator
Amey Sawant
Copy Editors
Mradula Hegde
Sayanee Mukherjee
Kirti Pai
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Monica Ajmera Mehta
Sheetal Aute
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Manu Joseph
Cover Work
Manu Joseph

About the Author
Christopher Valles is a Software Engineer from Barcelona, Spain, currently
based in London, UK. He started developing when he was seven using a Vtech kid
laptop that was strangely shipped with a simple version of the BASIC programming
language. Since then, he has explored more than 16 different programming languages
ranging from Assembler to PHP, Python, and GO.
Chris also stepped into the sysadmin role and has been managing systems since
he started working in this industry. He has taken care of servers right from simple
webservers to infrastructures on the Cloud and internal Mac infrastructures. He is
an Apple Certied Support Professional and Apple Certied Technical Coordinator.
His desire to learn and experiment has driven him to explore other elds, such
as machine learning and robotics. He currently owns close to ve robots and has
built more than 20 over the past years. If you don't nd him on the computer, he
is probably spending time in the kitchen cooking delicious recipes.
The sectors where Chris has worked ranges from adult content websites and payment
processors to social networks and the gaming industry. Presently, he's working as a
Software Engineer at Hailo Networks, Ltd.
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