#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
Read the words...88984
1 1
2 48
3 601
4 2409
5 4882
6 8205
7 11989
8 13672
9 13014
10 11297
11 8617
12 6003
13 3814
14 2173
15 1169
16 600
17 302
18 107
19 53
20 28
Elapsed time FAST: 5.218
Elapsed time MEDIUM: 77.735
Elapsed time SLOW: 450.891
vector<string> readWords( istream & in )
string oneLine;
vector<string> v;
while( in >> oneLine )
v.push_back( oneLine );
return v;
// Returns true if word1 and word2 are the same length
// and differ in only one character.
bool oneCharOff( const string & word1, const string & word2 )
if( word1.length( ) != word2.length( ) )
return false;
int diffs = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < word1.length( ); i++ )
if( word1[ i ] != word2[ i ] )
if( ++diffs > 1 )
return false;
return diffs == 1;
// Computes a map in which the keys are words and values are vectors of words
// that differ in only one character from the corresponding key.
// Uses a quadratic algorithm.
map<string,vector<string> >
computeAdjacentWordsSlow( const vector<string> & words )
map<string,vector<string> > adjWords;
for( int i = 0; i < words.size( ); i++ )
for( int j = i + 1; j < words.size( ); j++ )
if( oneCharOff( words[ i ], words[ j ] ) )
adjWords[ words[ i ] ].push_back( words[ j ] );
adjWords[ words[ j ] ].push_back( words[ i ] );
return adjWords;
// Computes a map in which the keys are words and values are vectors of words
// that differ in only one character from the corresponding key.
// Uses a quadratic algorithm, but speeds things up a little by
// maintaining an additional map that groups words by their length.
map<string,vector<string> >
computeAdjacentWordsMedium( const vector<string> & words )
map<string,vector<string> > adjWords;
map<int,vector<string> > wordsByLength;
// Group the words by their length
for( int i = 0; i < words.size( ); i++ )
wordsByLength[ words[ i ].length( ) ].push_back( words[ i ] );
// Work on each group separately
map<int,vector<string> >::const_iterator itr;
for( itr = wordsByLength.begin( ); itr != wordsByLength.end( ); ++itr )
const vector<string> & groupsWords = itr->second;
for( int i = 0; i < groupsWords.size( ); i++ )
for( int j = i + 1; j < groupsWords.size( ); j++ )
if( oneCharOff( groupsWords[ i ], groupsWords[ j ] ) )
adjWords[ groupsWords[ i ] ].push_back( groupsWords[ j ] );
adjWords[ groupsWords[ j ] ].push_back( groupsWords[ i ] );
return adjWords;
// Computes a map in which the keys are words and values are vectors of words
// that differ in only one character from the corresponding key.
// Uses an efficient algorithm that is O(N log N) with a map, or
// O(N) is a hash_map is used.
map<string,vector<string> >
computeAdjacentWords( const vector<string> & words )
map<string,vector<string> > adjWords;
map<int,vector<string> > wordsByLength;
// Group the words by their length
for( int i = 0; i < words.size( ); i++ )
wordsByLength[ words[ i ].length( ) ].push_back( words[ i ] );
// Work on each group separately
map<int,vector<string> >::const_iterator itr;
for( itr = wordsByLength.begin( ); itr != wordsByLength.end( ); ++itr )
const vector<string> & groupsWords = itr->second;
int groupNum = itr->first;
// Work on each position in each group
for( int i = 0; i < groupNum; i++ )
// Remove one character in specified position, computing representative.
// Words with same representatives are adjacent; so first populate
// a map...
map<string,vector<string> > repToWord;
for( int j = 0; j < groupsWords.size( ); j++ )
string rep = groupsWords[ j ];
rep.erase( i, 1 );
repToWord[ rep ].push_back( groupsWords[ j ] );
// and then look for map values with more than one string
map<string,vector<string> >::const_iterator itr2;
for( itr2 = repToWord.begin( ); itr2 != repToWord.end( ); ++itr2 )
const vector<string> & clique = itr2->second;
if( clique.size( ) >= 2 )
for( int p = 0; p < clique.size( ); p++ )
for( int q = p + 1; q < clique.size( ); q++ )
adjWords[ clique[ p ] ].push_back( clique[ q ] );
adjWords[ clique[ q ] ].push_back( clique[ p ] );
return adjWords;
// Find most changeable word: the word that differs in only one
// character with the most words. Return a list of these words, in case of a tie.
findMostChangeable( const map<string,vector<string> > & adjacentWords )
vector<string> mostChangeableWords;
int maxNumberOfAdjacentWords = 0;
map<string,vector<string> >::const_iterator itr = adjacentWords.begin( );
while( itr != adjacentWords.end( ) )
const pair<string,vector<string> > & entry = *itr++;
if( entry.second.size( ) > maxNumberOfAdjacentWords )
maxNumberOfAdjacentWords = entry.second.size( );
mostChangeableWords.clear( );
if( entry.second.size( ) == maxNumberOfAdjacentWords )
mostChangeableWords.push_back( entry.first );
return mostChangeableWords;
void printMostChangeables( const vector<string> & mostChangeable,
const map<string,vector<string> > & adjWords )
map<string,vector<string> > & adjacentWords = const_cast<map<string,vector<string> > &>( adjWords );
for( int i = 0; i < mostChangeable.size( ); i++ )
cout << mostChangeable[ i ] << ":";
vector<string> adjacents = adjacentWords[ mostChangeable[ i ] ];
for( int j = 0; j < adjacents.size( ); j++ )
cout << " " << adjacents[ j ];
cout << " (" << adjacents.size( ) << " words)" << endl;
void printHighChangeables( const map<string,vector<string> > & adjacentWords, int minWords )
map<string,vector<string> >::const_iterator itr = adjacentWords.begin( );
while( itr != adjacentWords.end( ) )
const pair<string,vector<string> > & entry = *itr++;
const vector<string> & words = entry.second;
if( words.size( ) >= minWords )
cout << entry.first << " (" << words.size( ) << "):";
for( int i = 0; i < words.size( ); i++ )
cout << " " << words[ i ];
cout << endl;
// After the shortest path calculation has run, computes the vector that
// contains the sequence of words changes to get from first to second.
vector<string> getChainFromPreviousMap( const map<string,string> & previous,
const string & first,
const string & second )
map<string,string> & prev = const_cast<map<string,string> &>( previous );
vector<string> result;
if( prev[ second ] != "" )
string current = second;