% Sets parameters for Simscape Multibody Vehicle Visualizer
% Copyright 2017 The MathWorks, Inc.
smvv.cameras = struct;
smvv.cameras.frontView_offset = [-2 0 8];
smvv.cameras.sideView_offset = [-2 -7 -5];
smvv.cameras.driversView_offset = [0 0.25 0.7];
smvv.color = struct;
smvv.color.orange = [1 0.6 0];
smvv.color.red = [1 0.2 0];
smvv.color.dgreen = [0 0.4 0];
smvv.color.green = [0 0.6 0];
smvv.color.lgreen = [0.8 0.8 0];
smvv.color.dblue = [0 0.2 1];
smvv.color.blue = [0.2 0.6 1];
smvv.color.lblue = [0.4 0.8 1];
smvv.color.brown = [0.4 0.2 0];
smvv.color.lbrown = [0.8 0.4 0];
smvv.color.yellow = [1 0.8 0];
smvv.color.black = [0 0 0];
smvv.color.white = [1 1 1];
smvv.color.dgrey = [0.3 0.3 0.3];
smvv.color.grey = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
smvv.color.lgrey = [0.7 0.7 0.7];
smvv.color.vlgrey = [0.9 0.9 0.9];
smvv.filter = struct;
smvv.filter.t_c = 0.01;
smvv.finishline = struct;
smvv.finishline.length = 1;
smvv.finishline.width = 7.2;
smvv.finishline.depth = 0.005;
smvv.finishline.dim = [1 7.2 0.005];
smvv.finishline.offset = 259;
smvv.finishline.color = [1 0.2 0];
smvv.finishline.cones = struct;
smvv.finishline.cones.numCones = 7;
smvv.finishline.cones.offset = 278.7;
smvv.finishline.cones.spacing = 1.1;
smvv.road = struct;
smvv.road.markings = struct;
smvv.road.markings.segmentLength = 3;
smvv.road.markings.segmentWidth = 0.15;
smvv.road.markings.segmentDepth = 0.005;
smvv.road.markings.spacing = 9;
smvv.road.markings.numMarkings = 24;
smvv.road.markings.color = [1 1 1];
smvv.road.markings.extrusion = ...
[0 0;
279 0;
279 0.10500000000000001;
276 0.10500000000000001;
276 0.05;
267 0.05;
267 0.10500000000000001;
264 0.10500000000000001;
264 0.05;
255 0.05;
255 0.10500000000000001;
252 0.10500000000000001;
252 0.05;
243 0.05;
243 0.10500000000000001;
240 0.10500000000000001;
240 0.05;
231 0.05;
231 0.10500000000000001;
228 0.10500000000000001;
228 0.05;
219 0.05;
219 0.10500000000000001;
216 0.10500000000000001;
216 0.05;
207 0.05;
207 0.10500000000000001;
204 0.10500000000000001;
204 0.05;
195 0.05;
195 0.10500000000000001;
192 0.10500000000000001;
192 0.05;
183 0.05;
183 0.10500000000000001;
180 0.10500000000000001;
180 0.05;
171 0.05;
171 0.10500000000000001;
168 0.10500000000000001;
168 0.05;
159 0.05;
159 0.10500000000000001;
156 0.10500000000000001;
156 0.05;
147 0.05;
147 0.10500000000000001;
144 0.10500000000000001;
144 0.05;
135 0.05;
135 0.10500000000000001;
132 0.10500000000000001;
132 0.05;
123 0.05;
123 0.10500000000000001;
120 0.10500000000000001;
120 0.05;
111 0.05;
111 0.10500000000000001;
108 0.10500000000000001;
108 0.05;
99 0.05;
99 0.10500000000000001;
96 0.10500000000000001;
96 0.05;
87 0.05;
87 0.10500000000000001;
84 0.10500000000000001;
84 0.05;
75 0.05;
75 0.10500000000000001;
72 0.10500000000000001;
72 0.05;
63 0.05;
63 0.10500000000000001;
60 0.10500000000000001;
60 0.05;
51 0.05;
51 0.10500000000000001;
48 0.10500000000000001;
48 0.05;
39 0.05;
39 0.10500000000000001;
36 0.10500000000000001;
36 0.05;
27 0.05;
27 0.10500000000000001;
24 0.10500000000000001;
24 0.05;
15 0.05;
15 0.10500000000000001;
12 0.10500000000000001;
12 0.05;
3 0.05;
3 0.10500000000000001;
0 0.10500000000000001];
smvv.road.length = 279;
smvv.road.width = 7.2;
smvv.road.depth = 0.1;
smvv.road.dim = [279 7.2 0.1];
smvv.road.color = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
smvv.shortCone = struct;
smvv.shortCone.height = 0.5;
smvv.shortCone.baseThickness = 0.05;
smvv.shortCone.baseDiameter = 0.3;
smvv.shortCone.coneBaseDiameter = 0.2;
smvv.shortCone.coneTopDiameter = 0.05;
smvv.shortCone.reflectiveStripHeight = 0.25;
smvv.shortCone.coneColor = [1 0.6 0];
smvv.shortCone.reflectiveStripColor = [0.7 0.7 0.7];
smvv.slalom = struct;
smvv.slalom.gate = struct;
smvv.slalom.gate.cone_offset = 1.8;
smvv.slalom.startgate_offset = 57;
smvv.slalom.coneSpacing = 30;
smvv.slalom.numCones = 5;
smvv.slalom.firstConeFromStartgate = 26;
smvv.slalom.finishgateFromEndCone = 36;
smvv.slalom.firstCone_offset = 83;
smvv.slalom.endCone_offset = 203;
smvv.slalom.finishgate_offset = 239;
smvv.startline = struct;
smvv.startline.length = 1;
smvv.startline.width = 7.2;
smvv.startline.depth = 0.005;
smvv.startline.dim = [1 7.2 0.005];
smvv.startline.offset = 5;
smvv.startline.color = [0 0.6 0];
smvv.tallCone = struct;
smvv.tallCone.height = 1;
smvv.tallCone.baseThickness = 0.1;
smvv.tallCone.baseDiameter = 0.6;
smvv.tallCone.coneBaseDiameter = 0.4;
smvv.tallCone.coneTopDiameter = 0.1;
smvv.tallCone.reflectiveStripHeight = 0.5;
smvv.tallCone.coneColor = [1 0.6 0];
smvv.tallCone.reflectiveStripColor = [0.7 0.7 0.7];
smvv.vehicle = struct;
smvv.vehicle.wheelAssmRadius = 0.355;
smvv.vehicle.width = 1.97;
smvv.vehicle.frontAxle_offsetX = 1.51;
smvv.vehicle.rearAxle_offsetX = -1.49;
smvv.vehicle.wheel_offsetY = 0.81;
smvv.vehicle.axle_offsetZ = -0.26;
smvv.vehicle.ground_offsetZ = -0.603;
smvv.vehicle.body_offset = [2.75 0.985 -0.85];
smvv.vehicle.LR_offset = [-1.49 0.81 -0.26];
smvv.vehicle.RR_offset = [-1.49 -0.81 -0.26];
smvv.vehicle.LF_offset = [1.51 0.81 -0.26];
smvv.vehicle.RF_offset = [1.51 -0.81 -0.26];
smvv.vehicle.bodyColor = [0.2 0.6 1];
smvv.vehicle.posX_0 = 3.49;
smvv.vehicle.velX = struct;
smvv.vehicle.velX.time = [0; 2; 7; 21.534; 23.793999999999997; 25.793999999999997; ...
smvv.vehicle.velX.signals = struct;
smvv.vehicle.velX.signals.values = [0; 0; 15; 15; 0; 0];
smvv.vehicle.posY = struct;
smvv.vehicle.posY.A = 1.47;
smvv.verge = struct;
smvv.verge.length = 279;
smvv.verge.width = 75;
smvv.verge.depth = 0.05;
smvv.verge.dim = [279 75 0.05];
smvv.verge.color = [0.8 1 0.8];
% Steering wheel
% long radius
swr1 = 0.15; % long radius in meters
x1 = linspace(swr1,-swr1,20)';
y1 = sqrt(swr1.^2 - x1.^2);
x2 = linspace(-swr1,swr1,20)';
y2 = -sqrt(swr1.^2 - x2.^2);
xy1 = [x1,y1; x2(2:end-1),y2(2:end-1);x1(1),y1(1)];
% short radius
swr2 = 0.15-0.02;
x1 = linspace(swr2,-swr2,20)';
y1 = -sqrt(swr2.^2 - x1.^2);
x2 = linspace(-swr2,swr2,20)';
y2 = sqrt(swr2.^2 - x2.^2);
xy2 = [x1,y1; x2(2:end-1) y2(2:end-1);x1(1),y1(1)];
xy = [xy1;xy2];
smvv.steeringwheel.radius = swr1;
smvv.steeringwheel.extrusion = xy;
smvv.steeringwheel.thickness = 0.02;
smvv.steeringwheel.color = [0 0 0];
smvv.steeringwheel.honkRadius = 0.03;
smvv.steeringwheel.letterStick = 0.01;
smvv.steeringwheel.letterColor = [0 1 0];
clear swr1 swr2 xy xy1 xy2 x1 y1 x2 y2;
smvv.steeringwheel.ratio = 1;
% Later added to common data dictionary.
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This entry contains the Simulink model for the "Path Planning and Navigation for Autonomous Robots" video. The demonstration walks through how to simulate a self-parking car with just three components: a path, a vehicle model, and a path following algorithm. The vehicle model is implemented based on the kinematic equations of the bicycle model and the path following algorithm uses the built-in Pure Pursuit block from Robotics System Toolbox.
VehiclePathFollowing.zip (21个子文件)
PlannerBusStruct.mat 944B
setSMVehicleVisuParameters.m 7KB
checksumOfCache.mat 392B
simulink_cache.xml 249B
varInfo.mat 2KB
PathFollowingFV_Cache.mat 22KB
binfo.mat 812B
r0GjyxXJZL1hLZMgwt1VQF.mat 575B
autoInferAccessInfo.mat 786B
s1wigCyTwxEDTSWQtFDJxr.mat 52KB
emlReportAccessInfo.mat 800B
sQjwyChflwMLkiwjpCeSSuC.mat 206KB
s1wigCyTwxEDTSWQtFDJxr.mat 866B
jitEngineAccessInfo.mat 799B
N4Y2BWURM32yaPpEkuiE2E.mat 22KB
sQjwyChflwMLkiwjpCeSSuC.l 59KB
s1wigCyTwxEDTSWQtFDJxr.l 9KB
N4Y2BWURM32yaPpEkuiE2E.l 120KB
sQjwyChflwMLkiwjpCeSSuC.mat 865B
PlannerCmdTests.mat 3KB
PathFollowingFV.slx 159KB
共 21 条
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- XY狼王2018-11-10还没试过,下载看看
- qiyudong2020-07-17matlab里面的经典示例?
- bob_dreamer2019-05-28还没试过,下载看看
- Mr_Li_Yangzijing2019-02-16Error: Failed to load library 'robotalgslib' referenced by 'PathFollowingFV/Pure Pursuit'怎么回事
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