close all;
warning off;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set Paramaters and neuron model
Hz = 1000; % 25ms
ms = 1000/Hz;
Ts = 1;
T = 1000; % Enter T in miliseconds
input = [0 0 1 1;...
0 1 0 1];
output = [0 0 0 1];
% The input neuron was a Poisson spike train at 40 Hz,
% while the other were integrate-and-fire neurons.
numNeuron = 60;
numInput = numNeuron;
NetArch = createNetwork(numInput, numNeuron);
% Set paramaters of neurons
Vth = 9; % Threshold voltage (mV)
Reset = 0; % Reset Voltage (mV)
RefPeriod = 2; % (ms)
tau_mem = 2;
C = 50;
R = 1.2;
NeuronModel = createNeuron(Vth, Reset, RefPeriod, tau_mem, C, R);
clear numNeuron numInput Vth Reset RefPeriod tau_mem C R
hiddenNeuron = 40;
inputNeuron = 2;
Tr = .85;
A = .5; % max signal for STDP
tau = 100; % tau for STDP
windowSize = 100; % for STDP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Create inputs and outpt spikes
inputSpikes = zeros(2, T);
outputSpikes = zeros(1, T);
epoch = T/ms;
for i = 1:floor(epoch/4)
for j = 1:4
loc = fix(4*(i-1)*ms + find(input(1,:) == 1) * ms);
inputSpikes(1, loc) = 1;
loc = fix(4*(i-1)*ms + find(input(2,:) == 1) * ms);
inputSpikes(2, loc) = 1;
loc = fix(4*(i-1)*ms + find(output(1,:) == 1) * ms);
outputSpikes(1, loc) = 1;
subplot(311), stem(inputSpikes(1, 1:400)); title('First input');
subplot(312), stem(inputSpikes(2, 1:400)); title('Second input');
subplot(313), stem(outputSpikes(1, 1:400)); title('Output');
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Create delays and wights
% 40 neurons in input layer (20 neurons get spike from input 1,
% 20 neurons get spike from input 2)
% 40 neurons in hidden layer
% 1 neuron in output layer
delayInput = zeros(inputNeuron, hiddenNeuron);
weightInput = rand(inputNeuron, hiddenNeuron);
% delayHidden = zeros(hiddenNeuron, hiddenNeuron);
% weightHidden = rand(hiddenNeuron, hiddenNeuron);
delayOutput = zeros(hiddenNeuron, 1);
weightOutput = rand(hiddenNeuron, 1);
Itot = zeros(inputNeuron, T);
for i = 2:T
Itot(1, i) = (Itot(1, i-1)*Tr) + (NeuronModel.Vth*inputSpikes(1, i));
Itot(2, i) = (Itot(2, i-1)*Tr) + (NeuronModel.Vth*inputSpikes(2, i));
subplot(211), plot(Itot(1, 1:400)), title('First input');
subplot(212), plot(Itot(2, 1:400)), title('Second input');
% Input spike created and then with a delays return to hidden nerons
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create hidden neuron
for i = 1:hiddenNeuron
NeuVar{i}.v = 0;
NeuVar{i}.Spikes = zeros(1, T);
NeuVar{i}.Refract = 0; %Refractory state of neuron
NeuVar{i}.vStore = zeros(1, T);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create output neuron
NeuOut.v = 0;
NeuOut.Spikes = zeros(1, T);
NeuOut.Refract = 0; %Refractory state of neuron
NeuOut.vStore = zeros(1, T);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start periodic T
ItotOut = zeros(hiddenNeuron, T);
for t = 2:T
disp(['time: ' num2str(t)]);
for i = 1:hiddenNeuron
% check if neuron fired in the previous time step
if NeuVar{i}.v > NeuronModel.Vth
NeuVar{i}.Spikes(t) = 1;
NeuVar{i}.Refract = NeuronModel.RefPeriod;
NeuVar{i}.v = NeuronModel.Reset;
%if not then checks if neuron is in refractory period
elseif NeuVar{i}.Refract > 0
NeuVar{i}.Refract = NeuVar{i}.Refract - Ts;%subtracts 1 time step from Refractory period
NeuVar{i}.v = NeuronModel.Reset; %Sets mem voltage for this time step to 0
else %if neither of these then it calculates the new membrane voltage
% signal from input neurons to hidden neurons
I = Itot(:, t-1 - fix(delayInput(:,i)));
x = weightInput(:, i) .* diag(I);
deltav = sum(Ts .*( -1 .* NeuVar{i}.v / NeuronModel.tau_mem ...
+ NeuronModel.R_mem .* x / NeuronModel.tau_mem));
NeuVar{i}.v = NeuVar{i}.v + deltav;
NeuVar{i}.vStore(t) = NeuVar{i}.v;
V(i, t) = NeuVar{i}.v;
for i = 1:hiddenNeuron
ItotOut(i, t) = (ItotOut(i, t-1)*Tr) + (NeuronModel.Vth * NeuVar{i}.Spikes(t));
% Output neuron
if NeuOut.v > NeuronModel.Vth
NeuOut.Spikes(t) = 1;
NeuOut.Refract = NeuronModel.RefPeriod;
NeuOut.v = NeuronModel.Reset;
elseif NeuVar{i}.Refract > 0
NeuOut.Refract = NeuronModel.RefPeriod - Ts;%subtracts 1 time step from Refractory period
NeuOut.v = NeuronModel.Reset;
I = ItotOut(:, t-1 - fix(delayOutput));
x = weightOutput .* diag(I);
deltav = sum(Ts .*(((-1 .* NeuVar{i}.v / NeuronModel.tau_mem)) ...
+ ((NeuronModel.R_mem .* x)/NeuronModel.tau_mem)));
NeuOut.v = NeuOut.v + deltav;
NeuOut.vStore(t) = NeuOut.v;
% Update the output weigt
out = outputSpikes(1:t); % Spikes of desired output
in = NeuOut.Spikes(1:t);
for i = 1:hiddenNeuron
weightOutput(i) = STDP(in, out, A, A * 1.05, windowSize, tau, weightOutput(i));
% Update the weight of input neurons
for i = 1:hiddenNeuron
% input 1
in = NeuVar{i}.Spikes(1:t);
out = inputSpikes(1, 1:t);
weightInput(1, i) = STDP(in, out, A, A * 1.05, windowSize, tau, weightInput(1, i));
% input 2
out = inputSpikes(2, 1:t);
weightInput(2, i) = STDP(in, out, A, A * 1.05, windowSize, tau, weightInput(2, i));
subplot(211), stem(NeuOut.Spikes), title('Spike of output input');
subplot(212), plot(NeuOut.vStore), title('V of output');
% Plot the spike that happened in hidden neurons
for t = 2:T
for i = 1:hiddenNeuron
hiddenSpike(i, t) = NeuVar{i}.Spikes(t);
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