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Exynos 4412 SCP
RISC Microprocessor
Revision 0.10
April 2012
2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
samsung / david.pang at 14:21,2012.05.07
SAMSUNG Confidential

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Copyright 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Contact Us: mobilesol.cs@samsung.com
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samsung / david.pang at 14:21,2012.05.07
SAMSUNG Confidential

All brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Exynos, Exynos4210, FlexOneNAND, and OneNAND are trademarks of Samsung Electronics.
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All other trademarks used in this publication are the property of their respective owners.
samsung / david.pang at 14:21,2012.05.07
SAMSUNG Confidential

Chip Handling Guide
Precaution against Electrostatic Discharge
When handling semiconductor devices, be sure that the environment is protected against static electricity.
1. Operators should wear anti-static clothing and use earth band.
2. All objects that come in direct contact with devices should be made of materials that do not produce static
electricity that would cause damage.
3. Equipment and work table must be earthed.
4. Ionizer is recommended to remove electron charge.
Be sure to use semiconductor products in the environment that may not be exposed to dust or dirt adhesion.
Semiconductor devices are sensitive to environment temperature and humidity. High temperature or humidity may
deteriorate semiconductor device‟s characteristics. Therefore avoid storage or use in such conditions.
Mechanical Shock
Care should be exercised not to apply excessive mechanical shock or force on semiconductor device.
Do not expose semiconductor device to chemical because reaction to chemical may cause deterioration of device
Light Protection
In case of non-EMC (Epoxy Molding Compound) package, do not expose semiconductor IC to strong light. It may
cause device‟s malfunction. (But, some special products which utilize the light or have security function are
excepted from this guide)
Radioactive, Cosmic and X-ray
Semiconductor devices can be influenced by radioactive, cosmic ray or X-ray. Radioactive, cosmic and X-ray may
cause soft error during device operation. Therefore semiconductor devices must be shielded under environment
that may be exposed to radioactive, cosmic ray or X-ray.
EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility)
Note that semiconductor device‟s characteristics may be affected by strong electromagnetic wave or magnetic
field during operation under insufficient PCB circuit design for EMS.
samsung / david.pang at 14:21,2012.05.07
SAMSUNG Confidential

Revision History
Revision No.
April. 30, 2012
First Draft
Chongkun Lee
samsung / david.pang at 14:21,2012.05.07
SAMSUNG Confidential

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