version 2.3.3
- bug fix: craete a table if not created on every call, and not on activate only.
- feature: added "update slider" button to update the slider from zip file.
version 2.3.2
- feature: added error message on backend that show problems in jquery ui
version 2.3.1
- bug fix: fixed new media dialog open chooser
version 2.3
- feature: added new media uploader of wp 3.5
- feature: added first slide transition that can be various from the other transitions.
- feature: added startWithSlide option
- feature: added slide background color or transparent slide options
- change: changed option name in navigation type (verticalcentered to solo).
- feature: improved navigation and arrows align and offset options, added saparate options for each elemtn.
- feature: added slide title for better and logical viewing in the list.
- feature: added publish / unpublish slide feature
- feature: added "update image source" feature of the image layer.
- feature: added "preview slide" button from slides list
- bug fix: fade Animation in IE9 had a small rotation. Issue is fixed
- bug fix: AutoPlay Videos in 2nd Loop did not started automatically. Issue is fixed
version 2.2.4
- Bug Fixed: IE9 Odd Rotation effect at animating the slides. Issue is resolved in this version
- Bug Fixed: IE8 Caption does not disappear at fadeout changed. IE8 Filter added again, some cases it can add an odd halo effect at animationg the png images.
version 2.2.3
- bug fix: fixed charset collate in old wp.
- CSS Edit: visiblility:hidden for rev_slider_wrapper ul container, to hide elements at loading.
version 2.2.2
- feature: Event like onbeforeswap, onafterswap and onloaded can be used now.
version 2.2.1
-bug fix: added database table collation on create table.
-bug fix: FF 18 and YT Player issues has been solved. (Black Screen and Not Clickable button)
version 2.2
- Supporting jQuery 1.9.x now
version 2.1.8
- bug fix: fade effect in IE8 was not animated since ie8 needs static position instead of relative or absolute by fading
- feature: added new api features like revlastslide, revcurrentslide
version 2.1.7
- bug fix: Loading of Content was visible during the Loading sequenze
- feature: added link position: front or back
- bug fix: the google font is loading from the backend if selected
- bug fix: fixed some multisite bugs, made it more compatability for the multisite.
- change: removed the php_resize feature
- change: made 100% compatible with wp multisite
version 2.1.6
- updated the slider for multisite systems. Each blog can create exclusive sliders only.
- Bug Fixed: Link to _blank page crashed the Slider.
- PreLoading Images are not visible any more.
version 2.1.5
- bug fix: fixed some bug with caption hidden under width option
version 2.1.4
- feature: added full width centering for slide image
- bug fix: fixed some full width output bug
- protection: added css protection against ul margin
- protection: improved slider not found by alias error message.
- feature: added put slider on certain pages functionality
- feature: added "pages" field to the slider widget
version 2.1.3
- bug fix: fixed some visual button css bug.
version 2.1.2
- bug fix: fixed the bug with jquery ui autocomplete
version 2.1.1
- bug fix: fixed new bugs with wordpress 3.5 compatability
- changed Style in Editor
version 2.1
- change: changed backend jquery ui version to set the slider work with wordpress 3.5.
- feature: added slider hide under some width option
- feature: added selected captions / all caption hide under some width
- added new option for linktoslide per Main Slide also. data-link need to be set to "slide" and data-linktoslide should be set to the Order Nr. of Slide you want to link
- bug fix: fixed some preview slide issue with slashes
- bug fix: made a switch between old and new jquery ui libraries. The new will be loaded for wp version 3.5+
version 2.0.6
- bug fix: changes way that layers has been saved. added json stringify.
- addition: added "alt" text to all the images in the output, so the slider could be validated.
version 2.0.5
- Bug Fix: Box Slide Failure
- Big Fix: Caption Out Failure
version 2.0.3
- feature: added show slider option for user roles (can be set in inc_php/revslider_globals.php)
- feature: added rel=0 to youtube video output.
- protection: added css protection against image margins
- change: return back the captions.css file. It was copied from captions-original.css before.
version 2.0.2
- bug fix: changed the .caption to .tp-caption in slider output.
version 2.0.1
- improvement: made captions.css copied on the fly from caption-original.css to avoid styles loss on update.
version 2.0 reloaded
- feature: added codemirror editor
- feature: added "link to slide" option
- protection: changed .caption to .tp-caption styles
- feature: added show / hide slide options for better slide layers editing
- feature: added "caption end" features
- feature: added show / hide layer and global show / hide button
- feature: added "timeline" that show the layer lifetime visually
- feature: added slide preview
- feature: added slider preview from the sliders list and slider view
- feature: added caption link to slide functionality
- feature: added video autoplay option for video captions
- protection: added protection agains output filters, 2 types of it by setting choice.
- change: removed the depth direct editing. The drag & drop is enought
- change: when duplicate layer, the layernow added to end of the sortbox list and not beneath the parent layer.
- feature: added version text to the backend and front end.
version 1.5.7
- protection: added protection aguenst wpautop filter (html p and br eclosure)
- protection: add video layer iframe protection against global css settings.
- bug fix: fixed not working api issue. Made the revapi variable global.
version 1.5.6
- bug fix: changed the is_home() to is_front_page() function when choose the slider to be on home page only.
- protection: added validations for empty or not numeric slider width and slider height
- protection: added client side protection against double jquery include
- protection: added list-style-type:none in css
version 1.5.5
-feature: added function - put on homepage only in widget area and php putRevSlider function
-feature: added transformZ(0) for Android and Google Chrome to use GPU for Animations.
version 1.5.4
- feature: added function - put js to body - protection against jquery.js after js includes.
version 1.5.3
- change: added some js protections.
- added some php protections
version 1.5.2
- change: made the slider not found error more clear.
version 1.5.1
- Workaround: Isotope CSS3 Transition Conflict solved via an add on in plugin.js
- bug fix: fixed back end caption z-index show
- feature: set accordion in slider settings.
- feature: added slider setting: "arrows always on"
- feature: added slider setting: "timer bar position"
- bug fix: if Container has no height, a start height will be defined vias jQuery to resolve the "slider not visible" issue
- bug fix: IE9 / IE8 FullScreen Link did not worked well. Issue is solved in this update.
version 1.5
----- Front End + Back End
- feature: new animation library (transition.js) has been added
- feature: new transitions added - premium 3D transitions and Custom Transitions.
- feature: shuffle mode shuffle:"on/off" to randomize the list elements at start
- feature: API with function like next, prev, maxslide, pause,resume, show, event handling (event name : revolution.slide.changed data.slideIndex = new slide index)
- feature: added slide transition rotation to slide options.
- feature: added "randomrotate" caption transition
- feature: added slide link target - new or same window
- feature: added 2 more responsive l
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