Unit 10 What are they doing?
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
交际用语 Expressions in communication
What are the pets doing in the house?
I don’t know. Let’s ask our friend.
Who can tell us?
What are the cows doing?
They are eating grass.
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
Cows, elephants, dogs, cats, snakes, bees, chicks, giraffes, pandas, turtles, fish,
tigers, ducks, horses, sheep, lions, goats, mice, rabbits, parrots, spiders, brush
teeth, read books, take a bath, play a game, have breakfast, watch TV, tell a story,
play hide-and-seek, climb the tree,play football
所需教具 Materials for teaching
相关动物图片,短语卡片,做 Bingo 的游戏纸,奖励用的小贴纸
教师上课时首先问大家 What are you doing now?教师可以引导学生回答 We are having
a class.然后,教师拿出一张有关的图片问大家:What are the cows doing now?学生应该
回答 They are eating grass now.教师接着说 Yes, Now I have many pictures. You tell
me what they are doing now. OK? 教师依次拿出图片问大家:What are they doing now?
回答:They are brushing their teeth.教师可以将问到过的动物贴在黑板上,然后将相应
问题,如 Do you often brush your teeth? When do you usually brush your teeth, in
the morning or in the evening?教师穿插的问题不宜太多,否则所要练习的句型就要受影
带领学生进行认读,然后,教师可以用这些图和短语做一个游戏。教师对学生们说 Now
let’s play a game. I’ll put all the pictures and the phrases on the table. I’ll
mix them up together.教师边说边把图片及短语卡片取下来并混在一起。I want somebody
to come to the front and quickly find three pictures together with their phrases.
Put them back on the blackboard.教师找一个同学到前面来,然后对全班说 Let’s count
the number together.One, two, three, four, five, six 最后教师看该学生在哪个数字前结
束,然后教师说 Who wants to be the next one?该游戏继续进行,直到所有的图片及短语
单元教学活动 2 Matcj amd say
Listen very carefully. I want to choose a person to come to the front and look at
a phrase and act it out. You will guess what it is. The first person will get ten