# GPS Sports Tracker IoT UniTN
<p align="center">
<img src="readmeImages/Logo.jpg" width="200" >
## Table of Contents
- [About the project](#about-the-project)
- [Project layout](#project-layout)
- [Basic](#basic)
- [Basic Requirements](#basic-requirements)
- [Basic Hardware](#basic-hardware)
- [Basic Software](#basic-software)
- [Linker options](#linker-options)
- [Compiler options](#compiler-options)
- [Basic Project wiring](#basic-project-wiring)
- [Basic Get started](#basic-get-started)
- [IoT Integration](#iot-integration)
- [IoT Requirements](#iot-requirements)
- [IoT Hardware](#iot-hardware)
- [IoT Software](#iot-software)
- [IoT Get started](#iot-get-started)
- [FrontEnd ](#frontend)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Running the Application](#running-the-application)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Using Visual Studio Code](#using-visual-studio-code)
- [JSON Format](#json-format)
- [Instructions for use](#instruction-for-use)
- [Autors](#autors)
- [Links](#links)
## About the project
Welcome to the GPS Sport Tracker!
This system has been designed to keep track of your sporting activities and routes. It utilizes a combination of microcontrollers and a GPS device to gather the data, which is then sent to the server for storage and later displayed on the website.
The system include the following components:
- **MSP432** :This device samples the data received from the GPS, processes it, and sends it via UART to the ESP32 board.
- **ESP32** : This microcontroller receives data via serial communication and enables the system to connect to the internet in order to send data to the web server.
- **GPS Module**: This module connects to satellites, receives, and transmits the received data via serial communication.
The entire process starts by initiating the run from the MSP432 through the interaction menu. Subsequently, the board will start sampling data received from the GPS sensor every 10 seconds. Once the button to end the run is pressed, the collected data will be processed, extracting some useful statistics, and then sent to the ESP32 board, which was waiting until then. Upon receiving the data, it will format them into JSON format to make them suitable for insertion into the database. Once formatted, the program will check if it is connected to a Wi-Fi network, and if affirmative, it will send them to the server, which will insert them into the MongoDB database. On the backend side, the web server will handle various requests that can come from both ESP32 and the website. Finally, the website, through a GET request to the server, will obtain the run data and plot them on the map and display statistics in the dashboard.
## Project layout
<p align="center">
<img src="readmeImages/ESITprojectGraph.jpg" width="900">
## Basic
The Basic idea of the project is to develop a tracking system that enables you to see some statistics about your workout. The tracker can be used offline and the statistics are displayed on the LCD screen.
### Basic Requirements
#### Basic Hardware
- `MSP432p401r` of the Texas Instrument company with its own expansion: the `BOOSTXL-EDUMKII`.
- `ESP32-WROOM-32` module 2.4 GHz Dual Core WLAN WiFi Bluetooth
- `GPS Mini NEO-6M` GPS module.
#### Basic Software
In order to flash the program into the Texas Instrument components, you first need to install [Code Composer Studio](https://www.ti.com/tool/download/CCSTUDIO/12.2.0).
The next step is to create a new CCS project, choosing the right target system (MSP432P401R), and paste all the files in `MSP_Code/GPS_Sport_Tracker` folder into your project.
Finally, to run the project you will need to add the driverlib library, both to the linker and to the compiler option. You can find the library at the following [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1krZfBNAFiE6yAChQfHZVE-b0wfuDitgV/view?usp=sharing).
#### Linker options
<p align="center">
<img src="readmeImages/CCSLinker.png" width="500">
#### Compiler options
<p align="center">
<img src="readmeImages/CCScompiler.png" width="500">
#### Basic Project wiring
<p align="center">
<img src="readmeImages/wiring_schema.jpg" width="500">
#### Basic Get started
If all the software requirements are satisfied, you need to connect the gps module and the microcontroller as you can see in the electric schema above. Now, you are able to flash the program on the MSP, using the command flash on CCS, and start using the whole offline system.
Before you can start the run you have to wait for the data sent from the gps to be valid and the "FIXING" screen will be displayed, once the data is valid, the "IDLE" screen will appear and you can start the run.
## IoT Integration
This extension allows you to connect the basic system to the internet. In this way you can visualize all your data on a website with additional infomation that can't be displayed on the lcd screen.
### IoT Requirements
#### IoT Hardware
You will only need an ESP32 (ESP-WROOM-32)
#### IoT Software
1. NodeJS
2. npm
3. Arduino IDE (version 1.8.19 is recommended)
5. MongoDB, MongoDBCompass
#### **NodeJS, npm**
How can I install all of this? Just follow next instructions.
To install `NodeJS` and `npm` you can easily follow the instruction on this [guide]( https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm).
Now that `NodeJS` and `npm` are installed, opne the `node_server` folder in your terminal and type this command
npm install
This command will install for you all the NodeJS packages needed.
#### **Arduino IDE**
Simply download the version for you on their [official web site](https://www.arduino.cc/en/software) and follow the installation procedure.
Once you have installed it you have to download some libraries to be able to operate on the ESP32 and manage http communication between NodeJS server and ESP32.
First of all open Arduino IDE and go to `Tools > Board > Boards Manager`, search for ESP32 by Espressif Systems and press install.
<p align="center">
<img src="readmeImages/boardManagerW.png" width="500">
#### **MongoDB, MongoDBCompass**
Now you have two solution:
1. running the database on your local machine
2. running the database on the cloud
You can create your local cluster with `MongoDB` and `MongoDBCompass` following this [guide](https://zellwk.com/blog/local-mongodb/) (how to create the database and how to connect it, don't look at how to connect from server NodeJS). This method is good if you have a home server but it is not the best if you haven't because your machine should run 24/7.
Otherwhise you can create your MongoDB account and create your cluster online. Follow this [guide](https://www.mongodb.com/basics/clusters/mongodb-cluster-setup) for that.
Once you have your cluster you have to create one database, witch will be composed of one collection:
- positions
At the end you should have something like this in your Database.
<p align="center">
<img src="readmeImages/MongoDBCollection.png" width="500">
You have to use the exact name of the collection.
Now the configuration of the software is done, later we will have to modify some code!
#### IoT get started
Now we have to install the Esp32 windows drivers in order to let to the OS to see the board. You can follow this [**guide**](https://www.lelezapp.it/installare-driver-cp2102-per-programmare-esp32-in-windows/).
##### .env file for database URL
Now we have to create a `.env` file in the `webServer` folder.
Once you have created it, open it and in the first line write:
automatically MongoDB will provide you the right URL, in case you have created your cluster online it will look like the example above.
##### Set NodeJS server IP address in ESP32 code
We need to tell the ESP32 which address to send
- 粉丝: 454
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