function profile = progen(initpos,initvel,initdcm,segparam)
%PROGEN Flight profile generator. Local-level version
% suitable for short-distance, short-duration flights.
% Profile can consist of:
% - constant-velocity straight segments (level,
% climbing or descending)
% - constant-acceleration straight segments (level,
% climbing or descending)
% - constant-altitude, constant-radius turns
% - transitions between flight segments (e.g.,
% between straight-and-level and climbing flight)
% profile = progen(initpos,initvel,initdcm,segparam)
% initpos = initial position of vehicle
% (ENU cartesian coordinates) (meters)
% initvel = initial velocity vector (ENU
% cartesian coordinates) (m/s)
% initdcm = initial direction cosine matrix (nav-to-body)
% for vehicle attitude (3x3 matrix)
% segparam = segment and turn parameters; N x ? matrix
% where ...
% segparam(i,1) = segment type identifier
% 1 = straight constant-velocity
% 2 = straight constant-acceleration
% 3 = constant-altitude, constant-radius turn
% 4 = transition between segments
% segparam(i,2) = duration (in seconds) of i-th segment;
% if the segment type number is 1, the
% velocity will be held constant at the
% value achieved at the end of the previous
% segment (except in the case of segment
% number 1 in which case the input vector
% INITVEL is used);
% if this segment is a turn or transition,
% this parameter is ignored (i.e., treated
% as a dummy argument)
% segparam(i,3) = total acceleration in g's for i-th
% segment; this parameter is ignored
% for all segment type numbers other than 2
% segparam(i,4) = amount of turn (degrees); note the
% direction of the turn is given by the
% bank (roll) angle specified in the
% direction cosine matrix (dcm); the
% aircraft thus must be banked prior to
% the execution of a turn; use the
% transition manuever (segment type
% number 4 to roll into the proper
% bank angle;
% for segment type numbers other than 3,
% this parameter is a dummy argument
% segparam(i,5) = used for transitions only; this parameter
% is the desired roll (bank) angle to be
% achieved by the end of the transition
% (degrees); if the roll angle is to be
% left unchanged (i.e., during a pitch
% only transition), this parameter should
% be set to -999; for segment type numbers
% other than 4, this parameter is a dummy
% argument
% segparam(i,6) = used for transitions only; this parameter
% is the roll-rate (degrees/sec) to be
% used during a roll manuever; for segment
% numbers other than 4, this parameter is
% a dummy argument
% segparam(i,7) = used for transitions only; this parameter
% is the desired pitch angle to be
% achieved by the end of the transition
% (degrees); if the pitch angle is to be
% left unchanged (i.e., during a roll
% only transition), this parameter should
% be set to -999; for segment type numbers
% other than 4, this parameter is a dummy
% argument
% segparam(i,8) = used for transitions only; this parameter
% is the pitch-rate (degrees/sec) to be
% used during a pitch manuever; for segment
% numbers other than 4, this parameter is
% a dummy argument
% segparam(i,9) = time step for i-th segment (seconds)
% profile = flight profile
% profile(i,1:3) = ENU path generated; 1=x, 2=y, 3=z
% profile(i,4:6) = ENU velocity; 4 = x-velocity,
% 5 = y-velocity, 6 = z-velocity
% profile(i,7:9) = ENU acceleration; 7 = x-acceleration,
% 8 = y-acceleration, 9 = z-acceleration
% profile(i,10:18) = elements of the direction cosine matrix
% (DCM) for vehicle attitude; 10 = DCM(1,1),
% 11 = DCM(1,2), 12 = DCM(1,3),
% 13 = DCM(2,1), et cetera
% profile(i,19) = simulation run time (seconds)
% For each segment specified, all eight parameters in SEGPARAM must
% be specified. Dummy arguments must have a value assigned.
% Roll and pitch transitions must be accomplished separately. As a
% result, separate segments (and, thus, rows in the SEGPARAM matrix)
% must be specified for roll and pitch maneuvers.
% M. & S. Braasch 12-97, Updated 8-98
% Copyright (c) 1997-98 by GPSoft LLC
% All Rights Reserved.
if nargin<5,deltat=1;end
if nargin<4,error('insufficient number of input arguments'),end
[m,n]=size(initvel); if m>n, initvel=initvel'; end
[m,n]=size(initpos); if m>n, initpos=initpos'; end
[m,n]=size(segparam); nsegs = m;
profile(1,1:3) = initpos;
profile(1,4:6) = initvel;
profile(1,7:9) = [0 0 0];
profile(1,10:12) = initdcm(1,1:3);
profile(1,13:15) = initdcm(2,1:3);
profile(1,16:18) = initdcm(3,1:3);
for i = 1:nsegs,
fprintf(1,' Creating profile for segment number %i \n',i)
deltat = segparam(i,9);
if i == 1,
pos = initpos;
vel = initvel;
dcm = initdcm;
k = size(profile,1);
pos = profile(k,1:3);
vel = profile(k,4:6);
dcm(1,1:3) = profile(k,10:12);
dcm(2,1:3) = profile(k,13:15);
dcm(3,1:3) = profile(k,16:18);
if segparam(i,1) == 1,
acc = [0 0 0];
duration = segparam(i,2);
profilez = prostrai(pos,vel,acc,dcm,duration,deltat);
elseif segparam(i,1) == 2,
eul_vect = dcm2eulr(dcm);
z = sin(eul_vect(2));
x = sin(eul_vect(3));
y = cos(eul_vect(3));
acc = segparam(i,3)*9.81*[x y z];
duration = segparam(i,2);
profilez = prostrai(pos,vel,acc,dcm,duration,deltat);
elseif segparam(i,1) == 3,
acc = [0 0 0];
turnamt = segparam(i,4);
[profilez,errflg] = ...
elseif segparam(i,1) == 4,
acc = [0 0 0];
if segparam(i,5) == -999,
pitchv = [segparam(i,7) segparam(i,8)];
[profilez,errflg] = propitch(pos,vel,acc,dcm,pitchv,deltat);
rollv =
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惯导工具箱是一款专为捷联惯导系统( Strapdown Inertial Navigation System,SINS)设计的MATLAB软件包,旨在帮助用户进行惯性导航系统的建模、仿真与分析。惯导系统是一种利用陀螺仪和加速度计来测量飞行器或车辆运动状态的设备,它无需依赖外部参考信号,能提供连续的、自主的导航信息。
1. **惯性传感器模型**:工具箱包含了对陀螺仪和加速度计的数学模型,这些模型能够描述传感器的测量误差,如随机游走、偏置漂移和量程误差等。通过这些模型,用户可以更准确地模拟传感器的性能。
2. **数据融合与卡尔曼滤波**:惯导系统通常采用卡尔曼滤波算法来融合来自不同传感器的数据,以减小噪声影响并提高导航精度。工具箱提供了实现不同版本卡尔曼滤波器的函数,如标准卡尔曼滤波、扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)和无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)。
3. **姿态解算**:惯导系统需要计算出载体的姿态(俯仰、偏航和翻滚角),这通常通过四元数或欧拉角来表示。工具箱包含姿态解算算法,如Madgwick滤波、Mahony滤波以及基于互补滤波的方法。
4. **导航方程**:工具箱实现了完整的惯性导航方程,包括地球运动模型、线性化处理和误差状态估计等,用户可以通过这些方程进行位置、速度和方向的动态更新。
5. **仿真与测试**:用户可以使用工具箱中的功能进行系统仿真,比如设定不同的初始条件、传感器误差特性,以及模拟真实环境下的运动轨迹。此外,还有用于验证和评估系统性能的测试工具。
6. **可视化**:惯导工具箱可能包含图形用户界面(GUI)或者可视化脚本,以展示载体的三维运动轨迹、传感器输出和滤波结果,帮助用户直观理解系统行为。
7. **误差分析与优化**:通过工具箱,用户可以进行系统误差分析,识别关键误差源,并优化滤波参数,以提高整体导航性能。
8. **教育与研究**:惯导工具箱对于教育和研究来说非常有用,它可以帮助学生和研究人员快速理解和实现惯导系统的基本概念,同时也为高级研究提供了灵活的平台。
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