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Cloud computing promises to increase the velocity with which applications are deployed, increase innovation,
and lower costs, all while increasing business agility. Sun takes an inclusive view of cloud computing that
allows it to support every facet, including the server, storage, network, and virtualization technology that drives
cloud computing environments to the software that runs in virtual appliances that can be used to assemble
applications in minimal time. This white paper discusses how cloud computing transforms the way we design,
build, and deliver applications, and the architectural considerations that enterprises must make when adopting
and using cloud computing technology.
White Paper
1st Edition, June 2009
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Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................... 1
Sun’s perspective ................................................................................................ 1
The Nature of Cloud Computing .......................................................................3
Building on established trends ............................................................................. 3
Virtual machines as the standard deployment object ........................................ 3
The on-demand, self-service, pay-by-use model ................................................. 4
Services are delivered over the network............................................................ 7
The role of open source software ..................................................................... 8
Cloud computing infrastructure models ............................................................... 9
Public, private, and hybrid clouds .................................................................... 9
Architectural layers of cloud computing ......................................................... 12
Cloud application programming interfaces ..................................................... 14
Cloud computing benefits ................................................................................. 15
Reduce run time and response time ............................................................... 15
Minimize infrastructure risk ........................................................................... 15
Lower cost of entry ....................................................................................... 16
Increased pace of innovation ......................................................................... 16
Architectural Considerations for IaaS .............................................................. 17
Evolving application architectures ...................................................................... 17
Changing approaches to architecture ............................................................. 17
Changing application designs ........................................................................ 17
The goals remain the same ................................................................................ 19
Consistent and stable abstraction layer .............................................................. 20
Standards help to address complexity ............................................................ 21
Loose-coupled, stateless, fail-in-place computing ................................................ 23
Horizontal scaling ............................................................................................. 24
Parallelization .................................................................................................. 24
Divide and conquer ....................................................................................... 26
Data physics ..................................................................................................... 27
The relationship between data and processing ............................................... 27
Programming strategies ................................................................................ 28
Compliance and data physics ........................................................................ 28
Security and data physics .............................................................................. 29
Network security practices ................................................................................ 29
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Sun and Cloud Computing ............................................................................. 31
Innovations from the Sun community ................................................................ 31
Community and open standards ........................................................................ 32
The importance of choice .................................................................................. 32
Choosing a cloud computing provider ................................................................ 32
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................ 33
Sun Microsystems, Inc.1 Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture
Chapter 1
Everyone has an opinion on what is cloud computing. It can be the ability to rent a
server or a thousand servers and run a geophysical modeling application on the most
powerful systems available anywhere. It can be the ability to rent a virtual server,
load software on it, turn it on and off at will, or clone it ten times to meet a sudden
workload demand. It can be storing and securing immense amounts of data that is
accessible only by authorized applications and users. It can be supported by a cloud
provider that sets up a platform that includes the OS, Apache, a MySQL™ database,
Perl, Python, and PHP with the ability to scale automatically in response to changing
workloads. Cloud computing can be the ability to use applications on the Internet
that store and protect data while providing a service — anything including email,
sales force automation and tax preparation. It can be using a storage cloud to hold
application, business, and personal data. And it can be the ability to use a handful of
Web services to integrate photos, maps, and GPS information to create a mashup in
customer Web browsers.
Sun’s perspective
Sun takes an inclusive view that there are many different types of clouds, and
many different applications that can be built using them. To the extent that cloud
computing helps to increase the velocity at which applications are deployed, helping
to increase the pace of innovation, cloud computing may yet take forms that we
still cannot imagine today. What remains constant, however, is that Sun is an
experienced provider of server, storage, networking, and software technology that
is ready to support cloud computing. As the company that coined the phrase “The
Network is the Computer™,” we believe that cloud computing is the next generation
of network computing.
What distinguishes cloud computing from previous models? Boiled down to a
phrase, it’s using information technology as a service over the network. We define it
as services that are encapsulated, have an API, and are available over the network.
This definition encompasses using both compute and storage resources as services.
Cloud computing is based on the principle of efficiency above all — efficiency that
produces high-level tools for handling 80% of use cases so that applications can be
created and deployed at an astonishing rate.
Cloud computing can be provided using an enterprise datacenter’s own servers,
or it can be provided by a cloud provider that takes all of the capital risk of owning
the infrastructure. The illusion is that resources are infinite. While the field is in its
infancy, the model is taking the information technology (IT) world by storm. The
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