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We propose a self-stabilizing algorithm for computing a maximal matching in an anony- mous network. The complexity is O(n2) moves with high probability, under the ad- versarial distributed daemon. Among all adversarial distributed daemons and with the anonymous assumption, our algorithm provides the best known complexity. Moreover, the previous best known algorithm working under the same daemon and using identity has a O(m) complexity leading to the same order of growth than our anonymous al- gorithm. Finally, we do not make the common assumption that a node can determine whether one of its neighbors points to it or to another node, and still we present a solution with the same asymptotic behavior.
December 9, 2016 15:13 PPL S012962641650016X page 1
Parallel Processing Letters
Vol. 26, No. 4 (2016) 1650016 (17 pages)
World Scientific Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S012962641650016X
A Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for Maximal Matching
in Anonymous Networks
Johanne Cohen
LRI, CNRS, Universit´e Paris Sud, Universit´e Paris-Saclay, Franc e
Jonas Lef`evre
Ecole Polytechnique, Universit´e Paris-Saclay, France
Khaled Maˆamra
, Laurence Pilard
and Devan Sohier
LI-PaRAD, Universit´e Versailles-St. Quentin, Universit´e Paris-Saclay, France
Received January 2014
Revised July 2016
Communicated by P. Spirakis
Published 21 December 2016
We propose a self-stabilizing algorithm for computing a maximal matching in an anony-
mous network. The complexity is O(n
) moves with high probability, under the ad-
versarial distributed daemon. Among all adversarial distributed daemons and with the
anonymous assumption, our algorithm provides the best known complexity. Moreover,
the previous best known algorithm working under the same daemon and using identity
has a O(m) complexity leading to the same order of growth than our anonymous al-
gorithm. Finally, we do not make the common assumption that a node can determine
whether one of its neighbors points to it or to another node, and still we present a
solution with the same asymptotic behavior.
Keywords: Randomized algorithm; self-stabilization; maximal matching; anonymous
1. Introduction
A matching M in a graph is a set of edges without common vertices. A matching
is maximal if no proper superset of M is also a matching. Matching problems have
This work was partially funding by DIGITEO, project RI2Aˆ2.
Parallel Process. Lett. 2016.26. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com
by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 12/27/16. For personal use only.
December 9, 2016 15:13 PPL S012962641650016X page 2
J. Cohen et al.
received a lot of attention in different areas. In context of dynamic load balancing,
job scheduling in parallel and distributed systems can be solved by algorithms
using a maximal matching set of communication links [1, 8] as a basic and black-
box function. In this paper, we present a self-stabilizing algorithm for finding a
maximal matching in anonymous network.
Self-stabilizing algorithms [3, 4], are distributed algorithms that recover after
any transient failure without external intervention, i.e., starting from any arbitrary
initial state, the system eventually converges to a correct behavior. The environment
of self-stabilizing algorithms is modeled by the notion of daemon.Adaemon allows
to capture the different behaviors of such algorithms accordingly to the execution
environment. Two major types of daemons exist: the sequential and the distributed
ones. The se quential daemon means that exactly one eligible process is scheduled
for execution at a time. The distributed daemon means that any non empty subset
of eligible processes is scheduled for execution at a time. In an orthogonal way, a
daemon can be fair (meaning that every eligible process is eventually scheduled
for execution) or adversarial (meaning that the daemon only guarantees global
progress, i.e., at any time, at least one eligible process is scheduled for execution).
We can compare the strength of daemons by comparing the possible executions un-
der each daemon. For instance, the adversarial sequential daemon is more powerful
than the fair sequential one since every execution that is possible under the fair
sequential daemon is also possible under the adversarial sequential one, but there
exists some executions that are possible under the adversarial sequential daemon
but not under the fair sequential daemon. As a matter of fact, the only daemon
that does not give any constraint on the execution is the adversarial distributed
one. Thus this daemon is the most powerful among all daemons and then it is more
difficult to design a self-stabilizing algorithm under this daemon than under any
other daemons.
In this paper we provide a self-stabilizing algorithm called AnonyMatch,that
is a randomized algorithm for finding a maximal matching in an anonymous net-
work. We show the algorithm stabilizes in O(n
) moves with high probability un-
der the adversarial distributed daemon. Among all algorithms for adversarial dis-
tributed daemons and under the anonymous assumption, our algorithm provides
the best complexity as far as we know. Moreover, the previous best known algo-
rithm working under the same daemon and using identities has a O(m) complexity
leading to the same order of complexity than our anonymous algorithm.
AnonyMatch is our main contribution. We provide other results concerning
the anonymous assumption. In all previous papers dealing with self-stabilizing max-
imal matching in anonymous systems [2, 9, 11, 13, 14], authors make the assumption
that nodes can determine whether its neighbor points to itself or to some other node.
But, this assumption is not that simple to achieve in anonymous systems since the
usual way to do it is using identifiers. In this paper, we investigate this question and
present a classical algorithm [4], called LinkN ame, that gives unique local names
to all neighbors of a node in an anonymous system. This algorithm is defined under
Parallel Process. Lett. 2016.26. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com
by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 12/27/16. For personal use only.
December 9, 2016 15:13 PPL S012962641650016X page 3
A Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for Maximal Matching in Anonymous Networks
the link-register model and allows to build a system in which this assumption holds.
Then we give a slight modification of AnonyMatch, called AnonyMatch2, lead-
ing to a solution that does not need this assumption anymore. AnonyMatch is
defined under the state model while its modified version has to be specified un-
der the link-register model. We finally show that this method can be used in all
previous anonymous matching algorithms, leading to the following conclusion: the
assumption that a node can know if a neighbor points to itself or to some other
node in an anonymous system is meaningful.
In Section 2, we present related works. In Section 3, we give the model
used in this paper. In particular we present the state model used in algorithm
AnonyMatch and the link-register model used in AnonyMatch2. In Section 4,
we present AnonyMatch with its complexity computation. Finally, the issue of
determining if an adjacent node points to oneself is investigated in Section 5.
2. Related works
Several self-stabilizing algorithms have been proposed to compute maximal match-
ing in unweighted or weighted general graphs. For an unweighted graph, Hsu and
Huang [14] gave the first algorithm and proved a bound of O(n
ber of moves under a sequential adversarial daemon. The complexity analysis is
completed by Hedetniemi et al. [13]toO(m) moves. Manne et al. [17]presenteda
self-stabilizing algorithm for finding a maximal matching. The complexity of this
algorithm is proved to be O(m) moves under a distributed adversarial daemon. In
a weighted graph, Manne and Mjelde [16] presented the first self-stabilizing algo-
rithm for computing a weighted matching of a graph with an 1/2-approximation of
the optimal solution. They established their algorithm stabilizes after at most an
exponential number of moves under any adversarial daemon (i.e., sequential or dis-
tributed). Turau and Hauck [20] gave a modified version of the previous algorithm
that stabilizes after O(nm) moves under any adversarial daemon.
All algorithms presented above, but the Hsu and Huang [14], assume nodes
have unique identity. The Hsu and Huang’s algorithm is the first one working in an
anonymous network. This algorithm operates under a sequential daemon (fair or
adversarial) in order to achieve symmetry breaking. Indeed, Manne et al. [17]proved
that in an anonymous general network there exists no deterministic self-stabilizing
solution to the maximal matching problem under a synchronous daemon. This is
a general result that holds whatever the communication and atomicity model (the
state model with guarded rule atomicity or the link-register model with read/write
atomicity). Goddard et al. [9] proposed a generalized scheme that can convert any
anonymous and deterministic algorithm that stabilizes under an adversarial se-
quential daemon into a randomized one that stabilizes under a distributed daemon,
using only constant extra space and without identity. The expected slowdown is
bounded by O(n
) moves. The composition of these two algorithms can compute a
maximal matching in O(mn
) expected moves in an anonymous network under a
distributed daemon.
Parallel Process. Lett. 2016.26. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com
by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 12/27/16. For personal use only.
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