MATPOWER - A MATLAB(R) Power System Simulation Package
Version: 5.1
Home Page: http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/
Authors: Ray Zimmerman <rz10@cornell.edu>
Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez <carlos_murillo@ieee.org>
and others, see AUTHORS file
Fri, Mar 20, 2015
$Id: README.txt 2666 2015-03-20 22:46:13Z ray $
Copyright (c) 1997-2015 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
without any warranty.
MATPOWER is a package of MATLAB(R) M-files for solving power flow and
optimal power flow problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for
researchers and educators that is easy to use and modify. MATPOWER
is designed to give the best performance possible while keeping the code
simple to understand and modify. It was initially developed as part
of the PowerWeb project <http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/powerweb/>.
MATPOWER can be downloaded from the MATPOWER home page above.
Please see the LICENSE file for the details. But here is the summary:
- Beginning with version 5.1, the code in MATPOWER is distributed under
the 3-clause BSD license.
- MATPOWER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- While not required by the terms of the license, we do request that
publications derived from the use of MATPOWER explicitly acknowledge
that fact by citing [1].
[1] R. D. Zimmerman, C. E. Murillo-Sanchez, and R. J. Thomas,
"MATPOWER: Steady-State Operations, Planning and Analysis Tools
for Power Systems Research and Education," Power Systems, IEEE
Transactions on, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 12–19, Feb. 2011.
Note: Versions 4.0 through 5.0 were licensed under the GPL and versions
prior to MATPOWER 4 use a different license.
System Requirements
- MATLAB(R) version 7 (R14) or later
(available from The MathWorks, Inc. http://www.mathworks.com/), or
- GNU Octave version 3.4 or later (free software available from
1. Follow the download instructions on the MATPOWER home page. You
should end up with a file named matpowerXXX.zip, where XXX depends
on the version of MATPOWER.
2. Unzip the downloaded file. Move the resulting matpowerXXX directory
to the location of your choice. These files should not need to be
modified, so it is recommended that they be kept separate from your
own code. Let $MATPOWER denote the path to this directory.
3. Add the following directories to your MATLAB path:
$MATPOWER - core MATPOWER functions
$MATPOWER/t - test scripts for MATPOWER
(optional) subdirectories of $MATPOWER/extras -
additional functionality and contributed code
4. At the MATLAB prompt, type 'test_matpower' (without the quotes) to
run the test suite and verify that MATPOWER is properly installed
and functioning.
To run a simple Newton power flow on the 9-bus system specified in the
file case9.m, with the default algorithm options, at the MATLAB prompt,
To load the 30-bus system data from case30.m, increase its real power
demand at bus 2 to 30 MW, then run an AC optimal power flow with
default options, type:
mpc = loadcase('case30');
mpc.bus(2, PD) = 30;
By default, the results of the simulation are pretty-printed to the
screen, but the solution can also be optionally returned in a 'results'
struct. The following example shows how simple it is, after running a DC
OPF on the 118-bus system in case118.m, to access the final objective
function value, the real power output of generator 6 and the power flow
in branch 51.
results = rundcopf('case118');
final_objective = results.f;
gen6_output = results.gen(6, PG);
branch51_flow = results.branch(51, PF);
For additional info, see the User's Manual and the on-line help
documentation for the various MATPOWER functions. For example:
help runpf
help runopf
help mpoption
help caseformat
Below is a summary of the changes since version 5.0 of MATPOWER. See the
CHANGES file in the docs directory for all the gory details.
* New license:
- Switched to the more permissive 3-clause BSD license from the
previously used GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.0.
* New case files:
- Added four new case files, ranging from 89 up to 9421 buses,
representing parts of the European high voltage transmission network,
stemming from the Pan European Grid Advanced Simulation and State
Estimation (PEGASE) project. Thanks to Cedric Josz and colleagues from
the French Transmission System Operator.
* New documentation:
- Added an online function reference to the web site at
* New features:
- Added support for using PARDISO (http://www.pardiso-project.org/)
as linear solver for computing interior-point update steps in MIPS,
resulting in dramatic improvements in computation time and memory use
for very large-scale problems.
- Added support for LP/QP solver CLP (COIN_OR Linear Programming,
http://www.coin-or.org/projects/Clp.xml). Use 'opf.dc.solver'
option 'CLP' or qps_clp().
- Added support for OPTI Toolbox (http://www.i2c2.aut.ac.nz/Wiki/OPTI/)
versions of CLP, GLPK and IPOPT solvers, providing a very simple
installation path for some free high-performance solvers on Windows
- Network reduction toolbox for creating smaller approximate network
equivalents from a larger original case file, contributed by
Yujia Zhu and Daniel Tylavsky.
- Added unified interface to various solvers for mixed-integer linear
and quadratic programming (MILP/MIQP) problems.
- Major update to have_fcn(), which now determines and caches
version numbers and release dates for optional packages, and includes
ability to toggle the availability of optional functionality.
- New and updated support for 3rd party solvers:
- High-performance IPOPT-PARDISO solver builds from the PARDISO Project
http://www.pardiso-project.org/index.php?p=manual (at time of release
this is MATPOWER's highest performing solver for very large scale
AC OPF problems)
- OPTI Toolbox versions of CLP, GLPK, IPOPT
- Gurobi 6.x
- Knitro 9.1
- MOSEK 7.1
- Optimization Toolbox 7.2
- dual-simplex algorithm for linprog()
- intlinprog() for MILP
- New functions:
- mplinsolve() provides unified interface for linear system solvers,
including PARDISO and built-in backslash operator
- miqps_matpower() provides unified interface to multiple MILP/MIQP
- miqps_clex() provides a unified MILP/MIQP interface to CPLEX.
- miqps_glpk() provides a unified MILP interface to GLPK.
- miqps_gurobi() provides a unified MILP/MIQP interface to Gurobi.
- miqps_mosek() provides a unified MILP/MIQP interface to MOSEK.
- miqps_ot() provides a unified MILP interface to intlingprog().
- mosek_symbcon() defines symbolic constants for setting