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This paper use deep reinforcement learning to complish placement optimization. It is opportunity and challenge to physical design engineer. So I will do it from a interpreter.
Placement Optimization with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Anna Goldie and Azalia Mirhoseini
Google Brain
Placement Optimization is an important problem in systems and
chip design, which consists of mapping the nodes of a graph onto
a limited set of resources to optimize for an objective, subject to
constraints. In this paper, we start by motivating reinforcement
learning as a solution to the placement problem. We then give an
overview of what deep reinforcement learning is. We next formu-
late the placement problem as a reinforcement learning problem,
and show how this problem can be solved with policy gradient
optimization. Finally, we describe lessons we have learned from
training deep reinforcement learning policies across a variety of
placement optimization problems.
Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Placement Optimization,
Device Placement, RL for Combinatorial Optimization
ACM Reference Format:
Anna Goldie and Azalia Mirhoseini. 2020. Placement Optimization with
Deep Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Sym-
posium on Physical Design (ISPD ’20), March 29-April 1, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3372780.3378174
An important problem in systems and chip design is Placement
Optimization, which refers to the problem of mapping the nodes of
a graph onto a limited set of resources to optimize for an objective,
subject to constraints. Common examples of this class of problem
include placement of TensorFlow graphs onto hardware devices to
minimize training or inference time, or placement of an ASIC or
FPGA netlist onto a grid to optimize for power, performance, and
Placement is a very challenging problem as several factors, in-
cluding the size and topology of the input graph, number and
properties of available resources, and the requirements and con-
straints of feasible placements all contribute to its complexity. There
are many approaches to the placement problem. A range of algo-
rithms including analytical approaches [
], genetic and
hill-climbing methods [
], Integer Linear Programming (ILP)
[2, 27], and problem-specific heuristics have been proposed.
More recently, a new type of approach to the placement prob-
lem based on deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) [
] has
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on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
ISPD ’20, March 29-April 1, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7091-2/20/03.
emerged. RL-based methods bring new challenges, such as inter-
pretability, brittleness of training to convergence, and unsafe ex-
ploration. However, they also offer new opportunities, such as the
ability to leverage distributed computing, ease of problem formu-
lation, end-to-end optimization, and domain adaptation, meaning
that these methods can potentially transfer what they learn from
previous problems to new unseen instances.
In this paper, we start by motivating reinforcement learning as
a solution to the placement problem. We then give an overview
of what deep reinforcement learning is. We then formulate the
placement problem as an RL problem, and show how this problem
can be solved with p olicy gradient optimization. Finally, we describe
lessons we have learned from training deep RL policies across a
variety of placement optimization problems.
Most successful applications of machine learning are examples of
supervise d learning, where a model is trained to approximate a
particular function, given many input-output examples (e.g. given
many images labeled as cat or dog, learn to predict whether a given
image is that of a cat or a dog). Today’s state-of-the-art super-
vised models are typically deep learning models, meaning that the
function approximation is achieved by updating the weights of a
multi-layered (deep) neural network via gradient descent against a
differentiable loss function.
Reinforcement learning, on the other hand, is a separate branch
of machine learning in which a model, or policy in RL parlance,
learns to take actions in an environment (either the real world or a
simulation) to maximize a given reward function. One well-known
example of reinforcement learning is AlphaGo [
], in which a pol-
icy learned to take actions (moves in the game of Go) to maximize
its reward function (number of winning games). Deep reinforce-
ment learning is simply reinforcement learning in which the p olicy
is a deep neural network.
RL problems can be reformulated as Markov Decision Processes
(MDPs). MDPs rely on the Markov assumption, meaning that the
next state
depends only on the current state
, and is condi-
tionally independent of the past.
𝑃 (𝑠
) = 𝑃 (𝑠
Like MDPs, RL problems are defined by five key components:
states: the set of possible states of the world (e.g. the set of
valid board positions in Go)
actions: the set of actions that can be taken by the agent (e.g.
all valid moves in a game of Go)
state transition probabilities: the probability of transitioning
between any two given states.
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