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内容概要:本课程作业聚焦于CS 457/557的第四次任务,要求学生在一个简单但全面的任务环境中实施基本的强化学习算法——SARSA 和 Q-Learning。通过设置命令行参数来调整初始的学习率(步长)α、政策随机值ε及折扣率γ等关键变量,实现并评估不同策略的效果,最终生成导航策略表。此外,还包括环境细节(如开始位置、障碍物、悬崖、地雷),参数变化规律,输出格式以及额外选项(比如lambda参数用于资格迹追踪以及特征基方法计算状态行动对估计量)。为了确保学术诚信,强调了独立完成作业的必要性并禁止任何形式的作弊行为。 适合人群:本科四年级或研究生一年级以上水平的学生,特别是主修计算机科学并关注机器学习与强化学习的人群。 使用场景及目标:该作业旨在为学员提供实践动手能力,使他们能够深入理解两大经典强化学习算法的基本思想、运行机制、应用场景及其优劣之处。通过设定特定实验条件来观察模型收敛情况及策略表现,帮助学生掌握相关理论知识和技术技能。同时,它也是检验学生对该领域最新进展的认识程度的有效途径。 阅读建议:建议先阅读关于SARSA与Q-Learning的相关资料,然后按部就班进行编码实现。对于每个环节都要仔细推敲参数的意义和调整范围,并记录每一次测试的结果对比分析。由于存在多种可能的方向选择规则,在实现时可以尝试不同的探索方式以找到最佳解决方案。此外,考虑增加额外特性或者将几种改进技术结合起来使用也可能带来意想不到的好效果。
CS 457/557: Assignment 4
Due: December 11, 2024, by 11:00 pm (Central)
In this assignment, you will be implementing the SARSA and Q-learning algorithms for a navigation
task in a simple grid world environment.
Academic Integrity Policy
All work for this assignment must be your own work and it must be completed independently.
Using code from other students and/or online sources (e.g., Github) constitutes academic miscon-
duct, as does sharing your code with others either directly or indirectly (e.g., by posting it online).
Academic misconduct is a violation of the UWL Student Honor Code and is unacceptable. Pla-
giarism or cheating in any form may result in a zero on this assignment, a negative score on
this assignment, failure of the course, and/or additional sanctions. Refer to the course syllabus for
additional details on academic misconduct.
You should be able to complete the assignment using only the course notes and textbook along with
relevant programming language documentation (e.g., the Java API specification). Use of additional
resources is discouraged but not prohibited, provided that this is limited to high-level queries and
not assignment-specific concepts. As a concrete example, searching for “how to use a HashMap in
Java” is fine, but searching for “Q-learning in Java” is not.
You should submit a single compressed archive (either .zip or .tgz format) containing the following
to Canvas:
1. The complete source code for your program. I prefer that you use Java in your implemen-
tation, but if you would like to use another language, check with me before you get started.
Additional source code requirements are listed below:
• Your name must be included in a header comment at the top of each source
code file.
• Your code should follow proper software engineering principles for the chosen language,
including meaningful comments and appropriate code style.
• Your code must not make use of any non-standard or third-party libraries.
2. A README text file that provides instructions for how your program can be compiled (as
needed) and run from the command line. If your program is incomplete, then your
README should document what parts of the program are and are not working.
CS 457/557 Assignment 4 Page 2 of 12
Program Requirements
The general outline of the program is given below:
Algorithm 1 Program Flow
Process command-line arguments
Load environment from the specified file
Perform learning episodes, with periodic parameter updates and/or evaluation
Perform final evaluation of pure greedy policy based on learned Q values
Print final learned policy and additional details as appropriate
The program should be runnable from the command line, and it should be able to process command-
line arguments to update various program parameters as needed. The command-line arguments
are listed below:
• -f <FILENAME>: Reads the environment from the file named <FILENAME> (specified as a
String); see the File Format section for more details.
• -a <DOUBLE>: Specifies the (initial) learning rate (step size) α ∈ [0, 1]; default is 0.9.
• -e <DOUBLE>: Specifies the (initial) policy randomness value ϵ ∈ [0, 1]; default is 0.9.
• -g <DOUBLE>: Specifies the discount rate γ ∈ [0, 1] to use during learning; default is 0.9.
• -na <INTEGER>: Specifies the value N
which controls the decay of the learning rate (step
size) α; default is 1000.
• -ne <INTEGER>: Specifies the value N
which controls the decay of the random action thresh-
old ϵ; default is 200.
• -p <DOUBLE>: Specifies the action success probability p ∈ [0, 1]; default is 0.8.
• -q: Toggles the use of Q-Learning with off-policy updates (instead of SARSA with on-policy
updates, which is the default).
• -T <INTEGER>: Specifies the number of learning episodes (trials) to perform; default is 10000.
• -u: Toggles the use of Unicode characters in printing; disabled by default (see the Output
section for details).
• -v <INTEGER>: Specifies a verbosity level, indicating how much output the program should
produce; default is 1 (See the Output section for details)
The -f <FILENAME> option is required; all others are optional. You can assume that your program
will only be run with valid arguments (so you do not need to include error checking, though it may
be helpful for your own testing). Your program must be able to handle command-line arguments
in any order (e.g., do not assume that the first argument will be -f). Several example runs of the
program are shown at the end of this document.
Extra credit: Any program that includes support for one or both of the following options will be
eligible for a small amount of extra credit (see page 10 for details):
• -l <DOUBLE>: Specifies the λ parameter for eligibility trace decay; default is 0.0 (meaning
that eligibility traces should not be used by default).
• -w: Specifies that the agent should use a weighted sum of features to estimate Q values for
each state-action pair instead of maintaining these values in a table; disabled by default.
CS 457/557 Assignment 4 Page 3 of 12
Environment Details
The environment in which the agent operates consists of a rectangular grid of cells, with each cell
belonging to one of the following types:
• S indicates the start cell for an agent
• G indicates a goal cell
• indicates an empty cell
• B indicates a block cell
• M indicates an explosive mine cell
• C indicates a cliff cell
In an environment, the agent begins in the start cell (S), and can choose to move in one of four
directions (up, down, left, and right). Goal (G) and mine (M) cells are terminal states, which means
no further action is possible upon reaching those states. Cliff (C) cells are “restart” cells: any action
taken in a cliff cell causes the agent to return to the start cell for the next step. Block (B) cells are
obstacles that the agent must circumvent (i.e., the agent cannot enter a block cell).
In all other types of cells, any attempt at movement either succeeds as intended with some proba-
bility p ∈ [0, 1] or results in movement plus drift with probability 1 − p. The drift is perpendicular
to the intended direction of movement, and each drift direction is equally likely. For example, in
Figure 1 below, the agent is in the cell marked X and is attempting to move up to the cell marked
T. The following outcomes are possible:
• the agent moves up to enter cell T as intended with probability p;
• the agent moves up and drifts left to enter cell L with probability (1 − p)/2;
• the agent moves up and drifts right to enter cell R with probability (1 − p)/2.
Any movement (including movement plus drift) that would cause the agent to leave the bounds of
the grid or enter a block cell (B) will fail and result in the agent staying in its current location. For
example, in Figure 2 below, the agent is at the right edge of the environment and is attempting to
move up to the cell marked T. The following outcomes are possible:
• the agent moves up to enter cell T as intended with probability p;
• the agent moves up and drifts left to enter cell L with probability (1 − p)/2;
• the agent agent remains in place with probability (1 − p)/2 because moving up and drifting
right would take the agent out of bounds.
Figure 3 below shows how block cells influence outcomes. The agent is again in the cell marked
X and attempting to move up. The only movement that can occur is moving up and drifting left
(with probability (1−p)/2); moving up without drift and moving up with rightward drift both lead
to block cells which the agent cannot enter, so these outcomes result in no movement. (Note that
the possibility of drift allows the agent to move on the diagonal in an indirect way; this can lead
to some interesting “wall-hack” behavior that allows the agent to squeeze through gaps between
two block cells that are adjacent to the agent’s current location.)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
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