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内容概要:本文介绍了一种新型蛋白质功能预测方法——DeepGO。它利用深度学习从蛋白质序列和跨物种蛋白-蛋白交互网络中提取特征,并采用神经符号分类模型来构建分类器。此模型能够考虑到Gene Ontology(GO)内部类别之间的关联,优化多层次的多类、多标签预测任务,特别是在细胞定位方面超越了传统BLAST基线方法。 适合人群:生物信息学研究人员、计算生物学工作者及有志于蛋白质组学深入研究的学习者. 使用场景及目标:旨在解决实验手段难以跟上快速积累的蛋白质序列数据的问题,为新发现的蛋白质提供高效的自动化注释工具。特别适用于那些需要高精度多标签分类支持的大规模基因组工程,如全蛋白质组的功能注释项目。此外,在缺少足够高质量的三维结构时,可以作为功能推断的有效补充方法。 其他说明:该论文还提供了详细的实验评估,展示了相对于基准方法如BLAST的优势以及与其他顶尖预测系统的对比结果。并讨论了将这一框架应用于疾病相关基因关联和其他生物学现象分类的可能性。
Databases and ontologies
DeepGO: predicting protein functions from
sequence and interactions using a deep
ontology-aware classifier
Maxat Kulmanov, Mohammed Asif Khan and Robert Hoehndorf*
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering Division, Computational Bioscience Research
Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Associate Editor: Jonathan Wren
Received on May 10, 2017; revised on September 23, 2017; editorial decision on September 25, 2017; accepted on September 27, 2017
Motivation: A large number of protein sequences are becoming available through the application
of novel high-throughput sequencing technologies. Experimental functional characterization of
these proteins is time-consuming and expensive, and is often only done rigorously for few selected
model organisms. Computational function prediction approaches have been suggested to fill this
gap. The functions of proteins are classified using the Gene Ontology (GO), which contains over
40 000 classes. Additionally, proteins have multiple functions, making function prediction a large-
scale, multi-class, multi-label problem.
Results: We have developed a novel method to predict protein function from sequence. We use
deep learning to learn features from protein sequences as well as a cross-species protein–protein
interaction network. Our approach specifically outputs information in the structure of the GO and
utilizes the dependencies between GO classes as background information to construct a deep
learning model. We evaluate our method using the standards established by the Computational
Assessment of Function Annotation (CAFA) and demonstrate a significant improvement over base-
line methods such as BLAST, in particular for predicting cellular locations.
Availability and implementation: Web server: http://deepgo.bio2vec.net, Source code: https://
Contact: robert.hoehndorf@kaust.edu.sa
Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
1 Introduction
Advances in sequencing technology have led to a large and rapidly
increasing amount of genetic and protein sequences, and the amount
is expected to increase further through sequencing of additional
organisms as well as metagenomics. Although knowledge of protein
sequences is useful for many applications, such as phylogenetics and
evolutionary biology, understanding the behavior of biological sys-
tems additionally requires knowledge of the proteins’ functions.
Identifying protein functions is challenging and commonly requires
in vitro or in vivo experiments (Costanzo et al., 2016), and it is
obvious that experimental functional annotation of proteins will not
scale with the amount of novel protein sequences becoming
One approach to address the challenge of identifying proteins’
functions is the computational prediction of protein functions
(Radivojac et al., 2013). Function prediction can use several sources
of information, including protein–protein interactions (Hou, 2017;
Jiang and McQuay, 2012; Kirac and Ozsoyoglu, 2008; Nguyen
et al., 2011; Sharan et al., 2007), genetic interactions (Costanzo
et al., 2016), evolutionary relations (Gaudet et al., 2011), protein
structures and structure prediction methods (Konc et al., 2013), lit-
erature (Verspoor, 2014) or combinations of these (Sokolov and
The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. 660
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits
unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Bioinformatics, 34(4), 2018, 660–668
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx624
Advance Access Publication Date: 3 October 2017
Original Paper
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