File: APPNOTE.TXT - .ZIP File Format Specification
Version: 6.3.2
Revised: September 28, 2007
Copyright (c) 1989 - 2007 PKWARE Inc., All Rights Reserved.
The use of certain technological aspects disclosed in the current
APPNOTE is available pursuant to the below section entitled
"Incorporating PKWARE Proprietary Technology into Your Product".
I. Purpose
This specification is intended to define a cross-platform,
interoperable file storage and transfer format. Since its
first publication in 1989, PKWARE has remained committed to
ensuring the interoperability of the .ZIP file format through
publication and maintenance of this specification. We trust that
all .ZIP compatible vendors and application developers that have
adopted and benefited from this format will share and support
this commitment to interoperability.
II. Contacting PKWARE
648 N. Plankinton Avenue, Suite 220
Milwaukee, WI 53203
+1-414-289-9789 FAX
III. Disclaimer
Although PKWARE will attempt to supply current and accurate
information relating to its file formats, algorithms, and the
subject programs, the possibility of error or omission cannot
be eliminated. PKWARE therefore expressly disclaims any warranty
that the information contained in the associated materials relating
to the subject programs and/or the format of the files created or
accessed by the subject programs and/or the algorithms used by
the subject programs, or any other matter, is current, correct or
accurate as delivered. Any risk of damage due to any possible
inaccurate information is assumed by the user of the information.
Furthermore, the information relating to the subject programs
and/or the file formats created or accessed by the subject
programs and/or the algorithms used by the subject programs is
subject to change without notice.
If the version of this file is marked as a NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE,
the content defines an Early Feature Specification (EFS) change
to the .ZIP file format that may be subject to modification prior
to publication of the Final Feature Specification (FFS). This
document may also contain information on Planned Feature
Specifications (PFS) defining recognized future extensions.
IV. Change Log
Version Change Description Date
------- ------------------ ----------
5.2 -Single Password Symmetric Encryption 06/02/2003
6.1.0 -Smartcard compatibility 01/20/2004
-Documentation on certificate storage
6.2.0 -Introduction of Central Directory 04/26/2004
Encryption for encrypting metadata
-Added OS/X to Version Made By values
6.2.1 -Added Extra Field placeholder for 04/01/2005
POSZIP using ID 0x4690
-Clarified size field on
"zip64 end of central directory record"
6.2.2 -Documented Final Feature Specification 01/06/2006
for Strong Encryption
-Clarifications and typographical
6.3.0 -Added tape positioning storage 09/29/2006
-Expanded list of supported hash algorithms
-Expanded list of supported compression
-Expanded list of supported encryption
-Added option for Unicode filename
-Clarifications for consistent use
of Data Descriptor records
-Added additional "Extra Field"
6.3.1 -Corrected standard hash values for 04/11/2007
6.3.2 -Added compression method 97 09/28/2007
-Documented InfoZIP "Extra Field"
values for UTF-8 file name and
file comment storage
V. General Format of a .ZIP file
Files stored in arbitrary order. Large .ZIP files can span multiple
volumes or be split into user-defined segment sizes. All values
are stored in little-endian byte order unless otherwise specified.
Overall .ZIP file format:
[local file header 1]
[file data 1]
[data descriptor 1]
[local file header n]
[file data n]
[data descriptor n]
[archive decryption header]
[archive extra data record]
[central directory]
[zip64 end of central directory record]
[zip64 end of central directory locator]
[end of central directory record]
A. Local file header:
local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50)
version needed to extract 2 bytes
general purpose bit flag 2 bytes
compression method 2 bytes
last mod file time 2 bytes
last mod file date 2 bytes
crc-32 4 bytes
compressed size 4 bytes
uncompressed size 4 bytes
file name length 2 bytes
extra field length 2 bytes
file name (variable size)
extra field (variable size)
B. File data
Immediately following the local header for a file
is the compressed or stored data for the file.
The series of [local file header][file data][data
descriptor] repeats for each file in the .ZIP archive.
C. Data descriptor:
crc-32 4 bytes
compressed size 4 bytes
uncompressed size 4 bytes
This descriptor exists only if bit 3 of the general
purpose bit flag is set (see below). It is byte aligned
and immediately follows the last byte of compressed data.
This descriptor is used only when it was not possible to
seek in the output .ZIP file, e.g., when the output .ZIP file
was standard output or a non-seekable device. For ZIP64(tm) format
archives, the compressed and uncompressed sizes are 8 bytes each.
When compressing files, compressed and uncompressed sizes
should be stored in ZIP64 format (as 8 byte values) when a
files size exceeds 0xFFFFFFFF. However ZIP64 format may be
used regardless of the size of a file. When extracting, if
the zip64 extended information extra field is present for
the file the compressed and uncompressed sizes will be 8
byte values.
Although not originally assigned a signature, the value
0x08074b50 has commonly been adopted as a signature value
for the data descriptor record. Implementers should be
aware that ZIP files may be encountered with or without this
signature marking data descriptors and should account for
either case when reading ZIP files to ensure compatibility.
When writing ZIP files, it is recommended to include the
signature value marking the data descriptor record. When
the signature is used, the fields currently defined for
the data descriptor record will immediately follow the
An extensible data descriptor will be released in a future
version of this APPNOTE. This new record is intended to
resolve conflicts with the use of this record going forward,
and to provide better support for streamed file processing.
When the Central Directory Encryption method is used, the data
descriptor record is not required, but may be used. If present,
and bit 3 of the general purpose bit field is set to indicate
its presence, the values in fields of the data descriptor
record should be set to binary zeros.
D. Archive decryption header:
The Archive
需积分: 0 152 浏览量
收藏 464.14MB ZIP 举报
我们来详细了解一下HTML(HyperText Markup Language)。HTML是网页内容的主要标记语言,通过使用不同的标签,我们可以定义文本、图像、链接等各种网页元素。例如,`<head>`用于设置页面元数据,`<body>`包含页面可见内容,`<h1>`到`<h6>`定义标题,`<p>`用于段落,`<a>`创建链接,`<img>`插入图像,等等。HTML5的出现引入了更多语义化标签,如`<header>`、`<nav>`、`<article>`和`<footer>`,提高了代码可读性和SEO优化。
接着,CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)负责网页的样式和布局。通过选择器,你可以指定HTML元素的样式属性,如颜色、字体、大小、间距等。CSS3引入了更多的选择器类型,如类选择器(`.class`)、ID选择器(`#id`)、伪类(`:hover`、`:active`)以及媒体查询(`@media`),使得响应式设计成为可能,让网页能适应不同设备的屏幕尺寸。
1. **头部**(Header):包括logo、导航菜单和搜索框等。
2. **主体**(Main Content):展示主要信息,如文章、产品列表或服务介绍。
3. **侧栏**(Sidebar):显示额外的链接、分类、广告或最近文章。
4. **底部**(Footer):包含版权信息、联系方式和社交媒体链接。
5. **响应式设计**(Responsive Design):确保模板在手机、平板和桌面电脑上都能正常显示。
- 粉丝: 9613
- 资源: 2069
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