# vue-jest
Jest transformer for Vue Single File Components.
## Installation
Since we need to support a variety of Vue and Jest versions, vue-jest doesn't follow semantic versioning.
| Vue version | Jest Version | npm Package | Branch |
| ----------- | ----------------- | ------------------- | ------ |
| Vue 2 | Jest 26 and below | `vue-jest@4` | |
| Vue 3 | Jest 26 and below | `vue-jest@5` | |
| Vue 2 | Jest 27 and above | `@vue/vue2-jest@27` | 27.x |
| Vue 3 | Jest 27 and above | `@vue/vue3-jest@27` | 27.x |
| Vue 2 | Jest 28 and above | `@vue/vue2-jest@28` | 28.x |
| Vue 3 | Jest 28 and above | `@vue/vue3-jest@28` | 28.x |
# Vue 2
npm install --save-dev @vue/vue2-jest@28 # (use the appropriate version)
yarn add @vue/vue2-jest@28 --dev
# Vue 3
npm install --save-dev @vue/vue3-jest@28 # (use the appropriate version)
yarn add @vue/vue3-jest@28 --dev
## Setup
To use `vue-jest` as a transformer for your `.vue` files, map them to the appropriate `vue-jest` module:
"jest": {
"transform": {
"^.+\\.vue$": "@vue/vue2-jest" // Update to match your installed version
A full config will look like this.
"jest": {
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js", "json", "vue"],
"transform": {
"^.+\\.js$": "babel-jest",
"^.+\\.vue$": "@vue/vue2-jest"
### Usage with Babel 7
If you use [jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest) > 24.0.0 and [babel-jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/master/packages/babel-jest) make sure to install babel-core@bridge
npm install --save-dev babel-core@bridge
yarn add babel-core@bridge --dev
## Supported languages for SFC sections
vue-jest compiles `<script />`, `<template />`, and `<style />` blocks with supported `lang` attributes into JavaScript that Jest can run.
### Supported script languages
- **typescript** (`lang="ts"`, `lang="typescript"`)
- **coffeescript** (`lang="coffee"`, `lang="coffeescript"`)
### Global Jest options
You can change the behavior of `vue-jest` by using `jest.globals`.
#### Compiler Options in Vue 3
These options can be used to define Vue compiler options in `@vue/vue3-jest`.
For example, to enable `propsDestructureTransform`:
globals: {
'vue-jest': {
compilerOptions: {
propsDestructureTransform: true
or disable `refTransform` (which is enabled by default):
globals: {
'vue-jest': {
compilerOptions: {
refTransform: false
#### Supporting custom blocks
A great feature of the Vue SFC compiler is that it can support custom blocks. You might want to use those blocks in your tests. To render out custom blocks for testing purposes, you'll need to write a transformer. Once you have your transformer, you'll add an entry to vue-jest's transform map. This is how [vue-i18n's](https://github.com/kazupon/vue-i18n) `<i18n>` custom blocks are supported in unit tests.
A `package.json` Example
"jest": {
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js", "json", "vue"],
"transform": {
"^.+\\.js$": "babel-jest",
"^.+\\.vue$": "@vue/vue2-jest"
"globals": {
"vue-jest": {
"transform": {
"your-custom-block": "./custom-block-processor.js"
> _Tip:_ Need programmatic configuration? Use the [--config](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#config-path) option in Jest CLI, and export a `.js` file
A `jest.config.js` Example - If you're using a dedicated configuration file like you can reference and require your processor in the config file instead of using a file reference.
module.exports = {
globals: {
'vue-jest': {
transform: {
'your-custom-block': require('./custom-block-processor')
#### Writing a processor
Processors must return an object with a "process" method, like so...
module.exports = {
* Process the content inside of a custom block and prepare it for execution in a testing environment
* @param {SFCCustomBlock[]} blocks All of the blocks matching your type, returned from `@vue/component-compiler-utils`
* @param {string} vueOptionsNamespace The internal namespace for a component's Vue Options in vue-jest
* @param {string} filename The SFC file being processed
* @param {Object} config The full Jest config
* @returns {string} The code to be output after processing all of the blocks matched by this type
process({ blocks, vueOptionsNamespace, filename, config }) {}
#### templateCompiler
You can provide [TemplateCompileOptions](https://github.com/vuejs/component-compiler-utils#compiletemplatetemplatecompileoptions-templatecompileresults) in `templateCompiler` section like this:
"jest": {
"globals": {
"vue-jest": {
"templateCompiler": {
"transpileOptions": {
"transforms": {
"dangerousTaggedTemplateString": true
### Supported template languages
- **pug** (`lang="pug"`)
- To give options for the Pug compiler, enter them into the Jest configuration.
The options will be passed to pug.compile().
"jest": {
"globals": {
"vue-jest": {
"pug": {
"basedir": "mybasedir"
- **jade** (`lang="jade"`)
- **haml** (`lang="haml"`)
### Supported style languages
- **stylus** (`lang="stylus"`, `lang="styl"`)
- **sass** (`lang="sass"`), and
- **scss** (`lang="scss"`)
- The Sass compiler supports Jest's [moduleNameMapper](https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/configuration.html#modulenamemapper-object-string-string) which is the suggested way of dealing with Webpack aliases. Webpack's `sass-loader` uses a [special syntax](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader/blob/v9.0.2/README.md#resolving-import-at-rules) for indicating non-relative imports, so you'll likely need to copy this syntax into your `moduleNameMapper` entries if you make use of it. For aliases of bare imports (imports that require node module resolution), the aliased value must also be prepended with this `~` or `vue-jest`'s custom resolver won't recognize it.
"jest": {
"moduleNameMapper": {
"^~foo/(.*)": "<rootDir>/foo/$1",
// @import '~foo'; -> @import 'path/to/project/foo';
"^~bar/(.*)": "~baz/lib/$1"
// @import '~bar/qux'; -> @import 'path/to/project/node_modules/baz/lib/qux';
// Notice how the tilde (~) was needed on the bare import to baz.
- To import globally included files (ie. variables, mixins, etc.), include them in the Jest configuration at `jest.globals['vue-jest'].resources.scss`:
"jest": {
"globals": {
"vue-jest": {
"resources": {
"scss": [
## CSS options
`experimentalCSSCompile`: `Boolean` Default true. Turn off CSS compilation
`hideStyleWarn`: `Boolean` Default false. Hide warnings about CSS compilation
"jest": {
"globals": {
"vue-jest": {
"hideStyleWarn": true,
"experimentalCSSCompile": true
## Style options
Possbility to change style loader options (sass, scss, less etc).
`styleOptions`: `Object` Default `{}`.
"jest": {
"globals": {
"vue-jest": {
"styleOptions": {
"quietDeps" // e.q. sass options https://sass-lang.com/documentation/js-api#quietdeps
// unfortunately rest options like `data`, `file` doesnt work because @vue/compiler-component-utils internally overwrite options with their values
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Jest Vue 变压器.zip
0 下载量 98 浏览量
收藏 278KB ZIP 举报
vue-jest用于 Vue 单文件组件的 Jest 转换器。安装由于我们需要支持各种 Vue 和 Jest 版本,因此 vue-jest 不遵循语义版本控制。Vue 版本 Jest 版本 npm 包 分支Vue 2 Jest 26 及以下 vue-jest@4 Vue 3 Jest 26 及以下 vue-jest@5 Vue 2 Jest 27 及以上 @vue/vue2-jest@27 27.xVue 3 Jest 27 及以上 @vue/vue3-jest@27 27.xVue 2 Jest 28 及以上 @vue/vue2-jest@28 28.xVue 3 Jest 28 及以上 @vue/vue3-jest@28 28.x# Vue 2npm install --save-dev @vue/vue2-jest@28 # (use the appropriate version)yarn add @vue/vue2-jest@28 --dev# Vue 3npm install --save-dev @vue/vue3-jest@28
Jest Vue 变压器.zip (240个子文件)
external.css 40B
external.css 40B
.editorconfig 244B
.eslintrc 192B
.gitignore 246B
BasicSrc.html 71B
BasicSrc.html 71B
test.js 7KB
test.js 6KB
process.js 6KB
utils.js 5KB
process.js 5KB
utils.js 5KB
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module-name-mapper-helper.js 2KB
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test.js 2KB
map-lines.js 2KB
map-lines.js 2KB
test.js 1KB
test.js 1KB
typescript.js 1KB
typescript.js 1KB
ensure-require.js 1KB
ensure-require.js 1KB
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coffee.spec.js 903B
coffee.spec.js 903B
test.js 748B
test.js 728B
coffee.js 651B
coffee.js 651B
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transformer.js 613B
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scss-transformer.js 600B
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test.js 594B
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test.js 537B
jest.config.js 531B
index.js 527B
index.js 527B
test.js 524B
test.js 524B
BasicSrc.js 429B
BasicSrc.js 429B
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pcss-transformer.js 229B
test.js 214B
test.js 214B
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babel-transformer.js 133B
babel-transformer.js 133B
babel-transformer.js 133B
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babel.config.js 88B
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babel.config.js 54B
babel.config.js 54B
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共 240 条
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