# Vue-Awesome
> Awesome SVG icon component for Vue.js, with built-in Font Awesome icons.
> [ð¨ð³ ä¸æç](./README.zh_CN.md)
Vue-Awesome an SVG icon component for [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/), with built-in icons courtesy of [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/).
Check out the demo [here](https://justineo.github.io/vue-awesome/demo/).
## Installation
### npm (Recommended)
$ npm install vue-awesome
### bower
$ bower install vue-awesome
### Manual
Just download `dist/vue-awesome.js` and include it in your HTML file:
<script src="path/to/vue-awesome/dist/vue-awesome.js"></script>
## Usage
<!-- basic -->
<v-icon name="beer"/>
<!-- with options -->
<v-icon name="sync" scale="2" spin/>
<v-icon name="comment" flip="horizontal"/>
<v-icon name="code-branch" label="Forked Repository"/>
<!-- stacked icons -->
<v-icon label="No Photos">
<v-icon name="camera"/>
<v-icon name="ban" scale="2" class="alert"/>
Font Awesome 5 has separated all icons into several packs. Vue-Awesome is built upon its all free icons, which includes all free icons from 3 icon packs: `regular`, `solid` and `brands`. Since the `solid` pack has the most number of icons, we organize all Vue-Awesome icons as follows:
* All icons from `solid` pack are located in `vue-awesome/icons` directory and have unprefixed `name` prop values.
* Icons from `regular` and `brands` are located in `vue-awesome/icons/regular` and `vue-awesome/icons/brands`, which have prefixed `name` prop values like `regular/flag` or `brands/reddit`.
You can find all available `name` values from [Font Awesome's website](https://fontawesome.com/icons) like `beer`, `file` and `camera`.
### ES Modules with NPM & vue-loader (Recommended)
import Vue from 'vue'
/* Pick one way between the 2 following ways */
// only import the icons you use to reduce bundle size
import 'vue-awesome/icons/flag'
// or import all icons if you don't care about bundle size
import 'vue-awesome/icons'
/* Register component with one of 2 methods */
import Icon from 'vue-awesome/components/Icon'
// globally (in your main .js file)
Vue.component('v-icon', Icon)
// or locally (in your component file)
export default {
components: {
'v-icon': Icon
#### â ï¸ Heads up
##### Importing the souce version
If you are using official Vue CLI to create your project and you want to use the untranspiled component (import `vue-awesome/components/Icon` rather than import `vue-awesome` directly, to optimize bundle size, which is recommended), you'll encounter the problem that the default configuration will exclude `node_modules` from files to be transpiled by Babel.
For **Vue CLI 3+**, add `vue-awesome` into `transpileDependencies` in `vue.config.js` like this:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
transpileDependencies: [
For **Vue CLI 2** with the `webpack` template, modify `build/webpack.base.conf.js` like this:
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
- include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test')]
+ include: [
+ resolve('src'),
+ resolve('test'),
+ resolve('node_modules/vue-awesome')
+ ]
If you are using bare webpack config, just do similar modifications make it work.
#### Using with Nuxt.js
When using Vue-Awesome on the server side with Nuxt.js, it may prompt `Unexpected token import` because Nuxt.js has configured an `external` option by default, which prevent files under `node_modules` from being bundled into the server bundle with only a few exceptions. We need to whitelist `vue-awesome` in `nuxt.config.js` as follows:
For **Nuxt.js 2**:
module.exports = {
// ...
build: {
transpile: [/^vue-awesome/]
For **Nuxt.js 1**:
// Don't forget to
// npm i --save-dev webpack-node-externals
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals')
module.exports = {
// ...
build: {
extend (config, { isServer }) {
// ...
if (isServer) {
config.externals = [
// default value for `whitelist` is
// [/es6-promise|\.(?!(?:js|json)$).{1,5}$/i]
whitelist: [/es6-promise|\.(?!(?:js|json)$).{1,5}$/i, /^vue-awesome/]
##### Unit Testing with Jest
Make sure to whitelist `vue-awesome` from the `transformIgnorePattern`. Add following configuation in `test/unit/jest.conf.js`:
+ transformIgnorePatterns: [
+ '/node_modules(?![\\\\/]vue-awesome[\\\\/])/'
+ ],
*Don't import all icons if you don't want to make unit testing slow because this will transform all icons from ES module and thus slow down the test process.*
### CommonJS with NPM without ES Next support
var Vue = require('vue')
// requiring the UMD module
var Icon = require('vue-awesome')
// or with vue-loader you can require the src directly
var Icon = require('vue-awesome/components/Icon')
// register component to use
### AMD
paths: {
'vue-awesome': 'path/to/vue-awesome'
require(['vue-awesome'], function (Icon) {
// register component to use
Vue.component('v-icon', Icon)
### Global variable
The component class is exposed as `window.VueAwesome`.
// register component to use
Vue.component('v-icon', VueAwesome)
### Props
* `name: string`
The name of the icon. It's necessary if the component isn't used as the wrapper of an icon stack. All valid names correspond to the file path relative to the `icons` directory. Notice that you may have to check the name of the icon pack after you search on FontAwesome's website. For example, you'll see a URL argument of `style=brands` on the [detail page for `500px`](https://fontawesome.com/icons/500px?style=brands) and the icon name will be `brands/500px`.
Only free icons for FontAwesome are available by default and because the `solid` style has the most icons, we've made it the default pack so the path prefixes can be omitted.
If you pass `null` to this prop, the whole component will not be rendered.
* `scale: number|string`
Used to adjust the size of the icon. Default to `1`.
* `spin: boolean`
Used to specify whether the icon is spining. Default to `false`. (Can't use together with `pulse`.)
* `pulse: boolean`
Set the pulse effect to the icon. Default to `false`. (Can't use together with `spin`.)
* `inverse: boolean`
If set to `true`, the color of the icon will become `#fff`. Default to `false`.
* `flip: 'vertical'|'horizontal'|'both'`
Used to flip the icon.
* `label: string`
Set the `aria-label` for the icon if provided.
* `title: string`
Set the title for the icon.
> The icon will have `role="presentation"` thus not accessible when neither `label` nor `title` exists.
### Misc
If you are using `vue-awesome/components/Icon` (instead of the whole bundled version), Vue-Awesome won't import a single icon by default. Do not forget to import icons you want to use.
If these caveats don't help and there are no proper workarounds in [earlier issues](https://github.com/Justineo/vue-awesome/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue), please feel free to [file a new one](https://github.com/Justineo/vue-awesome/issues/new).
## Styling
### Dynamic sizing
You can make the icons scale dynamically according to your `font-size` by adding the following CSS:
.fa-icon {
width: auto;
height: 1em; /* or any other relative font sizes */
/* You would have to include the following two lines to make this work in Safari */
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
### Colors
The icon color is inherited from the font color of the parent element by default. You can easily change it to any other color by specifying the `color` property.
## Local development
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
Open `http://localhost:8080/demo` to see the demo.
### Updating icons
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
适用于 Vue.js 的超棒 SVG 图标组件,内置 Font Awesome 图标 .zip
0 下载量 166 浏览量
收藏 2.78MB ZIP 举报
Vue-Awesome适用于 Vue.js 的超棒 SVG 图标组件,带有内置 Font Awesome 图标。 中文版Vue-Awesome 是Vue.js的一个 SVG 图标组件,带有由Font Awesome提供的内置图标。在此处查看演示。安装npm(推荐)$ npm install vue-awesome凉亭$ bower install vue-awesome手动的只需下载dist/vue-awesome.js并将其包含在您的 HTML 文件中<script src="path/to/vue-awesome/dist/vue-awesome.js"></script>用法<!-- basic --><v-icon name="beer"/><!-- with options --><v-icon name="sync" scale="2" spin/><v-icon name="comment" flip="horizontal"/><v-icon name="code-branch" label="Forked Repo
适用于 Vue.js 的超棒 SVG 图标组件,内置 Font Awesome 图标 .zip (1703个子文件)
app.48fe9109.css 10KB
.editorconfig 147B
.eslintignore 33B
.gitignore 601B
.gitkeep 0B
index.html 534B
index.html 496B
vue-awesome.js 1.13MB
app.e69e3e4c.js 1.12MB
chunk-vendors.9f71b8db.js 108KB
index.js 38KB
old-republic.js 9KB
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linux.js 4KB
cc-amazon-pay.js 4KB
node.js 3KB
cc-amex.js 3KB
ussunnah.js 3KB
cc-mastercard.js 3KB
mailchimp.js 3KB
sass.js 3KB
main.js 3KB
.eslintrc.js 3KB
react.js 3KB
gulp.js 3KB
phoenix-framework.js 3KB
safari.js 3KB
cogs.js 3KB
themeisle.js 2KB
soundcloud.js 2KB
battle-net.js 2KB
fedora.js 2KB
galactic-senate.js 2KB
meetup.js 2KB
connectdevelop.js 2KB
aviato.js 2KB
border-none.js 2KB
wolf-pack-battalion.js 2KB
ember.js 2KB
aws.js 2KB
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firefox.js 2KB
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