FLAC3D 2.10 Modification List (Type PRINT VERSION to check version number.)
Changes listed are included in F3210.EXE.
Sub-Version Date Description
196 04/12/02 Version 2.10 released to users.
197 04/23/02 Flac3D now reads ITASCA system variable from the
registry if no environment variable called "ITASCA"
is found.
Manual file included on the web site explains
"Writing User-Defined Constitutive Models."
Official Release Version is FLAC3D 2.10.197 on 9A CD
198 05/07/02 Contour plots plot *white* for all values beyond user
specified range. By default contour plot automatically
determines the whole range and colors all intervals.
New command
0.0 (default)
This command protects against an illegal geometry
error in large-strain mode. The code signals an
illegal geomtry error if any tetrahedral sub-zone
becomes less than zero. The user input value is the
ratio of the volume of a tetrahedral sub-zone to the
zone volume. If a value greater than zero is specified
for the ratio, then the code will exit cycling and not
signal an error. In this way, a run can be made to
determine a failure state without a bad geometry
error occurring. (Note: Be aware that zone geometry is
checked only every 10 steps in large-strain mode, so if
the tolerance is set too close to zero, an error may be
signaled before exiting at the selected ratio. Also,
note that the typical minimum sub-zone volumes are 0.2
of the full-zone volume, so the maximum value selected
for the ratio should be less than 0.2 to avoid
premature termination of cycling.)
199 05/10/02 Added new FISH intrinsic
that fixes the temperature of gridpoint, when thermal
option is invoked. This functions the same way as the
FIX TEMP <value> RANGE < ... > command.
If GP_TFIX(gp_pnt) is queried, it returns the temperature
of the gridpoint. This behaves the same way as GP_TEMP
FISH function.
Informational messages pertaining to creation and deletion of
structural element links are now redirected to log file if it
is invoked.
These messages are no longer echoed to the FLAC3D screen.
200 05/13/02 If GP_TFIX(gp_pnt) is queried, it returns a value of 1 if
temperature is fixed at the gridpoint, 0 otherwise.
201 05/20/02 Added new command
Value corresponds to index of extra
variable created in a zone.
Corresponding GUI interface has also been added.
Corrected problem with SOLVE ELASTIC in some cases when
the friction angle is high - the code reported bad
plasticity properties.
Structural element recover plot item (Stresses,
displacement ...) caption now begins with a prefix "SEL "
to make the plotitem clear.
202 06/25/02
Added new command
to test any one of the geomteric parameters orthogonality,
aspect ratio or face planarity.
Also added FISH functions to test any one of the geomteric
parameters: orthogonality, aspect ratio or face planarity.
To test Orthogonality of a zone use Z_ORTHO(zone_pointer)
To test Aspect ratio of a zone use Z_ASPECT(zone_pointer)
To test Face planarity of a zone use Z_PLANARITY(zone_pointer)
Notes about the geometric parameters
These tests primarily apply to hexahedral elements. The tests
compare the hexahedrons to a perfect cube which is the ideal shape
for hexahedral meshes.
1) Orthogonality. - For each gridpoint in each zone, compute
the determinant of the matrix defined by the three edge vectors,
divided by the produce of their lengths. This gives 1.0 for
a cube, and approaches zero as pairs of edges approach being
coplanar or all three approach being coplanar. Each zone is
measured by the worst orthogonality gridpoint.
2) Aspect ratio - For each gridpoint, compute the ratio of the
shortest edge length by the longest edge length. This will be
1.0 for a cube. It will approach zero as the zone becomes
stretched or flattened. Each zone is measured by the worst
aspect ratio gridpoint.
3) Face Planarity - Hexahedrons are composed of 6 quadrilateral
faces, just like a cube's square faces, however geometrically
it is possible that a quadrilateral polygon in 3D may not have
all 4 vertices coplanar. Flac3D allows faces to be nonplanar,
but the greater the deviation, the less accurate the solution
process will be. There is no clear singular method of measuring
planarity. We choose one which compares the volume of a
tetrahedron filling the 4 vertices, and the area of the
quadrilateral face, computing the area by adding a central
point m=(A+B+C+D)/4, and computing the 4 triangle areas ABC,
ABD, ACD, BCD. We take the ratio of the cube root of the volume
to the square root of the area to get a dimensionless value.
This value is zero if planar, and positive if nonplanar. This
test can be "scaled" by a constant since there is no fundamental
limit on how nonplanar a face can be. (Values should be << 1.0
for a face to be good). Each zone has its six faces tested
and the worst value represents the zone.
Intrepretation of output of command GEOM_TEST
Average zone values for these tests are meaningless since some
meshes might be 90% good and 10% terrible zoning and give the same
average as a mesh with all 80% test quality. Therefore we count
zones in test value bins (20 in total) from -1.0 to 1.0, with 0.1
intervals. This bin distribution will help identify how many bad
zones there are, and how bad. Note that we did not try to determine
what is "bad" and only used these tests for re