Version 1.5.4.x
* Bug
* tabs: The selecting history has wrong order when the title contains complex elements. fixed.
Version 1.5.4
* Bug
* combotreegrid: The 'onChange' event does not fire when entering values on the inputing box. fixed.
* combobox: Clicking on the drop-down panel will jump to the bottom of body on win10 IE11. fixed.
* datebox: Clicking on the 'Today' button doesn't trigger the 'onSelect' event. fixed.
* propertygrid: The 'getChanges' method doesn't work after editing the only one row. fixed.
* Improvement
* combo: Add the 'panelEvents' property.
* combo: Attach the default 'mousedown' event handler.
* combobox: The 'setValues' method can be called to initialize the displaying text.
* combotreegrid: Press ENTER key to select the highlighted rows.
* panel: Improve the resizing performance.
* filebox: The 'files' method allows the user to get the selected file list.
* searchbox: Improvent the 'selectName' method.
Version 1.5.3
* Bug
* combobox: The 'iconCls' property can not be parsed from the <option> markup. fixed.
* combobox: Clicking scrollbar will cause the drop-down panel to be hidden in IE. fixed.
* pagination: The pagination height will shrink when the 'displayMsg' property is set to false. fixed.
* tabs: The tab panel takes a wrong 'data' parameter in the 'onLoad' event. fixed.
* Improvement
* draggable: Add 'onEndDrag' event.
* resizable: Retrieve more than one resizing directions with different edges.
* datagrid: Add 'resizeEdge' property.
* datagrid: Avoid the memory leaks.
* combo: The 'originalValue' property value is corrected in multiple mode.
* form: Add the tagbox to the form fields.
* tagbox: Add the 'reset' method.
* progress: Increase the response time to open and close the progress message window.
Version 1.5.2
* Bug
* form: The initialized value of the inputing box will disappear after calling the 'reset' method. fixed.
* textbox: Calling the 'destroy' method does not clean the field label. fixed.
* datagrid: Calling the 'selectRow' method on an unexisting row causes undesired record set. fixed.
* Improvement
* datagrid: The ctrl selection is supported on Mac keyboards.
* datagrid: The 'scrollOnSelect' property is available for the user to determine whether to scroll to the specified row when selecting it.
* combotree: Add the 'textField' property.
* combotreegrid: Add the 'textField' property.
* pagination: Add 'showPageInfo' property.
* panel: Add 'halign' and 'titleDirection' properties to allow the user to align the panel header to left or right side.
* accordion: Add 'halign' property to build the horizontal accordion.
* tagbox: The 'required' propery can be applied to validate whether the value is empty.
Version 1.5.1
* Bug
* datagrid: The selecting and checking flags will lose after calling 'updateRow' method. fixed.
* tabs: The trip tools have a wrong position when calling 'update' method. fixed.
* window: When the height is set to 'auto', it will disappear after moving the window. fixed.
* messager: When display the progress message window and then close it immediately, an exception occurs. fixed.
* form: The 'clear' method does not clear the selected drop-down items of the combobox. fixed.
* Improvement
* textbox: The 'cls' property is available to add a custom style to textbox.
* numberbox: Allow the user to format currency in Italian.
* combo: Add 'multivalue' property that allows the user to determine how to submit the multiple values.
* combobox: Add 'reversed' property.
* combobox: Add 'onClick' event.
* combogrid: Add 'reversed' property.
* treegrid: Enable multiple selection with the shift key.
* New Plugins
* tagbox: Allows the user to add tags to a form field.
Version 1.5
* Bug
* combobox: The 'onSelect' event does not fire when load data that contains the selected item. fixed.
* datagrid: The 'updateRow' method sometimes does not work properly when the field is set to a blank value. fixed.
* Improvement
* A label can be associated to any form fields.
* combobox: Enhance the 'select' and 'unselect' rules on the drop-down items.
* combobox: Add 'limitToList' property to limit the inputed values to the listed items.
* combogrid: Allow the user to clone the component quickly.
* form: Add the 'dirty' property that allows the user to submit the only changed fields.
* form: Add 'resetDirty' method.
* datagrid: Allow the user to display a message when there are no records to be shown.
* textbox: Add 'label','labelWidth','labelPosition' and 'labelAlign' properties.
* spinner: Add 'spinAlign' property.
* calendar: Allow the user to display week number of the year.
* window: Add 'constrain' property.
* New Plugins
* passwordbox: The plugin that allows the user to input passwords with nice feedback.
* combotreegrid: Combines combobox with drop-down treegrid component.
Version 1.4.5
* Bug
* datagrid: The 'getChanges' method does not return the updated rows after calling 'updateRow' method. fixed.
* treegrid: The 'onLoadSuccess' event fires when append or insert a row. fixed.
* tree: The 'onLoadSuccess' event fires when append or insert a node. fixed.
* Improvement
* window: The displaying style can be customized.
* window: The 'border' property allows the user to set different border style.
* navpanel: The 'href' property is enabled to load content from remote server.
* combotree: The 'setValue' and 'setValues' methods accept the paremter values in 'id' and 'text' pairs
* combobox: Add 'showItemIcon' property.
* combobox: Set 'groupPosition' property to 'sticky' to stick the item group to the top of drop-down panel.
* messager: Pressing ENTER key on input box will trigger click event of the first button.
* validatebox: Add 'editable',disabled' and 'readonly' properties.
* validatebox: Add 'enable','disable','readonly' methods.
* validatebox: Allow the user to determine how to display the error message.
* filebox: Add 'accept' and 'multiple' properties.
* form: Add 'iframe' property and 'onProgress' event.
* treegrid: Add cascade checkbox selection.
* treegrid: Add 'getCheckedNodes','checkNode' and 'uncheckNode' methods.
Version 1.4.4
* Bug
* filebox: The 'clear' and 'reset' methods do not work properly in IE9. fixed.
* messager: After calling $.messager.progress() with no arguments, the $.messager.progress('close') does not work properly. fixed.
* timespinner: The value does not display properly in IE8 while clicking the spin buttons. fixed.
* window: The window does not display when calling 'options' method in 'onMove' event. fixed.
* treegrid: The 'getLevel' method does not accept the parameter value of 0. fixed.
* Improvement
* layout: The 'collapsedContent','expandMode' and 'hideExpandTool' properties are supported in region panel.
* layout: The 'hideCollapsedContent' property can be set to display the vertical title bar on collapsed panel.
* layout: Add 'onCollapse','onExpand','onAdd','onRemove' events.
* datagrid: Display the 'up-down' icon on the sortable columns.
* datagrid: Add 'gotoPage' method.
* propertygrid: Add 'groups' method that allows to get all the data groups.
* messager: Auto scroll feature is supported when displaying long messages.
* tabs: The 'disabled' property is supported when defining a disabled tab panel.
* tabs: The percentange size is supported now.
Version 1.4.3
* Bug
* textbox: The 'setText' method does not accept value 0. fixed.
* timespinner: When running in IE11, the error occurs when clicking on the empty textbox. fixed.
* tabs: The 'update' method can not update only the panel body. fixed.
* Improvement
* combobox: Improve the performance of displaying the drop-down panel.
* combogrid: Remember the displaying text when the drop-down datagrid go to other pages.
* combogrid: The 'setValue' and 'setValues' methods accept a key-value obje
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bootstrap.min.css 115KB
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