DSP systems– interfacing
with the outside world
In this chapter many issues related to DSP peripheral components will be consid-
ered. This will include a consideration of both on- and off-chip components and
their operation. Many ideas presented in Chapter 3 such as the use of efficient
pipelines, fast data manipulation and arithmetic operations all rely on the ability of a
DSP device to move large amounts of data quickly and seamlessly into and out of
the DSPs processing core. To facilitate this effective movement and storage of data,
most DSPs incorporate a wide range of peripheral management facilities and these
will be considered here. As with Chapter 3, a hypothetical DSP device will be intro-
duced which incorporates a generic set of typical features. The hypothetical device
will be used as the basis for discussions and then related to real life examples, again
taken mainly from the Texas Instruments range of DSP devices.
4.1 DSP devices – beyond
the core 00
4.2 Hardware interfacing and
I/O control 00
4.3 System management and
control 00
4.4 All the analog bits and pieces
(i.e. ADC, DAC, anti-aliasing,
over-sampling, etc) 00
4.5 Getting signals in 00
4.6 Getting signals out 00
4.7 Getting signals in and out 00
4.8 Digital up- and
down-conversion 00
4.9 Interfacing with the real
world 00
4.10 Questions 00
4.11 References 00

In Chapter 3 many issues related to the operation and use of the central code of the DSP
processor were introduced. In particular the operation of the ALU, hardware multiplier,
various registers, control registers and the accumulator were all considered. In this section
we move on to consider the other facilities typically found on a DSP device. Figure 4.1
shows the hypothetical DSP device introduced in the previous chapter. As already men-
tioned we will use this device again as the basis for our discussion and as with Chapter 3
we will relate the generic DSP features presented in the hypothetical device with examples
taken from real devices.
In Figure 4.1, the central core is shown at the center of the DSP device. In this section
we will consider the components arranged outside the core but still inside the DSP device
itself. Most of these components are able to run in parallel with the DSP core, taking little
of the core’s available instruction cycle time. A good example of this is the on-chip timer
which can be initialized to interrupt the DSP device at a regular rate, e.g. every 1 ms. If the
timer was not available this task would be carried out using a software routine which
would directly impact on the core itself. By delegating tasks to on-chip components, the
processing core can be freed up to handle the more demanding arithmetic requirements
of the algorithm. Of course at start-up, when the DSP is reset, all of the peripheral com-
ponents must be initialized and set to a known state. This has already been considered a
little in Section 2.2.1, although initialization issues will also be considered further here.
We start by looking at each of the components shown in Figure 4.1, as follows.
4.1 DSP devices – beyond the core
208 Chapter 4 ❚ DSP systems – interfacing with the outside world
Data bus
Program bus
unit (0)
unit (0)
serial port (0)
serial port (1)
Wait state
Host port
Test and emulation
logic (JTAG)
Register file
Figure 4.1
Hypothetical DSP

The idea of the Harvard architecture used within most DSP devices has already been
introduced in Chapter 3. Harvard architectures, as already mentioned, make use of sepa-
rate program and data storage areas that can be simultaneously accessed. This makes
many processing operations far more efficient than would be possible on a traditional Von
Neumann architecture. The program and data storage areas may be constructed using a
range of different memory types as appropriate for any given application. Most DSPs are
provided with a limited amount of on-chip memory which can be accessed at full speed;
also this is usually divided into program and data areas which can truly be accessed simul-
taneously. If extra memory space is required for a particular application, then this can be
added via an external memory interface which provides data, address and control buses to
the outside world. One of the problems with interfaces to external memory is that the on-
chip dual bus architecture is rarely replicated to the outside world and so simultaneous
access to external memory are not possible. For this reason, high-speed processing opera-
tions, using simultaneous accesses to memory, usually requires that data and program
instructions reside on-chip (Ref. 4.1).
It is common practice to represent the addressable memory or I/O space of a DSP
device using a memory map. The memory map of a TMS320C54x DSP device is shown in
Figure 4.2. In fact, this is the memory map of a C548 DSP device which is one of a
number of different devices within the C54x family. The memory map of Figure 4.2,
which is quite typical of many DSP devices, shows the two identifiable areas of program
and data memory. This is further subdivided into areas of internal and external memory
space. The memory space defined for this device is actually organized into three individu-
ally selectable spaces labelled as program, data, and I/O space.
The memory map of the C548 DSP shown in Figure 4.2 can be set to one of a number
of different configurations according to settings given in the Processor Mode Status
Register, PMST, associated with this device. The operation of the PMST register is dis-
cussed in Section 3.7.5. In summary, two register flags are important for memory
configuration on the C54x devices, the OVLY flag and the MP/MC flag. The OVLY flag is
used to enable or disable the mapping of data memory into program memory space and
the MP/MC flag is used to enable or disable the on-chip ROM and hence determines the
boot mode of the device.
Most DSP devices are provided with a limited amount of on-chip read-only memory,
ROM, and random access memory, RAM, and the C54x is no exception to this. All C54x
devices contain both RAM and ROM. Among the different C54x devices, two types of RAM
are represented: dual-access RAM, DARAM, and single-access RAM, SARAM. Table 4.1
shows the allocation of internal memory for each of the different devices in the C54x family.
On-chip ROM. The on-chip ROM is part of the program memory space and, for some
devices, forms part of the data memory space. The amount of on-chip ROM available on
each device varies, as indicated in Table 4.1. On devices with a small amount of ROM (2K
words), the ROM contains a boot loader, which is useful for booting to faster on-chip or
external RAM during the start-up sequence. The boot loader algorithm initializes the DSP
to a known state and provides a simple mechanism by which the user’s application code
can be loaded onto the DSP and program execution initiated. The boot loader is very flex-
Memory structures 4.1.1
DSP devices – beyond the core 209

210 Chapter 4 ❚ DSP systems – interfacing with the outside world
'548 Program memory
OVLY = 0
OVLY = 1
2000h–7FFFh External (paged)
2000–7FFFh On-chip SARAM
OVLY = 0
OVLY = 1
0000h–1FFFh External (paged)
0000h–007Fh Reserved
0080h–1FFFh On-chip DARAM
8000h–EFFFh External (paged)
MP/MC = 0
MC = 1
F000h–F7FFh Reserved
F800h–FF7Fh On-chip ROM
FF80h–FFFFh Interrupt vectors
F000h–FF7Fh External (paged)
FF80h–FFFFh Interrupt vectors
'548 Data memory
2000–7FFFh On-chip SARAM
0000h–005Fh Memory-mapped registers
0060h–007Fh Scratch-pad DARAM
0080h–1FFFh On-chip DARAM
8000h–FFFFh External
Figure 4.2 Memory
map showing the
program and data
space defined for a
TMS320C548 DSP
Table 4.1 Texas
Instruments C54x
DSP – on-chip
program and data
Memory type C541 C542 C543 C545 C546 C548
ROM 28K 2K 2K 48K 48K 2K
Program 20K 2K 2K 32K 32K 2K
Program/data 8K 0 0 16K 16K 0
DARAM* 5K 10K 10K 6K 6K 8K
SARAM* 0000024K
* The dual-access RAM (DARAM) and single-access RAM (SARAM) can be configured as data memory or program/
data memory.

ible and allows the application code to be loaded from slow external ROMs or via a serial
interface, host port or through the use of JTAG. On devices with larger amounts of ROM,
a portion of the ROM may be mapped into both data and program space. The larger
ROMs are also custom ROMs: where the user provides the code or data to be pro-
grammed into the ROM in object file format and Texas Instruments generates the
appropriate process mask to program the ROM.
On-chip dual-access RAM (DARAM). The DARAM is composed of several blocks.
Because each DARAM block can be accessed twice per machine cycle, the central process-
ing unit, CPU, can read from and write to a single block of DARAM in the same cycle. The
DARAM is always mapped in data space and is primarily intended to store data values. It
can also be mapped into program space and used to store program code.
On-chip single-access RAM (SARAM). The SARAM is also composed of several blocks.
Each block is accessible once per machine cycle for either reading or writing. The SARAM
is always mapped in data space and is primarily intended for storage of data values. It can
also be mapped into program space and used to store program code.
Memory-mapped registers. The data memory space contains memory-mapped registers
for the CPU and the on-chip peripherals. These registers are located on data page 0, sim-
plifying access to them. The memory-mapped access provides a convenient way to save
and restore the registers for context switches and to transfer information between the
accumulators and the other registers.
It has been mentioned that the C54x DSP presented in this example is able to make use of
dual-access RAM, DARAM. This type of fast random access memory can be written to or
read from twice in each instruction cycle and hence the potential data throughput rate of
the DSP device is increased. Dual accesses are achieved through the use of a multiple bus
architecture, as shown in Figure 4.3. The diagram of Figure 4.3 shows the eight internal
buses used on the C54x DSP. Of these, four are allocated to addressing and another four
allocated to carry program or data information. Specifically, the C54x DSP uses three
internal data ‘highways’ labelled CB, DB and EB with associated address buses CAB, CDB
and CEB respectively. Also one of the busses is allocated to carrying program instructions
and is labelled PB with an associated program address bus, PAB.
Although internally many DSP devices, including the C54x, are structured with a
multibus architecture, this is rarely replicated to the outside world. Most DSPs are pro-
vided with some sort of memory interface that will multiplex the internal multibus
structure down to a single set of external I/O lines including one full-width address and
data bus. In the case of the C54x DSP this interface is represented by the block shown on
the right hand side of Figure 4.3. This fact is confirmed by observing external pin connec-
tions provided on the DSP chip itself, as identified in Figure 4.4.
Because DSP devices make use of a Harvard architecture incorporating at least one program
and data memory area, they will usually have separate hardware to generate the required
addressing information. In the case of the program address generation unit, this will incor-
porate the program instruction counter, PC, which is used to step through the program
DSP devices – beyond the core 211
Address generation units 4.1.2