* HGE FreeType2 font system support. This system makes HGE
* support multibyte language.
* Special thanks to uirou, he wrote some codes to make Irrlicht
* engine support multibyte language. And now i use some of his codes
* here to make HGE do the same fever to HGE-users.
* Original author in Irrlicht : uirou
* Modified version in HGE : Kevin Lynx
* mail : zmhn320@163.com
* Date : 8/18/2007
* this class depends on HGE 1.6 (maybe later version is avaiable too )and
* FreeType 2.2.1
#include "../../include/hge/hgeTTFont.h"
#include "../../include/hge/hgefont.h"
loaded = false;
if (loaded){
bool hgeTTFace::load(const char* filename)
if (FT_Init_FreeType( &library )){
return false;
if (FT_New_Face( library,filename,0,&face )){
return false;
loaded = true;
return true;
tex = NULL;
//tex16 = NULL;
image = NULL;
if (image) delete image;
if (tex){
hge->Texture_Free( tex );
/* if (tex16){
hge->Texture_Free( tex16 );
void hgeTTGlyph::init()
tex = NULL;
//tex16 = NULL;
image = NULL;
void hgeTTGlyph::cache(unsigned int idx)
if (!FT_Load_Glyph(*face,idx,FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING|FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP)){
FT_GlyphSlot glyph = (*face)->glyph;
FT_Bitmap bits;
if (glyph->format == ft_glyph_format_outline ){
if (!FT_Render_Glyph( glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL)){
bits = glyph->bitmap;
unsigned char *pt = bits.buffer;
image = new unsigned char[bits.width * bits.rows];
memcpy(image,pt,bits.width * bits.rows);
top = glyph->bitmap_top;
left = glyph->bitmap_left;
imgw = 1;
imgh = 1;
texw = bits.width;
texh = bits.rows;
if (imgw > texw){
}else {
imgw <<= 1;
if (imgh > texh){
}else {
imgh <<= 1;
if (imgw > imgh){
imgh = imgw;
}else {
imgw = imgh;
unsigned int *texd = new unsigned int[imgw*imgh];
memset(texd,0,imgw*imgh*sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int *texp = texd;
offset = size - bits.rows;
bool cflag = true;//(Driver->getDriverType() == video::EDT_DIRECT3D8);
for (int i = 0;i < bits.rows;i++){
unsigned int *rowp = texp;
for (int j = 0;j < bits.width;j++){
if (*pt){
if (cflag){
*rowp = *pt;
*rowp *= 0x01010101;
}else {
*rowp = *pt << 24;
*rowp |= 0xffffff;
}else {
*rowp = 0;
texp += imgw;
char name[MAX_PATH];
sprintf_s(name, MAX_PATH, "TTFontGlyph%d",idx);
//video::IImage *img = Driver->createImageFromData(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8,core::dimension2d<int>(imgw,imgh),texd);
if (tex){
hge->Texture_Free( tex );
tex = createTexture( texd, imgw, imgh );
delete texd;
cached = true;
HTEXTURE hgeTTGlyph::createTexture( unsigned int *data, int w, int h )
HTEXTURE tex = hge->Texture_Create( w, h );
DWORD *color = hge->Texture_Lock( tex, false );
memcpy( color, data, sizeof( unsigned int ) * w * h );
hge->Texture_Unlock( tex );
return tex;
hgeTTFont::hgeTTFont(HGE *_hge)
hge = _hge;
//TransParency = false;
attached = false;
GlobalKerningWidth = 0;
GlobalKerningHeight = 0;
mColor = ARGB( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
spr = new hgeSprite( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
spr->SetZ(0.0f); //lj我写的,这样文字在最前边显示压住图片
if (attached)
//delete tt_face;
attached = false;
delete spr;
bool hgeTTFont::attach(hgeTTFace *Face,unsigned int size)
if (!hge)
return false;
if (attached){
//delete tt_face;
tt_face = 0;
tt_face = Face;
this->size = size;
hgeTTGlyph tmp;
Glyphs.resize( tt_face->face->num_glyphs );
for (int i = 0;i < tt_face->face->num_glyphs;i++){
Glyphs[i].hge = hge;
Glyphs[i].size = size;
Glyphs[i].face = &(tt_face->face);
Glyphs[i].cached = false;
tmp2 = (int*)&(Glyphs[i]);
*tmp2 = *(int*)(&tmp);
attached = true;
return true;
unsigned int hgeTTFont::getGlyphByChar(wchar_t c){
unsigned int idx = FT_Get_Char_Index( tt_face->face, c );
if (idx && !Glyphs[idx - 1].cached) Glyphs[idx - 1].cache(idx);
return idx;
hgeTTFont::Size hgeTTFont::getDimension(const wchar_t* text)
Size dim(0, Glyphs[0].size);
for(const wchar_t* p = text; *p; ++p)
dim.width += getWidthFromCharacter(*p) + GlobalKerningWidth;
return dim;
inline int hgeTTFont::getWidthFromCharacter(wchar_t c)
unsigned int n = getGlyphByChar(c);
if ( n > 0){
int w = Glyphs[n - 1].texw;
int left = Glyphs[n - 1].left;
if (w + left > 0) return w + left;
if (c >= 0x2000){
return Glyphs[0].size;
}else {
return Glyphs[0].size / 2;
DWORD hgeTTFont::GetColor()
return mColor;
void hgeTTFont::SetColor( DWORD color )
mColor = color;
void hgeTTFont::SetSpacing( float spacing )
this->setKerningWidth( static_cast<int>( spacing ) );
float hgeTTFont::GetSpacing()
return static_cast<float>( getKerningWidth() );
float hgeTTFont::GetStringWidth( const wchar_t *str )
Size textDimension = getDimension( str );
return static_cast<float>( textDimension.width );
float hgeTTFont::GetHeight()
Size textDimension = getDimension( L"A" );
return static_cast<float>( textDimension.height );
void hgeTTFont::Render( float offsetX, float offsetY, int align, const wchar_t *text )
if( align != HGETEXT_LEFT )
Size textDimension;
textDimension = getDimension(text);
if( align == HGETEXT_CENTER )
offsetX = offsetX - ( textDimension.width >>1 );
if( align == HGETEXT_RIGHT )
offsetX = offsetX - textDimension.width;
unsigned int n;
n = getGlyphByChar(*text);
if ( n > 0)
int imgw = Glyphs[n-1].imgw;
int imgh = Glyphs[n-1].imgh;
int texw = Glyphs[n-1].texw;
int texh = Glyphs[n-1].texh;
int offx = Glyphs[n-1].left;
int offy = Glyphs[n-1].size - Glyphs[n-1].top;
spr->SetTexture( Glyphs[n-1].tex );
spr->SetTextureRect( 0, 0, imgw-1.0f, imgh-1.0f );
spr->SetColor( mColor );
spr->Render( offsetX + offx, offsetY + offy );
offsetX += getWidthFromCharacter(*text) + GlobalKerningWidth;
offsetX += getWidthFromCharacter(*text) + GlobalKerningWidth;
void hgeTTFont::printf( float x, float y, int align, const wchar_t *format, ... )
va_list l;
va_start( l, format );
wchar_t text[1024];
wvsprintfW( text, format, l );
Render( x, y, align, text );
void hgeTTFont::Render( float offsetX, float offsetY, const wchar_t* text, bool hcenter, bool vcenter )
if( hcenter || vcenter )
Size textDimension;
textDimension = getDimension(text);
if (hcenter)
offsetX = offsetX - ( textDimension.width >> 1 );
if (vcenter)
offsetY = offsetY - ( textDimension.height >> 1 );
unsigned int n;
n = getGlyphByChar(*text);
if ( n > 0)
int imgw = Glyphs[n-1].imgw;
int imgh = Glyphs[n-1].imgh;
int texw = Glyphs[n-1].texw;
int texh = Glyphs[n-1].texh;
int offx = Glyphs[n-1].left;
int offy = Glyphs[n-1].size - Glyphs[n-1].top;
spr->SetTexture( Glyphs[n-1].tex );