function H = getHistogram(magnitudes, angles, numBins)
% GETHISTOGRAM Computes a histogram for the supplied gradient vectors.
% H = getHistogram(magnitudes, angles, numBins)
% This function takes the supplied gradient vectors and places them into a
% histogram with 'numBins' based on their unsigned orientation.
% "Unsigned" orientation means that, for example, a vector with angle
% -3/4 * pi will be treated the same as a vector with angle 1/4 * pi.
% Each gradient vector's contribution is split between the two nearest bins,
% in proportion to the distance between the two nearest bin centers.
% A gradient's contribution to the histogram is equal to its magnitude;
% the magnitude is divided between the two nearest bin centers.
% Parameters:
% magnitudes - A column vector storing the magnitudes of the gradient
% vectors.
% angles - A column vector storing the angles in radians of the
% gradient vectors (ranging from -pi to pi)
% numBins - The number of bins to place the gradients into.
% Returns:
% A row vector of length 'numBins' containing the histogram.
% $Author: ChrisMcCormick $ $Date: 2013/12/04 22:00:00 $ $Revision: 1.2 $
% Revision Notes:
% v1.2
% - Expanded '+=' since this gave Matlab users trouble.
% v1.1
% - The function was actually hardcoded to 9 bins; it now properly supports
% specifying 'numBins'.
% - It now returns an unsigned histogram. This has been shown to improve
% accuracy for person detection.
% Compute the bin size in radians. 180 degress = pi.
binSize = pi / numBins;
% The angle values will range from 0 to pi.
minAngle = 0;
% Make the angles unsigned by adding pi (180 degrees) to all negative angles.
angles(angles < 0) = angles(angles < 0) + pi;
% The gradient angle for each pixel will fall between two bin centers.
% For each pixel, we split the bin contributions between the bin to the left
% and the bin to the right based on how far the angle is from the bin centers.
% For each pixel's gradient vector, determine the indeces of the bins to the
% left and right of the vector's angle.
% The histogram needs to wrap around at the edges--vectors on the far edges of
% the histogram (i.e., close to -pi or pi) will contribute partly to the bin
% at that edge, and partly to the bin on the other end of the histogram.
% For vectors with an orientation close to 0 radians, leftBinIndex will be 0.
% Likewise, for vectors with an orientation close to pi radians, rightBinIndex
% will be numBins + 1. We will fix these indeces after we calculate the bin
% contribution amounts.
leftBinIndex = round((angles - minAngle) / binSize);
rightBinIndex = leftBinIndex + 1;
% For each pixel, compute the center of the bin to the left.
leftBinCenter = ((leftBinIndex - 0.5) * binSize) - minAngle;
% For each pixel, compute the fraction of the magnitude
% to contribute to each bin.
rightPortions = angles - leftBinCenter;
leftPortions = binSize - rightPortions;
rightPortions = rightPortions / binSize;
leftPortions = leftPortions / binSize;
% Before using the bin indeces, we need to fix the '0' and '10' values.
% Recall that the histogram needs to wrap around at the edges--bin "0"
% contributions, for example, really belong in bin 9.
% Replace index 0 with 9 and index 10 with 1.
leftBinIndex(leftBinIndex == 0) = numBins;
rightBinIndex(rightBinIndex == (numBins + 1)) = 1;
% Create an empty row vector for the histogram.
H = zeros(1, numBins);
% For each bin index...
for (i = 1:numBins)
% Find the pixels with left bin == i
pixels = (leftBinIndex == i);
% For each of the selected pixels, add the gradient magnitude to bin 'i',
% weighted by the 'leftPortion' for that pixel.
H(1, i) = H(1, i) + sum(leftPortions(pixels)' * magnitudes(pixels));
% Find the pixels with right bin == i
pixels = (rightBinIndex == i);
% For each of the selected pixels, add the gradient magnitude to bin 'i',
% weighted by the 'rightPortion' for that pixel.
H(1, i) = H(1, i) + sum(rightPortions(pixels)' * magnitudes(pixels));
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