## About Colorbox:
A customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery. See the [project page](http://jacklmoore.com/colorbox/) for documentation and a demonstration, and the [FAQ](http://jacklmoore.com/colorbox/faq/) for solutions and examples to common issues. Released under the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).
## Changelog:
### Version 1.5.8 - 2014/4/15
* Fixed accidental leak of global variable. References #591
* Enabled strict mode. Fixes #597
### Version 1.5.7 - 2014/4/15
* Fix potential error when calling Colorbox directly. References #591
* Potentially worked around browser limitation of reporting that an image height and width is 0 immediately after onload. Fixes #535
### Version 1.5.6 - 2014/4/4
* Applied maxWidth and maxHeight to the initialWidth and initialHeight. Fixes #391
### Version 1.5.5 - 2014/3/13
* Allow setting the overlay opacity through CSS, rather than having to use Colorbox's opacity property. Fixes #580
### Version 1.5.4 - 2014/3/7
* Fixed potential issue where IE9+ wouldn't close the modal when clicking on the overlay. Fixes #576
### Version 1.5.3 - 2014/3/4
* Added access to settings object in callbacks.
### Version 1.5.2 - 2014/2/28
* Added svg to image types regex.
### Version 1.5.1 - 2014/2/27
* Fixed regression that broke direct calls to Colorbox, ie. $.colorbox(…)
### Version 1.5.0 - 2014/2/27
* Changed when the className is applied: immediately on open, but only updated immediately prior to transition. Fixes #565
* Fixed potential style flash if #cboxLoadedContent is given a background. Fixes #567
* Misc. code cleanup
### Version 1.4.37 - 2014/2/11
* Fixed potential error when resizing. Fixes #254
* Added Microsoft's JPEG XR to photo detection regex.
### Version 1.4.33 - 2013/10/31
* Fixed an issue where private events propagated to the document in versions of jQuery prior to 1.7. Fixes #525, Fixes #526
### Version 1.4.32 - 2013/10/16
* Updated stylesheets to avoid issue with using `div {max-width:100%}` (Fixes #520)
### Version 1.4.31 - 2013/9/25
* Used setAttribute to set londesc, so that the value is accessible via DOM Node longDesc property #508
### Version 1.4.30 - 2013/9/24
* Added longdesc and aria-describedby attributes to photos. Fixes #508
### Version 1.4.29 - 2013/9/10
* Fixed a slideshow regression from 1.4.27
* Fixed a potential issue with the starting size of #cboxLoadedContent
### Version 1.4.28 - 2013/9/4
* Fixed a potential issue with using the open property with mixed slideshow and non-slideshow groups
### Version 1.4.27 - 2013/7/16
* Fixed a width calculation issue relating to using margin:auto on #cboxLoadedContent.
### Version 1.4.26 - 2013/6/30
* Fixed a regression in IE7 and IE8 that was causing an error.
### Version 1.4.25 - 2013/6/28
* Use an animation speed of zero between same-sized content (fixed).
* Removed temporary fix for jQuery UI 1.8
### Version 1.4.24 - 2013/6/24
* Added closeButton option. Set to false to remove the close button.
### Version 1.4.23 - 2013/6/23
* Bugfix loading overlay/graphic append order
### Version 1.4.22 - 2013/6/19
* Updated manifest files for the jQuery plugin repository and Bower (no changes to plugin)
### Version 1.4.21 - 2013/6/6
* Replaced new Image() with document.createElement('img') to avoid a potential bug in Chrome 27.
### Version 1.4.20 - 2013/6/5
* Fixing bug/typo from last update.
### Version 1.4.19 - 2013/6/3
* Fixed bug where Colorbox was capturing ctrl+click on assigned links on windows browsers with jQuery 1.7+, rather than ignoring.
### Version 1.4.18 - 2013/5/30
* Fixed a scroll position issue when using $.colorbox.resize()
### Version 1.4.17 - 2013/5/23
* Possible fix for a Chrome 27 issue (https://github.com/jackmoore/colorbox/pull/438#issuecomment-18334804)
### Version 1.4.16 - 2013/5/20
* Added trapFocus setting to allow disabling of focus trapping
### Version 1.4.15 - 2013/4/22
* Added .webp to list of recognized image extensions
### Version 1.4.14 - 2013/4/16
* Added fadeOut property to control the closing fadeOut speed.
* Removed longdesc attribute for now.
### Version 1.4.13 - 2013/4/11
* Fixed an error involving IE7/IE8 and legacy versions of jQuery
### Version 1.4.12 - 2013/4/9
* Fixed a potential conflict with Twitter Bootstrap default img styles.
### Version 1.4.11 - 2013/4/9
* Added `type='button'` to buttons to prevent accidental form submission
* Added alt and longdesc attributes to photo content if they are present on the calling element.
### Version 1.4.10 - 2013/4/2
* Better 'old IE' feature detection that fixes an error with jQuery 2.0.0pre.
### Version 1.4.9 - 2013/4/2
* Fixes bug introduced in previous version.
### Version 1.4.8 - 2013/4/2
* Dropped IE6 support.
* Fixed other issues with $.colorbox.remove.
### Version 1.4.7 - 2013/4/1
* Prevented an error if $.colorbox.remove is called during the transition.
### Version 1.4.6 - 2013/3/19
* Minor change to work around a jQuery 1.4.2 bug for legacy users.
### Version 1.4.5 - 2013/3/10
* Minor change to apply the close and className properties sooner.
### Version 1.4.4 - 2013/3/10
* Fixed an issue with percent-based heights in iOS
* Fixed an issue with ajax requests being applied at the wrong time.
### Version 1.4.3 - 2013/2/18
* Made image preloading aware of retina settings.
### Version 1.4.2 - 2013/2/18
* Removed $.contains for compatibility with jQuery 1.3.x
### Version 1.4.1 - 2013/2/14
* Ignored left and right arrow keypresses if combined with the alt key.
### Version 1.4.0 - 2013/2/12
* Better accessibility:
* Replaced div controls with buttons
* Tabbed navigation confined to modal window
* Added aria role
### Version 1.3.34 - 2013/2/4
* Updated manifest for plugins.jquery.com
### Version 1.3.33 - 2013/2/4
* Added retina display properties: retinaImage, retinaUrl, retinaSuffix
* Fixed iframe scrolling on iOS devices.
### Version 1.3.32 - 2013/1/31
* Improved internal event subscribing & fixed event bug introduced in v1.3.21
### Version 1.3.31 - 2013/1/28
* Fixed a size-calculation bug introduced in the previous commit.
### Version 1.3.30 - 2013/1/25
* Delayed border-width calculations until after opening, to avoid a bug in FF when using Colorbox in a hidden iframe.
### Version 1.3.29 - 2013/1/24
* Fixes bug with bubbling delegated events, introduced in the previous commit.
### Version 1.3.28 - 2013/1/24
* Fixed compatibility issue with old versions of jQuery (1.3.2-1.4.2)
### Version 1.3.27 - 2013/1/23
* Added className property.
### Version 1.3.26 - 2013/1/23
* Minor bugfix: clear the onload event handler after photo has loaded.
### Version 1.3.25 - 2013/1/23
* Removed grunt file & added Bower component.json.
### Version 1.3.24 - 2013/1/22
* Added generated files (jquery.colorbox.js / jquery.colorbox-min.js) back to the repository.
### Version 1.3.23 - 2013/1/18
* Minor bugfix for calling Colorbox on empty jQuery collections without a selector.
### Version 1.3.22 - 2013/1/17
* Recommit for plugins.jquery.com
### Version 1.3.21 - 2013/1/15
Files Changed: *.js
* Fixed compatibility issues with jQuery 1.9
### Version 1.3.20 - August 15 2012
Files Changed:jquery.colorbox.js
* Added temporary workaround for jQuery-UI 1.8 bug (http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12273)
* Added *.jpe extension to the list of image types.
### Version 1.3.19 - December 08 2011
Files Changed:jquery.colorbox.js, colorbox.css (all)
* Fixed bug related to using the 'fixed' property.
* Optimized the setup procedure to be more efficient.
* Removed $.colorbox.init() as it will no longer be needed (will self-init when called).
* Removed use of $.browser.
### Version 1.3.18 - October 07 2011
Files Changed:jquery.colorbox.js/jquery.colorbox-min.js, colorbox.css (all) and example 1's controls.png
* Fixed a regression where Flash content displayed in Colorbox would be reloaded if the browser window was resized.
* Added safety check to make sure th
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主要模块:零售管理、采购管理、销售管理 仓库管理、财务管理、报表查询系统管理等。 支持预付款、收入支出 仓库调拨、组装拆卸、订单等特色功能 拥有库存状况、出入库 统计等报表 同时对角色和权限进行了细致全面控制,精确到每个按钮和菜单。 技术框架: 核心框架:SpringBoot 2.0.0 持久层框架:Mybatis 1.3.2 日志管理:Log4j 2.10.0 JS框架:Jquery 1.8.0 UI框架: EasyUI 1.3.5 模板框架: AdminLTE 2.4.0 项目管理框架: Maven 3.2.3 开发环境: IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2017+ eclipse DB: Mysql5.7.4 JDK: JDK1.8 Maven: Maven3.2.3+ 运行环境:数据库服务器:Mysql5.7.4 JAVA平台: JRE1.8 操作系统:Windows、Linux等 6) 系统管理:主要是实现对历史记录进行简要的分析,实现用户的资料更新和数据备份。权限管理主
Java进销存ERP管理系统源码 (2000个子文件)
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Material.class 7KB
UnitExample$Criteria.class 7KB
MaterialCategoryController.class 7KB
TenantService.class 6KB
DepotItem.class 6KB
AccountItemController.class 6KB
OrganizationController.class 6KB
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