The project is about applying CNNs to EEG data from CHB-MIT to predict seizure. It's a group project assigned at UNIVERSITA' DI CAMERINO for computer science bachelor.
The objective of the project was to try to replicate the result obtained in the paper:
[Truong, Nhan Duy, et al. "Convolutional neural networks for seizure prediction using intracranial and scalp electroencephalogram." Neural Networks 105 (2018): 104-111.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0893608018301485)
The algorithm consist to create spectograms of the data and than use them with a CNN model to predict seizure.
More information are in [presentazione.pdf](presentazione.pdf) and [relazione.pdf](relazione.pdf). The two file are respectively the presentation and the relation of the work in italian language.
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
In the project anaconda was used to managed the packages. Packages required:
* keras 2.2.2
* python 3.6.6
* tensorflow 1.10.0
* matplotlib
* numpy
* pyedflib
* scipy
For the evaluation of the network, training and testing, the GPU is used to have a fast evaluation. By using the CPU the training time is a lot more slowly than using GPU. Packages required for GPU:
* tensorflow-GPU
For the using of the GPU this link was very useful to install all the driver for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS https://medium.com/@naomi.fridman/install-conda-tensorflow-gpu-and-keras-on-ubuntu-18-04-1b403e740e25 (Note that the GPU used was GTX 850M so I can't ensure that the guide linked will work for different hardware).
### Installing
Download or clone the repository on your computer and set the parameters:
* [PARAMETERS_DATA_EDITING.txt](PARAMETERS_DATA_EDITING.txt): contain the parameters for the creation of the spectograms:
- **pathDataSet**: path of the folder containing the dataset;
- **FirstPartPathOutput**: path of the folder where spectograms will be saved;
* [PARAMETERS_CNN.txt](PARAMETERS_CNN.txt): contain the parameters for the use of CNN:
- **PathSpectogramFolder**: Path of the folder containing the spectograms;
- **OutputPath**: file where to save the results;
- **OutputPathModels**: where to save the CNN models.
## Recovering data
The dataset is downloadable from this site: [https://archive.physionet.org/pn6/chbmit/](https://archive.physionet.org/pn6/chbmit/). To get all the data it's suggested to use this command:
wget -r --no-parent https://archive.physionet.org/pn6/chbmit/
In the code only patients 1, 2, 5, 19, 21, 23 are used, the others are discarded for problems in the data.
**NOTE**: For the patient 19 replace the summary file(chb19-summary.txt) with the one in this repository inside the folder summaryChanged.
## Running
After setted all the parameters run the code.
python DataserToSpectogram.py #Creation of the spectograms
python CNN.py #Creation of the CNN and evaluation of the model on the spectograms
python TestThreshold.py #Search the best thresold for each patient
## Contributing
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/b24679402957c63ec426) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
## Authors
* [**Simone Morettini**](https://github.com/MesSem)
* [**Alessandra Renieri**](https://github.com/a311987)
## License
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details
## Acknowledgments
* ______
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该项目是关于将CNN应用于CHB-MIT的脑电图数据以预测癫痫发作。这是卡梅里诺大学计算机科学学士学位的一个小组项目。 该项目的目标是尝试复制论文中获得的结果:Truong,Nhan Duy等人,“使用颅内和头皮脑电图预测癫痫发作的卷积神经网络。神经网络105(2018):104-111。
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 2