%% Vehicle with Fuel Cell Powertrain
% This example shows a fuel cell powertrain modeled in Simscape. A single
% fuel cell stack in parallel with a battery powers a single motor that
% propels the vehicle. The fuel cell is modeled using a custom domain to
% track the different species of gas that are used in the fuel cell. The
% vehicle can be tested on custom drive cycles or using the Drive Cycle
% Source from Powertrain Blockset.
% Products Used
% * <https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html MATLAB>
% * <https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html Simulink>
% * <https://www.mathworks.com/products/simscape.html Simscape>
% * <https://www.mathworks.com/products/simscape-driveline.html Simscape Driveline>
% * <https://www.mathworks.com/products/simscape-electrical.html Simscape Electrical>
% * <https://www.mathworks.com/products/simscape-fluids.html Simscape Fluids>
% * <https://www.mathworks.com/products/powertrain.html Powertrain Blockset>
% Copyright 2019-2023 The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Model
%% Powertrain Subsystem
% The fuel cell and battery are connected on a DC electrical network to the
% motor. The control system determines how much power to draw from the
% battery and fuel cell. During braking events, power is fed back into the
% battery to recharge it. A thermal system modeled using a fluid network
% controls the temperature of the battery, DC-DC converters, and the motor.
%% Fuel Cell Subsystem
% The flow of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and water is captured in a custom
% Simscape domain. Equations for reactions and heat generated are
% implemented in Simscape language. A thermal management system keeps the
% fuel cell at the optimal operating temperature.
open_system('ssc_car_fuel_cell_1motor/Vehicle/Powertrain/FuelCell1Motor/Fuel Cell/Fuel Cell','force')
%% Simulation Results from Simscape Logging: Cycle 1
% Plot shows how the current from the battery and fuel cell vary as the car
% is driven along a standard drive cycle. Note that the battery is
% recharged (current changes sign) while the fuel cell is only discharged.
set_param('ssc_car_fuel_cell_1motor/Driver/Drive Cycle','LabelModeActiveChoice','Data');
set_param('ssc_car_fuel_cell_1motor/Driver/Drive Cycle/Drive Cycle Data','popup_cycle','Cycle 1');
%% Simulation Results from Simscape Logging: Cycle 2
set_param('ssc_car_fuel_cell_1motor/Driver/Drive Cycle','LabelModeActiveChoice','Data');
set_param('ssc_car_fuel_cell_1motor/Driver/Drive Cycle/Drive Cycle Data','popup_cycle','Cycle 2');
%clear all
close all
bdclose all
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