Study on reactive power optimization based on ant colony algorithm
加快进化过程, 有利于发现较好的解。本文将蚁群算法用于求解电力系统无功优化问题。在满足发电机无功功率、
Abstract: The ant colony algorithm is a kind of stochastic explorative algorithms. The positive feedback, distributed
computation, and the constructive greedy heuristic are used in the algorithm to speed up the evolutionary process of finding
the optimal solution. This paper uses the algorithm by building a model to solve the reactive power optimization in power
system. If the reactive power of generator and the node voltage of load are met, the model can be built and it uses the
minimum of system losses as objective function and the terminal voltage of generator, transformer tap and the output of
reactive power compensation equipment as control variables. Then how to use the ant colony algorithm to solve reactive
power optimization problem are introduced and simulated. The simulation result shows the efficiency of the approach.
Key words: the ant colony algorithm;mathematical model;power system;reactive power optimization