# GraduationProjectManagerSystem
1.根据题目的描述,既然这个系统有教师和学生的管理,那这个系统不仅是毕业设计管理系统,而是有教师和学生的信息查询维护的教务管理系统的一部分。 本系统是一个专门用于毕业设计管理的系统,每个准备毕业设计的学生和每个指导老师都拥有一个账号。该系统的账号可能是从教务管理系统导入进来的。
数据库:sqlite 3.31.1
开发系统:Windows 10.0 Build 18362
开发工具:Visual Studio 2017 Community
支持的系统:Windows 7/10 AnyCPU(指能跑Windows的)
而诸如```''or 1=1#```或```username' AND 1=1—hack```这样的注入方式,或者更为恶劣的```username;DROP TABLE user—hack```的攻击,采用对请求的字符串预处理的形式,过滤其中可提供多语句执行的;和=两个常见字符,在尽可能减少对用户自由性损失的同时,防范SQL注入的攻击。
**Function introduction:**
1. According to the description of the topic, since this system has the management of teachers and students, then this system is not only a graduation design management system, but also a part of the educational management system with information query and maintenance of teachers and students. This system is a system dedicated to graduation design management. Every student preparing for graduation design and each instructor have an account. The account of the system may be imported from the educational administration management system.
2. In view of the need for approval, the system has four roles, namely teacher, student, department head, and administrator. Different users have different interfaces and different functions when logging into this system.
3. There is a "select topic" function in the student interface. After selecting the topic and approval by the tutor and department head, the topic will be opened and you can view your progress in real time in the "upload progress", and supplement the latest progress at any time.
4. The system administrator has the functions of adding and deleting users and determining user rights, but the system administrator cannot involve the topic selection and review. To modify the content of the topic selection and review, the administrator needs to create a teacher with the authority of the department head for himself account number.
5. Teachers without department head authority can only guide students and open questions, and cannot enter the department head approval interface. Teachers who have the authority of the department head can enter the department head approval interface, and can also guide students and open questions. (It is worth mentioning that the dean of the department can approve the graduation design of students under his guidance.)
**Logical structure design:** (Bold indicates the primary key)
User table (**uniform ID**, password, user category)
Student Form (**Uniform ID**, name, gender, major, class, phone, email, remarks)
Teacher Form (**Uniform ID**, name, gender, job title, direction, telephone, email, whether or not the department head)
Question List (**Question Number**, Title Name, Subject Specialty, Proposition Tutor, Brief Introduction)
Selection table (**topic number**, student ID, teacher ID, completion process)
**Technology and environment used for development:**
Architecture: native
Language: C++
Database: sqlite 3.31.1
Library used: EasyX_20200520(beta)
Development system: Windows 10.0 Build 18362
Development tools: Visual Studio 2017 Community
Supported system: Windows 7/10 AnyCPU (means able to run Windows)
**What needs to be explained:**
It needs to be explained that this management system simplifies the process of student completion
Divided into 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 total 6 stages
Among them, the dean of the department opens the examination and approval only for stage 0
The teacher's review (interim inspection and tutor's opinion) is only for stage 1, 2
Department head approval (Department Head Approval and Graduation Reply) is only for stages 3 and 4
The fifth stage is a successful graduation.
**Security considerations:**
During the login process, whether to use the stored match in advance for the administrator instead of directly querying the query avoids the risk of SQL injection during the user login process. Common SQL injection points such as ```admin'#``` are avoided .
Injecting methods such as```''or 1=1#``` or ```username' AND 1=1—hack```, or the worse```username;DROP TABLE user—hack```attacks, use the form of preprocessing the requested string, filtering Which can provide multi-statement execution; and = two common characters, while reducing the loss of user freedom as much as possible, while preventing SQL injection attacks.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, the password failed to use H
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