**UNDERWATER ADVENTURE** is an exciting underwater-themed game developed using the Pygame library in the Python programming language.
<img src="https://github.com/kostrv/Underwater-Game-based-on-Python-pygame/blob/main/screenshots/preview_5.jpg" alt="Screenshot" width="900" height="505">
<img src="https://github.com/kostrv/Underwater-Game-based-on-Python-pygame/blob/main/screenshots/preview_4.jpg" alt="Screenshot" width="900" height="505">
<img src="https://github.com/kostrv/Underwater-Game-based-on-Python-pygame/blob/main/screenshots/preview_3.jpg" alt="Screenshot" width="900" height="505">
<img src="https://github.com/kostrv/Underwater-Game-based-on-Python-pygame/blob/main/screenshots/preview_2.jpg" alt="Screenshot" width="900" height="505">
<img src="https://github.com/kostrv/Underwater-Game-based-on-Python-pygame/blob/main/screenshots/preview_1.jpg" alt="Screenshot" width="900" height="505">
## :zap: Features
- The code is extensively commented and organized into blocks, making it easy to understand and learn from.
- Files are conveniently organized into folders based on their purpose.
- Level generation is facilitated using CSV files for each level.
- The game offers 6 unique levels for players to explore and conquer.
- Various menus are implemented for intuitive and user-friendly interaction.
- Visual elements are carefully designed, including animations and sprite models.
- Each level and menu is accompanied by thematic soundtracks, with sound effects enhancing every action.
## :books: Usage Guide
- Use **W, A, S, D** or **â, â, â, â** keys for movement and navigation.
- Press **Space** to activate sprinting in game or to start load of level in overworld.
- Press **Escape** to activate pause.
- Press **Tab** to close the game window in overworld or in game.
## :mortar_board: Advice
- Crashing into enemies while sprinting, you defeat them, otherwise you take damage.
- The level will end when you touch the submarine or you run out of health.
- While traveling through the underwater world, you can collect coins, one gold coin has a value of 5 silver.
## :thumbsup: Resource authors
- [Music](https://dhsfx.itch.io/aquatic-soundscapes-adventure-game-music)
- [2D Pixel Art Jellyfish Sprite](https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-jellyfish-sprites)
- [Other UnderWater Assets](https://ansimuz.itch.io/underwater-diving)
- The rest of the sprites were either found in the public domain, or were drawn by me personally
## :floppy_disk: Requirements
- Python > 3.7.7
- Pygame > 2.5.1
Make sure to have these requirements installed before running the game. You can download them from their official websites:
- [Python Official installation page](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
- [Pygame Official installation page](https://www.pygame.org/)
## :computer: Installation
1. Download the ZIP, fork the repository, or clone it using the command:
2. Install the required components
3. Run the game and embark on your **UNDERWATER ADVENTURE**!
## :bangbang: Attention to
- Level loading speed, as well as performance in the game depends on the power of your CPU
## :mag_right: Troubleshooting
If you encounter any issues while setting up or playing the game, feel free to reach out to me at [opachicha.06@gmail.com](mailto:opachicha.06@gmail.com). I'll be glad to assist you!
Enjoy your journey into the depths of the **UNDERWATER ADVENTURE**! ðð ð®
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