function [sys, x0] = animtbu(t, x, u, flag, action)
%ANIMTBU Animation of TBU (truck backer-upper) system.
% This is animation of the truck backer-upper (TBU) system. By clicking
% at the "Controller:" pop-up menu, you can choose to control this
% system by yourself or by a fuzzy controller. If it is controlled by
% human, click at the steering handle at the lower right corner to
% change the steering angle of the truck's front wheels.
% The controller used here actually contains two state feedback
% controllers (implemented as MATLAB function blocks); these two state
% feedback controllers operate on two different sets of state variables.
% The fuzzy controller is then used as a blender to combined these two
% controllers smoothly based on the distance between the truck and the
% loading duck.
% The simulation stops whenever the truck hits the back wall. Move the
% truck by clicking inside the truck, or rotate it by clicking at one
% of its corners.
% Animation S-function: animtbu.m
% SIMULINK file: sltbu.m
% Roger Jang, 10-21-93, 1-16-94, 11-13-94
% Copyright 1994-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 2001/04/06 14:08:20 $
% User data convention:
% userdata = get(AnimTbuFigH, 'userdata');
% userdata(1, :) --> handles for standard SL gui control
% userdata(2, :) --> handles for additional gui control
% userdata(3, :) --> handles for animation objects
global TbuInitCond TbuSlStatus TbuSteerAngle x0
global TbuTruck TbuCenter truck_l truck_w wheel_l wheel_w
global TbuOriDispMode TbuCurrPt date num axisx axisy
global AnimTbuFigH AnimTbuFigTitle AnimTbuAxisH TbuSteerCenter
global AnimTbuTranslate AnimTbuRotate out sen ndate Phi0
global start Display RadaDetectData RadaRange mapH map
if ~isempty(flag) & flag == 3,
sys = TbuSteerAngle;
elseif ~isempty(flag) & flag == 2,%更新小车状态
if any(get(0, 'children') == AnimTbuFigH),
if strcmp(get(AnimTbuFigH, 'Name'), AnimTbuFigTitle),
xPos = u(1); yPos = u(2); phi = u(3);
Display(2)=u(1);Display(3)= u(2);Display(4)= u(3);
if length(u)==4, theta = u(4); else theta = 0; end
curr_pos = xPos + j*yPos;phi0=phi+pi/2;
tmp = get(AnimTbuFigH, 'UserData');
objectH = tmp(3, :);
%============= 更新小车当前坐标===========%
TbuCenterH = objectH(6); %质心句柄
TbuCenter = curr_pos;
set(TbuCenterH, 'XData', real(TbuCenter), 'YData', imag(TbuCenter));
% ====== circle position
truckH = objectH(1); %车体句柄
%truck_l = 2*abs(real(TbuTruck(1)));
%truck_w = 2*abs(imag(TbuTruck(1)));
new_truck = (TbuTruck)*exp(j*phi) + curr_pos;
set(truckH, 'XData', real(new_truck), 'YData', imag(new_truck));
% ====== middle axis 中轴=========
%wheel_axishH = objectH(6);%中轴句柄+ truck_l/2
%wheel_axish = get(wheel_axishH,'userdata');
%wheel_axish = wheel_axish*exp(j*phi0) + curr_pos;
% ====== wheels 车轮===============
wheelH = objectH(2);
wheel = get(wheelH, 'userdata');
%wheel_l = 2*abs(real(wheel));
%wheel_w = 2*abs(imag(wheel));
f_wheelsH = objectH(3);
displace = (truck_l - wheel_l)/2 + j*truck_w/2;
seperator = nan + j*nan;
rotated_wheel = wheel*exp(j*(-theta));
wheel1 = -conj(displace) + rotated_wheel;
wheel2 = -displace + rotated_wheel;
f_wheels = [wheel1; seperator; wheel2]; % rotated front wheels
new_f_wheels = (f_wheels+ truck_l/2)*exp(j*phi) + curr_pos;
set(f_wheelsH, 'XData', real(new_f_wheels), 'YData',imag(new_f_wheels));
% ====== 车轮转角
r_wheelsH = objectH(4);
wheel3 = displace + wheel;
wheel4 = conj(displace) + wheel;
r_wheels = [wheel3; seperator; wheel4]; % rear wheels
new_r_wheels = (r_wheels+ truck_l/2)*exp(j*phi) + curr_pos;
set(r_wheelsH, 'XData', real(new_r_wheels), 'YData',imag(new_r_wheels));
% ===== 雷达
RadaDetectH = objectH(5); %雷达句柄
% RadaDetect = get(RadaDetectH,'userdata');
RadaDetectRange = RadaRange * [exp(j*linspace(pi,0,37))]*exp(j*phi0)+curr_pos;
% aa = linspace(pi,0,37);
% bb=[aa(1),aa(9),aa(9:2:28),aa(28),aa(37)];
% RadaDetectRange = RadaRange * [exp(j*bb)]*exp(j*phi0)+TbuCenter;
tmp = get(AnimTbuFigH, 'userdata');
showsensorH = tmp(2,2);
showsensor= get(showsensorH,'value');
%if(showsensor ==0),
% set(RadaDetectH, 'visible', 'off');
% else
set(RadaDetectH, 'XData', real(RadaDetectRange), 'YData',imag(RadaDetectRange));
% set(RadaDetectH, 'XData', real(RadaDetectRange), 'YData',imag(RadaDetectRange), 'visible', 'on');
% set(RadaDetectH, 'XData', real(RadaDetectRange), 'YData',imag(RadaDetectRange));
% 改到这里了。viobstacles(n,:)=vicinage(ob(n,:),s01,s04,s08,s11,s14,s18,s21,s24,s28);
% get(mobileobsH,'userdata')
% obsH = objectH(7);%障碍句柄
%RadaDetectData = vicinage(Obstacle,RadaDetectRange,TbuCenter);
for k=1:37
else k=k+1;
%for k=1:37
% if n==1
% if(in(k)==1)
% num=k;n=0
% inpolygon
% % ====== update ball
% truckH = objectH(1);
% %TbuTruck = get(truckH, 'userdata');
% Pioneer_r = 2*abs(real(TbuTruck(1)));
% truck_w = 2*abs(imag(TbuTruck(1)));
% new_truck = (TbuTruck + Pioneer_r/2)*exp(j*phi) + curr_pos;
% set(truckH, 'XData', real(new_truck), 'YData', imag(new_truck));
% % ====== front wheels
% wheelH = objectH(4);
% wheel = get(wheelH, 'userdata');
% wheel_l = 2*abs(real(wheel(1)));
% wheel_w = 2*abs(imag(wheel(1)));
% f_wheelsH = objectH(2);
% displace = (Pioneer_r - wheel_l)/2 + j*truck_w/2;
% seperator = nan + j*nan;
% rotated_wheel = wheel*exp(j*theta);
% wheel1 = displace + rotated_wheel;
% wheel2 = conj(displace) + rotated_wheel;
% f_wheels = [wheel1; seperator; wheel2]; % rotated front wheels
% new_f_wheels = (f_wheels + Pioneer_r/2)*exp(j*phi) + curr_pos;
% set(f_wheelsH, 'XData', real(new_f_wheels), 'YData',imag(new_f_wheels));
% % ====== rear wheels
% r_wheelsH = objectH(3);
% wheel3 = -conj(displace) + wheel;
% wheel4 = -displace + wheel;
% r_wheels = [wheel3; seperator; wheel4]; % rear wheels
% new_r_wheels = (r_wheels + Pioneer_r/2)*exp(j*phi) + curr_pos;
% set(r_wheelsH, 'XData', real(new_r_wheels), 'YData',imag(new_r_wheels));
% % ====== update handle
% stickH = objectH(5);
% stick = get(stickH, 'userdata');
% who_drive = get_param('sltbu/Constant', 'value');
% who_drive =1;
% if str2double(who_drive) > 0, % not human controller
% new_stick = stick*e
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