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<h1>APC caching</h1>
<p>Today I have another interesting article for PHP. We will talking about caching, and practice of using caching in php. I will make review of APC caching and will show you how you can use APC in PHP.</p>
<a class="more" href="#/how-to-use-apc-caching-with-php/">Continue +</a>
<h1>3D WebGL</h1>
<p>Today we continue HTML5 canvas examples. And today we will try to begin learning WebGL. In my demonstration I will show you how to initialize WebGL and draw simple 3D object. Also we will animate this object too.</p>
<a class="more" href="#/making-3d-webgl-demonstration/">Continue +</a>
<p>Today is interesting tutorial for PHP. I will show you how to use GD library. And, main task today is adding watermark to image and generate result as PNG image into browser. We will using PHP and GD library.</p>
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<h3>HTML5&CSS3 single page layout – Art theme</h3>
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<p>Today I will like to product new great masterpiece – new template with codename: ‘Art theme’. This will nice HTML5 template with nice gray colors. Hope that you will like new styles and you will learn some new coding lessons.</p>
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<h3>HTML CSS Anime Theme Website Layout</h3>
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<p>Today I will like to product new masterpiece – new template with codename: ‘Anime theme’. This will nice HTML5 template with good colors. Hope that you can learn some new coding lessons and download our result and use it at your own site.</p>
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- 粉丝: 2763
- 资源: 74
- (源码)基于微控制器的吉他自动调音器.zip
- (源码)基于STM32微控制器的PCM数据分析项目.zip
- (源码)基于Go语言的抽奖小服务系统.zip
- (源码)基于ESP32和Ubidots的温湿度及CO2监测系统.zip
- (源码)基于Pythonwechaty框架的智能微信机器人.zip
- (源码)基于Arduino和FT810的彩虹合成器.zip
- (源码)基于STM32和Raspberry Pi的自动驾驶车辆系统.zip
- (源码)基于Python的图库管理系统.zip
- (源码)基于Arduino的电子发明家原型设计项目(Summer 2020版).zip
- (源码)基于Unity和FMOD的绘本游戏《会说话的点点》.zip
- (源码)基于Makefile的跨平台编译管理系统.zip
- (源码)基于STM32的USB风扇控制系统.zip
- (源码)基于Python的机器学习算法可视化实践系统.zip
- (源码)基于C语言和RTThread的ESPush W60X固件.zip
- (源码)基于Arduino和NodeMCU的智能街道照明系统.zip
- (源码)基于MQTT协议的智能隔尿垫系统.zip