About client-side deployment of ScriptX version 6,3,435,20
Read this document alongside the documents and the samples (View Source in the browser and copy any code you want) which are available here:
'Free' ScriptX
* To use the 'free' script enhancing and printing (Header, Footer, basic Margins & Orientation) functionality of ScriptX on your IE4.01SP1 - IE7.0 pages, you will need:
* Reference smsx.cab like this:
<object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"
where [your-path] is a placeholder for the location of smsx.cab on your own servers.
* Or if you want to use MeadCo's version of the IE7 'scale to fit' print template, do this:
<object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"
<param name="template" value="MeadCo://IE7" />
* You may want to pre-install 'basic' ScriptX over an intranet, in which case use the (strictly-admin-only-to-run):
A local administrator should run smsx.exe on each client machine in your Intranet as an alternative to having the control auto-download the first time a user hits a ScriptX-enabled page.
Licensed ScriptX
* To evaluate the advanced printing functionality of ScriptX on your own computer on content served from (specifically and ONLY) file:// or /localhost/, include these objects:
<!-- MeadCo Security Manager -->
<object id="secmgr" viewastext style="display:none"
<param name="GUID" value="{232E61C9-1E90-4657-AEDB-6F02F3B2EE37}">
<param name="Path" value="http://www.meadroid.com/scriptx/sxlic.mlf">
<param name="Revison" value="0">
<!-- MeadCo ScriptX -->
<object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"
Note that [your_path] in 'codebase' is shown as a placeholder only, and should be replaced by your own path to the smsx.cab file.
The <object> code shown above should appear on ALL your ScriptX-enabled pages, including ASP. You can NOT use CreateObject or new ActiveXObject to call ScriptX client-side. You should call ScriptX in all cases by the ID of the on-page ScriptX object.
Note: the {232E61C9-1E90-4657-AEDB-6F02F3B2EE37} value of the GUID parameter used above identifies the MeadCo evaluation license that authors may use to experiment with Advanced printing capabilities. The license validates local filesystem (file://, My Computer Security Zone only) and local website (http://localhost/) content ONLY for evaluation purposes on a single development computer.
The evaluation license DOES NOT VALIDATE and WILL NOT WORK FROM any other address. Registered customers are issued with an unique license identifier and a digitally signed sxlic.mlf file.
* If you want to pre-install the licensed ScriptX binaries over an intranet, use the(strictly-admin-only-to-run):
An administrator should run smsx.exe on each client machine in your Intranet as an alternative to having the control auto-download the first time a user hits a licensed ScriptX-enabled page.
Full documentation and licensing details can be found at http://www.meadroid.com/scriptx/
Scripting Factory and ScriptX are Copyright (c) Mead & Co Limited 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
Contact us at: feedback@meadroid.com