An Overview of Massive MIMO:
Benefits and Challenges
Lu Lu, Student Member, IEEE, Geoffrey Ye Li, Fellow, IEEE, A. Lee Swindlehurst, Fellow, IEEE,
Alexei Ashikhmin, Senior Member, IEEE, and Rui Zhang, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wire-
less communications refers to the idea equipping cellular base
stations (BSs) with a very large number of antennas, and has been
shown to potentially allow for orders of magnitude improvement
in spectral and energy e fficiency using relatively simple (linear)
processing. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of
state-of-the-art research on the topic, which has recently attracted
considerable attention. We begin with an information theoretic
analysis to illustrate the conjectured advantages of massive
MIMO, and then we address implementation issues related to
channel estimation, detection and precoding sch emes. We partic-
ularly focus on the potential impact of pilot contamination caused
by the use of non-orthogonal pilot sequences by users in adjacent
cells. We also analyze the energy efficien cy achieved by massive
MIMO systems, and demonstrate how the degrees of freedom
provided by massive MIMO systems enable efficient single-carrier
transmission. Finally, the challenges and opportunities associated
with implementing massive MIMO in future wireless communica-
tions systems are discussed.
Index Terms—Channel estimation, energy efficiency, mas-
sive MIMO systems, orthogonal frequency division m ultiplexing
(OFDM), pilot contamination, precoding and detection, single-car-
rier transmission, spectral efficiency, time-division duplexing
INPUT m ultip le-output (MIMO) technolog y
has been widely studied during the last two decades and
applied to many wireless standards since it can significantly im-
prove th
e capacity and reliability of wireless systems. W hile
initial work on the problem focused on point-to-point MIMO
links where two devices with multiple antennas communicate
with e
ach other, focus has shifted in recent years to more prac-
tical mult i- user MIM O (MU -MIMO) systems, where typically a
Manuscript received September 30, 2013; revised December 30, 2013; ac-
cepted March 28, 2014. Date of publication April 15, 2014; date of current
version September 11, 2014. The guest editor coordinating the review of this
manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Fernando Pereira.
L. Lu and G. Y. Li are with the School of Electrical and Computer En-
gineering, Georgia Ins titu te of Technolog y, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA (e-mail:
lulu@ece.gatec h.edu; liye@ece.gatech.edu).
A. L. Swindlehurst is with the Henry Samueli School of Engineering, Uni-
versity of California, Irvine, CA 92697-2625 USA (e-mail: swindle@uci.edu).
A. Ashikhmin is with the Co mmunications and Statistical Sciences Depart-
ment, B ell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ 07974-06 36
USA ( e-m ail: aea@al catel-lucent.com).
R. Zhang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
National University of Singapore, Singapore 117516 (e-mail: elezhang@nus.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.i eee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTSP.2014.2317671
Fig. 1. Illustration of Massive MU- MIMO system s.
base station (BS) with multiple antennas simultaneously serves
a set of single-antenna users and the m ultiplexing gain can be
shared by all users.
In this way, expensive equipment i s only
needed on the BS end of the link, and the user terminals can
be relatively cheap single-antenna devices. Furthermore, due
to m ulti-user di
versity, the performance of MU-MIMO systems
is generally less sens iti ve to the propagation environment than
in the point-to-point MIMO case. As a result, MU-MIMO has
become an integ
ral part of comm unications standards, such as
802.11 (WiFi), 802.16 (WiMAX), LTE, and is progressively
being deplo yed throughout the world. For most MIMO imple-
the BS typically employs only a few (i.e., fewer than
10) antennas, an d the correspond ing improvement in spectral ef-
ficiency, while important, is still relatively modest.
In a recent ef
fort to achieve m ore dramatic gains as well as
to simplify the required signal processing, massive MIMO sys-
tems o r large-scale antenna systems (LSAS) have been pro-
], [2], where each BS is equipped with orders of mag-
nitude m ore antennas, e.g., 100 or m ore. A massive MU-MIMO
network is depicted in Fig. 1. Asymptotic arguments based on
random ma
trix theory [2] demonstrate that the effects of u ncor-
related noise and small-scale fading are eliminated, the nu mber
of users per cell are independent of th e size of the cell, and
the req
uired transmitted energy per b it vanishes as the number
of antennas in a M IMO cell grows to infinity. Furthermore,
simple linear signal processing approaches, such as matched-
(MF) precoding/detection, can be used in massive MIMO
systems to achieve these advantages.
It is shown in [2] that u nder realistic propagation assump-
, MF-b ased non-co operativ e massive MIMO systems could
in principle achieve a data rate of 17 Mb/s for each of 40 users
in a 20 MHz channel in both the uplink (reverse link) and down-
(forward link) directions, with an average throughp ut of 73 0
Mb/s per cell and an overall spectral efficiency of 26.5 bps/Hz.
Since the number of antennas at the BS is typically assumed to
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