Texas Instruments HDC2010 Arduino Library
The HDC2010 Library for Arduino allows for configuration and use of
the HDC2010 without the need to use I2C or know the register mapping of
the device.
Feel free to modify and reuse this library as you see fit. This code is
released AS-IS into the public domain. No guarantee or warranty is given.
This code will not be supported by Texas Instruments after release.
Extract or copy the HDC2010 Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries'
folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. The example sketch will then
be available under 'custom libraries' when you select File-> Examples.
HDC2010.cpp - C++ File defining behavior of HDC2010 methods
HDC2010.h - Header file for HDC2010.cpp
keywords.txt - Keywords from HDC2010.h
library.properties - Properties file for HDC2010 library
Examples - Holds HDC2010 example sketch
Library Functions:
HDC2010(uint8_t addr)
- Initializes an HDC2010 object
void begin(void)
- Equivalent to wire.Begin(), Joins I2C Bus
float readTemp(void)
- Returns the temperature in degrees C
float readHumidity(void)
- Returns the relative humidity
void enableHeater(void)
- Enables the heating element
void disableHeater(void)
- Disables the heating element
void setLowTemp(float temp)
- Sets the lower temperature threshold (in celcius). Temperature may not
be exact due to 8 bit quantization.
void setHighTemp(float temp)
- Sets the upper temperature threshold (in celcius). Temperature may not
be exact due to 8 bit quantization.
void setHighHumidity(float humid)
- Sets the upper humidity threshold (as a %). Humidity may not
be exact due to 8 bit quantization.
void setLowHumidity(float humid)
- Sets the lower humidity threshold (as a %). Humidity may not
be exact due to 8 bit quantization.
float readLowHumidityThreshold(void)
- Returns contents of low humidity threshold register
float readHighHumidityThreshold(void)
- Returns contents of high humidity threshold register
float readLowTempThreshold(void)
- Returns contents of low temperature threshold register (in C)
float readHighTempThreshold(void)
- Returns contents of high temperature threshold register (in C)
void triggerMeasurement(void)
- Triggers a manual temperature/humidity reading. Use to start
the taking of regular measurements.
void reset(void)
- Triggers a software reset, all registers are returned to default values
void enableInterrupt(void)
- Enables the interrupt/DRDY pin
void disableInterrupt(void)
- Disables the interrupt/DRDY pin (High Z)
uint8_t readInterruptStatus(void)
- Reads the status of the interrupt register. The results can be interpreted
to know which interrupts have been generated. The HDC2010 datasheet explains
the contents of this register.
void clearMaxTemp(void)
- Clears the Maximum temperature register.
void clearMaxHumidity(void)
- Clears the Maximum humidity register
float readMaxTemp(void)
- Reads the maximum temperature register
float readMaxHumidity(void)
- Reads the maximum humidity register
void enableThresholdInterrupt(void)
- Enables high and low temperature/humidity interrupts
void disableThresholdInterrupt(void)
- Disables high and low temperature/humidity interrupts
void enableDRDYInterrupt(void)
- Enables data ready interrupt
void disableDRDYInterrupt(void)
- Disables data ready interrupt
void setTempRes(int resolution)
void setHumidRes(int resolution)
Sets Temperature & Humidity Resolution, 3 options
0 - 14 bit
1 - 11 bit
2 - 9 bit
default - 14 bit
void setMeasurementMode(int mode)
Sets measurement mode, 3 options
0 - Temperature and Humidity
1 - Temperature only
2 - Humidity only
default - Temperature & Humidity
void setRate(int rate)
Sets reading rate, 8 options
0 - Manual
1 - reading every 2 minutes
2 - reading every minute
3 - reading every ten seconds
4 - reading every 5 seconds
5 - reading every second
6 - reading at 2Hz
7 - reading at 5Hz
default - Manual
void setInterruptPolarity(int polarity)
Sets Interrupt polarity, 2 options
0 - Active Low
1 - Active High
default - Active Low
void setInterruptMode(int polarity)
Sets Interrupt mode, 2 options
0 - Level sensitive
1 - Comparator mode
default - Level sensitive
- 粉丝: 2
- 资源: 5
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