// File name: SM9_Key_ex.c
// Version: SM9_Key_ex_V1.0
// Date: Jan 1,2017
// Description: implementation of SM9 Key Exchange Protocol
// all operations based on BN curve line function
// Function List:
// 1.bytes128_to_ecn2 //convert char into ecn2
// 2.zzn12_ElementPrint //print all element of struct zzn12
// 3.LinkCharZzn12 //link two different types(unsigned char and zzn12)to
one(unsigned char)
// 4.Test_Point //test if the given point is on SM9 curve
// 5.SM9_KeyEx_KDF //calculate KDF(IDA||IDB||RA||RB||g1||g2||g3)
// 6.SM9_KeyEx_Hash //calculate
// 7.SM9_H1 //function H1 in SM9 standard
// 8.SM9_Init //initiate SM9 curve
// 9.SM9_GenerateEncryptKey //generate encrypted private and public key
// 10.SM9_KeyEx_InitA_I //calculate RA (Step A1-A4)
// 11.SM9_KeyEx_ReB_I //calculate RB ,a hash Value SB and a shared key SKB(Step
// 12.SM9_KeyEx_InitA_II //initiator A calculate the secret key SKA and a hash
//SA which responder B might verifies(Step A5-A7)
// 13.SM9_KeyEx_ReB_II //Step B10 (optional) verifies the hash value SA received
from initiator A
// 14.SM9_SelfCheck() //SM9 slef-check
// Notes:
// This SM9 implementation source code can be used for academic, non-profit making or
non-commercial use only.
// This SM9 implementation is created on MIRACL. SM9 implementation source code provider does
not provide MIRACL library, MIRACL license or any permission to use MIRACL library. Any commercial
use of MIRACL requires a license which may be obtained from Shamus Software Ltd.
#include "SM9_Key_ex.h"
#include "kdf.h"
Function: bytes128_to_ecn2
Description: convert 128 bytes into ecn2