# Async.js
Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions
for working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for
use with [node.js](http://nodejs.org), it can also be used directly in the
browser. Also supports [component](https://github.com/component/component).
Async provides around 20 functions that include the usual 'functional'
suspects (map, reduce, filter, each…) as well as some common patterns
for asynchronous control flow (parallel, series, waterfall…). All these
functions assume you follow the node.js convention of providing a single
callback as the last argument of your async function.
## Quick Examples
async.map(['file1','file2','file3'], fs.stat, function(err, results){
// results is now an array of stats for each file
async.filter(['file1','file2','file3'], fs.exists, function(results){
// results now equals an array of the existing files
function(){ ... },
function(){ ... }
], callback);
function(){ ... },
function(){ ... }
There are many more functions available so take a look at the docs below for a
full list. This module aims to be comprehensive, so if you feel anything is
missing please create a GitHub issue for it.
## Common Pitfalls
### Binding a context to an iterator
This section is really about bind, not about async. If you are wondering how to
make async execute your iterators in a given context, or are confused as to why
a method of another library isn't working as an iterator, study this example:
// Here is a simple object with an (unnecessarily roundabout) squaring method
var AsyncSquaringLibrary = {
squareExponent: 2,
square: function(number, callback){
var result = Math.pow(number, this.squareExponent);
callback(null, result);
}, 200);
async.map([1, 2, 3], AsyncSquaringLibrary.square, function(err, result){
// result is [NaN, NaN, NaN]
// This fails because the `this.squareExponent` expression in the square
// function is not evaluated in the context of AsyncSquaringLibrary, and is
// therefore undefined.
async.map([1, 2, 3], AsyncSquaringLibrary.square.bind(AsyncSquaringLibrary), function(err, result){
// result is [1, 4, 9]
// With the help of bind we can attach a context to the iterator before
// passing it to async. Now the square function will be executed in its
// 'home' AsyncSquaringLibrary context and the value of `this.squareExponent`
// will be as expected.
## Download
The source is available for download from
Alternatively, you can install using Node Package Manager (npm):
npm install async
__Development:__ [async.js](https://github.com/caolan/async/raw/master/lib/async.js) - 29.6kb Uncompressed
## In the Browser
So far it's been tested in IE6, IE7, IE8, FF3.6 and Chrome 5. Usage:
<script type="text/javascript" src="async.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
async.map(data, asyncProcess, function(err, results){
## Documentation
### Collections
* [each](#each)
* [eachSeries](#eachSeries)
* [eachLimit](#eachLimit)
* [map](#map)
* [mapSeries](#mapSeries)
* [mapLimit](#mapLimit)
* [filter](#filter)
* [filterSeries](#filterSeries)
* [reject](#reject)
* [rejectSeries](#rejectSeries)
* [reduce](#reduce)
* [reduceRight](#reduceRight)
* [detect](#detect)
* [detectSeries](#detectSeries)
* [sortBy](#sortBy)
* [some](#some)
* [every](#every)
* [concat](#concat)
* [concatSeries](#concatSeries)
### Control Flow
* [series](#series)
* [parallel](#parallel)
* [parallelLimit](#parallellimittasks-limit-callback)
* [whilst](#whilst)
* [doWhilst](#doWhilst)
* [until](#until)
* [doUntil](#doUntil)
* [forever](#forever)
* [waterfall](#waterfall)
* [compose](#compose)
* [applyEach](#applyEach)
* [applyEachSeries](#applyEachSeries)
* [queue](#queue)
* [cargo](#cargo)
* [auto](#auto)
* [iterator](#iterator)
* [apply](#apply)
* [nextTick](#nextTick)
* [times](#times)
* [timesSeries](#timesSeries)
### Utils
* [memoize](#memoize)
* [unmemoize](#unmemoize)
* [log](#log)
* [dir](#dir)
* [noConflict](#noConflict)
## Collections
<a name="forEach" />
<a name="each" />
### each(arr, iterator, callback)
Applies an iterator function to each item in an array, in parallel.
The iterator is called with an item from the list and a callback for when it
has finished. If the iterator passes an error to this callback, the main
callback for the each function is immediately called with the error.
Note, that since this function applies the iterator to each item in parallel
there is no guarantee that the iterator functions will complete in order.
* arr - An array to iterate over.
* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.
The iterator is passed a callback(err) which must be called once it has
completed. If no error has occured, the callback should be run without
arguments or with an explicit null argument.
* callback(err) - A callback which is called after all the iterator functions
have finished, or an error has occurred.
// assuming openFiles is an array of file names and saveFile is a function
// to save the modified contents of that file:
async.each(openFiles, saveFile, function(err){
// if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error
<a name="forEachSeries" />
<a name="eachSeries" />
### eachSeries(arr, iterator, callback)
The same as each only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in
series. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed
processing. This means the iterator functions will complete in order.
<a name="forEachLimit" />
<a name="eachLimit" />
### eachLimit(arr, limit, iterator, callback)
The same as each only no more than "limit" iterators will be simultaneously
running at any time.
Note that the items are not processed in batches, so there is no guarantee that
the first "limit" iterator functions will complete before any others are
* arr - An array to iterate over.
* limit - The maximum number of iterators to run at any time.
* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.
The iterator is passed a callback(err) which must be called once it has
completed. If no error has occured, the callback should be run without
arguments or with an explicit null argument.
* callback(err) - A callback which is called after all the iterator functions
have finished, or an error has occurred.
// Assume documents is an array of JSON objects and requestApi is a
// function that interacts with a rate-limited REST api.
async.eachLimit(documents, 20, requestApi, function(err){
// if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error
<a name="map" />
### map(arr, iterator, callback)
Produces a new array of values by mapping each value in the given array through
the iterator function. The iterator is called with an item from the array and a
callback for when it has finished processing. The callback takes 2 arguments,
an error and the transformed item from the array. If the iterator passes an
error to this callback, the main callback for the map function is immediately
called with the error.
Note, that since this function applies the iterator to each item in parallel
there is no guarantee that the iterator functions will complete in order, however
the results array will be in the same order as the original array.
* arr - An array to iterate over.
* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.
The iterator is passed a callback(err, transformed) which must be called onc
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【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip 【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.
【微信小程序-毕设期末大作业】猫眼电影小程序含node后端源码.zip (2400个子文件)
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- 19 工资发放明细表-可视化图表.xlsx
- 27 员工工资表(图表分析).xlsx
- 23 财务报告工资数据图表模板.xlsx
- 22 财务报告工资数据图表模板.xlsx
- 24 工资表-年度薪资可视化图表.xlsx
- 26 财务分析部门工资支出图表.xlsx
- Python爬虫技术详解:从基础到实战.zip
- 25 工资费用支出表-可视化图表.xlsx
- 30公司各部门工资支出数据图表1.xlsx
- 29 员工月度工资支出数据图表.xlsx
- 28 工资表(自动计算,图表显示).xlsx
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- 33 年度工资预算表(可视化看板).xlsx
- 32 公司年度工资成本数据图表.xlsx
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