# TinyMCE
The world's #1 open source rich text editor.
Used and trusted by millions of developers, TinyMCE is the world’s most customizable, scalable, and flexible rich text editor. We’ve helped launch the likes of Atlassian, Medium, Evernote (and lots more that we can’t tell you), by empowering them to create exceptional content and experiences for their users.
With more than 350M+ downloads every year, we’re also one of the most trusted enterprise-grade open source HTML editors on the internet. There’s currently more than 100M+ products worldwide, powered by Tiny. As a high powered WYSIWYG editor, TinyMCE is built to scale, designed to innovate, and thrives on delivering results to difficult edge-cases.
You can access a [full featured demo of TinyMCE](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/demo/full-featured/) in the docs on the TinyMCE website.
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<img alt="Screenshot of the TinyMCE Editor" src="https://www.tiny.cloud/storage/github-readme-images/tinymce-editor.png"\>
## Get started with TinyMCE
Getting started with the TinyMCE rich text editor is easy, and for simple configurations can be done in less than 5 minutes.
[TinyMCE Cloud Deployment Quick Start Guide](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/quick-start/)
[TinyMCE Self-hosted Deployment Guide](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/advanced-install/)
TinyMCE provides a range of configuration options that allow you to integrate it into your application. Start customizing with a [basic setup](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/basic-setup/).
Configure it for one of three modes of editing:
- [TinyMCE classic editing mode](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/use-tinymce-classic/).
- [TinyMCE inline editing mode](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/use-tinymce-inline/).
- [TinyMCE distraction-free editing mode](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/use-tinymce-distraction-free/).
## Features
### Integration
TinyMCE is easily integrated into your projects with the help of components such as:
- [tinymce-react](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce-react)
- [tinymce-vue](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce-vue)
- [tinymce-angular](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce-angular)
With over 29 integrations, and 400+ APIs, see the TinyMCE docs for a full list of editor [integrations](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/integrations/).
### Customization
It is easy to [configure the UI](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/customize-ui/) of your rich text editor to match the design of your site, product or application. Due to its flexibility, you can [configure the editor](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/basic-setup/) with as much or as little functionality as you like, depending on your requirements.
With [50+ powerful plugins available](https://www.tiny.cloud/apps/), and content editable as the basis of TinyMCE, adding additional functionality is as simple as including a single line of code.
Realizing the full power of most plugins requires only a few lines more.
### Extensibility
Sometimes your editor requirements can be quite unique, and you need the freedom and flexibility to innovate. Thanks to TinyMCE being open source, you can view the source code and develop your own extensions for custom functionality to meet your own requirements.
The TinyMCE [API](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/api/) is exposed to make it easier for you to write custom functionality that fits within the existing framework of TinyMCE [UI components](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/ui-components/).
### Extended Features and Support
For the professional software teams that require more in-depth efficiency, compliance or collaborative features built to enterprise-grade standards, please [get in touch with our team](https://www.tiny.cloud/contact/).
Tiny also offers dedicated SLAs and support for professional development teams.
## Compiling and contributing
In 2019 the decision was made to transition our codebase to a monorepo. For information on compiling and contributing, see: [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
As an open source product, we encourage and support the active development of our software.
## Want more information?
Visit the [TinyMCE website](https://tiny.cloud/) and check out the [TinyMCE documentation](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/).
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计算机毕业设计源码:基于python旅游推荐系统+爬虫+分析可视化 +django框架 Django旅游数据采集分析推荐系统 去哪儿网站、基于用户协同过滤推荐算法、requests爬虫、MySQL数据库 摘 要 本系统主要针对解决获取旅游信息滞后、参加线下旅行社和人工检索时间成本高等问题,运用网络爬虫信息技术设计思想,实现了一个基于Python的旅游信息推荐系统。本系统以Python计算机设计语言为基础,使用 requests对去哪儿旅游信息源进行抓取,针对网页信息编写抽取规则,对旅游信息进行必要的过滤和提取,使用MySql对旅游信息进行数据存储。然后使用 Python 开源web框架 Django进行系统搭建,基于旅游信息采用协同过滤推荐算法完成对用户的旅游信息推荐,完成整个爬取以及数据检索到成功进行旅游推荐的网页端操作展示。 项目截图 1、价格与销量分析 2、城市与景点等级分析 3、首页—数据概况 4、评分情况分析
计算机毕业设计源码:基于python旅游推荐系统+爬虫+分析可视化 +django框架 (391个子文件)
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