Playing with the sample programs
The sample programs in this folder are intended for giving you a leg up with the most
common tasks encountered when writing your first RFC program: writing a simple client,
writing a simple server, dealing with tables, using logon parameters and SSO, etc.
Just take the samples as a starting point and modify them to meet your needs.
Once you get started, you will need more detailed instructions for various topics.
Please refer to the following further sources of information:
- All logon parameters used for opening client connections as well as registering servers
are documented in the sapnwrfc.ini file located in the same directory as this readme.
- For instructions on how to compile & link your RFC programs on various platforms and
operating systems, please see SAP Note 2573953.
- A detailed API documentation in Doxygen format as well as a programming guide in PDF
format can be downloaded from
- For an insight explanation of how the SAP NW RFC Library works, the following series
of SDN articles is recommended:
Part I -- RFC Client Programming
Part II -- RFC Server Programming
Part III -- Advanced Topics
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 3
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- ssm社区管理与服务的设计与实现
- ssm社区文化宣传网站
- Dell EMC Unity-Unisphere CLI Guide
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