[![Codestar Framework](http://s3.codestarthemes.com/codecanyon/23079100/github-banner.png)](http://codestarframework.com/)
# Codestar Framework
A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework for Themes and Plugins. Built in Object Oriented Programming paradigm with high number of custom fields and tons of options. Allows you to bring custom admin, metabox, taxonomy and customize settings to all of your pages, posts and categories. It's highly modern and advanced framework.
## Contents
- [Demo](#demo)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Free vs Premium](#free-vs-premium)
- [Support](#support)
- [Release Notes](#release-notes)
- [License](#license)
## Demo
For usage and examples, have a look at :rocket: [online demo](http://codestarthemes.com/plugins/codestar-framework/wp-login.php?login=demo)
## Installation
1. Download the installable WordPress plugin zip.
2. Upload and active plugin from `WordPress` → `Plugins` → `Add New`
3. After activation, next step is to configure your settings. You can do it from here :gear: [configurations](http://codestarframework.com/documentation/#/configurations)
## Quick Start
Open your current theme **functions.php** file and paste this code.
// Check core class for avoid errors
if( class_exists( 'CSF' ) ) {
// Set a unique slug-like ID
$prefix = 'my_framework';
// Create options
CSF::createOptions( $prefix, array(
'menu_title' => 'My Framework',
'menu_slug' => 'my-framework',
) );
// Create a section
CSF::createSection( $prefix, array(
'title' => 'Tab Title 1',
'fields' => array(
// A text field
'id' => 'opt-text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Simple Text',
) );
// Create a section
CSF::createSection( $prefix, array(
'title' => 'Tab Title 2',
'fields' => array(
// A textarea field
'id' => 'opt-textarea',
'type' => 'textarea',
'title' => 'Simple Textarea',
) );
How to get option value ?
$options = get_option( 'my_framework' ); // unique id of the framework
echo $options['opt-text']; // id of the field
echo $options['opt-textarea']; // id of the field
## Documentation
Read the documentation for details :closed_book: [documentation](http://codestarframework.com/documentation/)
## Free vs Premium
| Features | Free Version | Premium Version
| Admin Option Framework | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Customize Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Metabox Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Nav Menu Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Taxonomy Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Profile Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Comment Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Widget Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Shortcode Option Framework | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| All Option Fields | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Developer Packages | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Unminfy Library | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| New Requests | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Autoremove Advertisements | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| Life-time access/updates | :x: | :heavy_check_mark:
| | | :star2: <a href="http://codestarframework.com/">Upgrade Premium Version</a>
## Available Option Fields
| Accordion | Color | Icon | Select | Tabbed
| Background | Color Group | Image Select | Slider | Text
| Backup | Date | Link Color | Sortable | Textarea
| Border | Dimensions | Media | Sorter | Typography
| Button Set | Fieldset | Palette | Spacing | Upload
| Checkbox | Gallery | Radio | Spinner | WP Editor
| Code Editor | Group | Repeater | Switcher | Others
## Support
We are provide [support forum](http://support.codestarthemes.com/) for premium version users. You can join to support forum for submit any question after purchasing. Free version users support is limited on [github](https://github.com/Codestar/codestar-framework/issues).
## Release Notes
Check out the [release notes](http://codestarframework.com/documentation/#/relnotes)
## License
Codestar Framework have two different version. Free version has limited features and offers only admin option panel feature. Premium version offers all extensions and more of settings for the best experience and advanced features. You can bundle the framework ( both free and premium ) in the premium theme/plugin and sell them on your own website or in marketplaces like ThemeForest. This framework is licensed 100% GPL.
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Uniapp壁纸小程序源码,双端微信抖音小程序源码。WordPress后台的小程序。为一些做壁纸类自媒体的朋友解决变现难的问题,抖音壁纸常见的图片取号码,微信的壁纸公众号小程序均可使用该小程序进行变现,这款小程序后端为WordPress,只需导入壁纸插件就可以轻松对小程序前端进行控制,没有任何复杂的操作,只需要有一定的建站基础就可以以学会,小程序也比较简洁,没有其他花里胡哨的功能, 基于Uniapp开发,使用HBuilder X导入之后发布即可,该款小程序附带有流量主功能,只需达到要求对接流量主id就可以。
Uniapp壁纸小程序源码双端微信抖音小程序源码 (703个子文件)
style.min.css 82KB
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main.css 63KB
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nvue.js 5KB
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props.js 5KB
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props.js 4KB
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props.js 3KB
props.js 3KB
props.js 2KB
props.js 2KB
props.js 2KB
props.js 2KB
props.js 2KB
props.js 2KB
props.js 2KB
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- 5 薪酬结构统计分析表(依据基本信息自动生成).xlsx
- 4 员工工资表-部门薪酬分析.xlsx
- 8 公司工程部人事薪酬分析.xlsx
- 13 公司人力资源薪酬工资统计表.xlsx
- 7 薪酬市场数据统计分析.xlsx
- 9 公司员工薪酬统计分析表.xlsx
- 10 财务分析员工薪酬统计表.xlsx
- 12 财务报表员工薪酬结算.xlsx
- 11 财务报表员工薪酬分析.xlsx
- 15 薪资情况分析表.xlsx
- 14 薪资筹划财务分析表.xlsx
- 18 财务汇报部门历年薪酬统计图表.xlsx
- 16 月度工资支出数据汇总图表.xlsx
- 17财务报告年度工资统计图表1.xlsx
- 20 工资表-部分统计-图表展示.xlsx
- 21 公司部门工资情况汇报图表模板.xlsx
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