Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
Doc. No.: TD-MM18-RM-2001
Doc. Title:
0.18um Mixed Signal 1P6M
with MIM Salicide 1.8V/3.3V
RF SPICE Model (version1.9)
Tech Dev
Rev: 1.9
Page No.:
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of SMIC, and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole
or in part without prior written permission of SMIC.
According to: Document Control Procedure; Attachment No.: QR-QUSM-02-2001-023; Rev.:0
3R 1.1 2004-07-05
Main document change description:
1. Add the emphasis: the resistors with LDD implant are
used for the SAB resistor model.
Page 38 of section 7.8.4 is updated.
2. Change item 7.8.4: Revise the typo of DW and DL of
N+Poly(SAB), P+Poly(SAB) and HRP. The DW and DL
in model cards are still right.
Page 38 of section 7.8.4 is updated.
Attachment change description:
The contents of all the model cards are not changed expect
the following two items:
1. Revise the gds files of resistors and varactors.
2. Revise the file name of res.def to res_rf.def.
4R 1.2 2006-11-06
Leo Chen
All models (MOS, inductor, varactor, MIM) parameters are
re-extracted due to extending the range of device's
dimension, except resistor and interconnect model. Detail
information as follows:
In main document:
1. Update wafer information in section 7.1.
2. Add ELDO format information in section 7.2.1.
3. Add DPVTHO into corner model table in section 7.2.5.
4. Update dimension and frequency of devices measured
and modeled in section 7.2.1, 7.3.1, 7.4.1, 7.6.1 and
5. Update test structure layout information in section 7.3.2,
7.4.2, 7.6.2 and 7.8.2.
6. Update equivalent circuit description in section 7.2.3,
7.3.3, 7.4.3 and 7.6.3.
7. Update MOS scaling formulas in section 7.2.4.
8. Update MOS corner model to match its pcm spec in
section 7.2.5.
9. Update inductor scaling formulas and inductor scalable
model parameter list table in section 7.3.4.
10. Update varactor model and separate it into section 7.4
and 7.6.
11. Update varactor scaling formulas and scalable model
parameter table in section 7.4.4 and 7.6.4.
12. Center the sheet resistance in section 7.8.4.
In attachment:
1. model card files:
ms018_rf_v1p2.lib / ms018_rf_v1p2_spe.lib /