# Low-rank Adaptation for Fast Text-to-Image Diffusion Fine-tuning
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<img src="contents/alpha_scale.gif">
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> Using LoRA to fine tune on illustration dataset : $W = W_0 + \alpha \Delta W$, where $\alpha$ is the merging ratio. Above gif is scaling alpha from 0 to 1. Setting alpha to 0 is same as using the original model, and setting alpha to 1 is same as using the fully fine-tuned model.
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<img src="contents/lora_pti_example.jpg">
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> SD 1.5 PTI on Kiriko, the game character, Various Prompts.
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<img src="contents/disney_lora.jpg">
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> `"baby lion in style of <s1><s2>"`, with disney-style LoRA model.
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<img src="contents/pop_art.jpg">
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> `"superman, style of <s1><s2>"`, with pop-art style LoRA model.
## Main Features
- Fine-tune Stable diffusion models twice as fast than dreambooth method, by Low-rank Adaptation
- Get insanely small end result (1MB ~ 6MB), easy to share and download.
- Compatible with `diffusers`
- Support for inpainting
- Sometimes _even better performance_ than full fine-tuning (but left as future work for extensive comparisons)
- Merge checkpoints + Build recipes by merging LoRAs together
- Pipeline to fine-tune CLIP + Unet + token to gain better results.
- Out-of-the box multi-vector pivotal tuning inversion
# Web Demo
- Integrated into [Huggingface Spaces ��](https://huggingface.co/spaces) using [Gradio](https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio). Try out the Web Demo [](https://huggingface.co/spaces/lora-library/LoRA-DreamBooth-Training-UI)
- Easy [colab running example](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1iSFDpRBKEWr2HLlz243rbym3J2X95kcy?usp=sharing) of Dreambooth by @pedrogengo
# UPDATES & Notes
### 2023/02/06
- Support for training inpainting on LoRA PTI. Use flag `--train-inpainting` with a inpainting stable diffusion base model (see `inpainting_example.sh`).
### 2023/02/01
- LoRA Joining is now available with `--mode=ljl` flag. Only three parameters are required : `path_to_lora1`, `path_to_lora2`, and `path_to_save`.
### 2023/01/29
- Dataset pipelines
- LoRA Applied to Resnet as well, use `--use_extended_lora` to use it.
- SVD distillation now supports resnet-lora as well.
- Compvis format Conversion script now works with safetensors, and will for PTI it will return Textual inversion format as well, so you can use it in embeddings folder.
- �コ�コ, LoRA is now officially integrated into the amazing Huggingface �� `diffusers` library! Check out the [Blog](https://huggingface.co/blog/lora) and [examples](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/tree/main/examples/text_to_image#training-with-lora)! (NOTE : It is CURRENTLY DIFFERENT FILE FORMAT)
### 2023/01/09
- Pivotal Tuning Inversion with extended latent
- Better textual inversion with Norm prior
- Mask conditioned score estimation loss
- safetensor support, xformers support (thanks to @[hafriedlander](https://github.com/hafriedlander))
- Distill fully trained model to LoRA with SVD distillation CLI
- Flexiable dataset support
### 2022/12/22
- Pivotal Tuning now available with `run_lorpt.sh`
- More Utilities added, such as datasets, `patch_pipe` function to patch CLIP, Unet, Token all at once.
- Adjustable Ranks, Fine-tuning Feed-forward layers.
- More example notebooks added.
### 2022/12/10
- **You can now fine-tune text_encoder as well! Enabled with simple `--train_text_encoder`**
- **Converting to CKPT format for A1111's repo consumption!** (Thanks to [jachiam](https://github.com/jachiam)'s conversion script)
- Img2Img Examples added.
- Please use large learning rate! Around 1e-4 worked well for me, but certainly not around 1e-6 which will not be able to learn anything.
# Lengthy Introduction
Thanks to the generous work of Stability AI and Huggingface, so many people have enjoyed fine-tuning stable diffusion models to fit their needs and generate higher fidelity images. **However, the fine-tuning process is very slow, and it is not easy to find a good balance between the number of steps and the quality of the results.**
Also, the final results (fully fined-tuned model) is very large. Some people instead works with textual-inversion as an alternative for this. But clearly this is suboptimal: textual inversion only creates a small word-embedding, and the final image is not as good as a fully fine-tuned model.
Well, what's the alternative? In the domain of LLM, researchers have developed Efficient fine-tuning methods. LoRA, especially, tackles the very problem the community currently has: end users with Open-sourced stable-diffusion model want to try various other fine-tuned model that is created by the community, but the model is too large to download and use. LoRA instead attempts to fine-tune the "residual" of the model instead of the entire model: i.e., train the $\Delta W$ instead of $W$.
W' = W + \Delta W
Where we can further decompose $\Delta W$ into low-rank matrices : $\Delta W = A B^T $, where $A, \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}, B \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}, d << n$.
This is the key idea of LoRA. We can then fine-tune $A$ and $B$ instead of $W$. In the end, you get an insanely small model as $A$ and $B$ are much smaller than $W$.
Also, not all of the parameters need tuning: they found that often, $Q, K, V, O$ (i.e., attention layer) of the transformer model is enough to tune. (This is also the reason why the end result is so small). This repo will follow the same idea.
Now, how would we actually use this to update diffusion model? First, we will use Stable-diffusion from [stability-ai](https://stability.ai/). Their model is nicely ported through Huggingface API, so this repo has built various fine-tuning methods around them. In detail, there are three subtle but important distictions in methods to make this work out.
1. [Dreambooth](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.12242)
First, there is LoRA applied to Dreambooth. The idea is to use prior-preservation class images to regularize the training process, and use low-occuring tokens. This will keep the model's generalization capability while keeping high fidelity. If you turn off prior preservation, and train text encoder embedding as well, it will become naive fine tuning.
2. [Textual Inversion](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.01618)
Second, there is Textual inversion. There is no room to apply LoRA here, but it is worth mentioning. The idea is to instantiate new token, and learn the token embedding via gradient descent. This is a very powerful method, and it is worth trying out if your use case is not focused on fidelity but rather on inverting conceptual ideas.
3. [Pivotal Tuning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05744)
Last method (although originally proposed for GANs) takes the best of both worlds to further benefit. When combined together, this can be implemented as a strict generalization of both methods.
Simply you apply textual inversion to get a matching token embedding. Then, you use the token embedding + prior-preserving class image to fine-tune the model. This two-fold nature make this strict generalization of both methods.
Enough of the lengthy introduction, let's get to the code.
# Installation
pip install git+https://github.com/cloneofsimo/lora.git
# Getting Started
## 1. Fine-tuning Stable diffusion with LoRA CLI
If you have over 12 GB of memory, it is recommended to use Pivotal Tuning Inversion CLI provided with lora implementation. They have the best performance, and will be updated many times in the future as well. These are the parameters that worked for various dataset. _ALL OF THE EXAMPLE ABOVE WERE TRAINED WITH BELOW PARAMETERS_
export MODEL_NAME="runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"
export INSTANCE_DIR="./data/data_disn

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