Python链接MySQL驱动包 mysqlclient-python-1.3.12.rar
Python链接MySQL驱动包,安装之后可以使用Python语言链接MySQL进行数据库操作 # mysqlclient [![Build Status](]( This is a fork of [MySQLdb1]( This project adds Python 3 support and bug fixes. I hope this fork is merged back to MySQLdb1 like distribute was merged back to setuptools. ## Install ### Prerequisites You may need to install the Python and MySQL development headers and libraries like so: `sudo apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev` # Debian / Ubuntu `sudo yum install python-devel mysql-devel` # Red Hat / CentOS On Windows, there are binary wheel you can install without MySQLConnector/C or MSVC. #### Note on Python 3 : if you are using python3 then you need to install python3-dev using the following command : `sudo apt-get install python3-dev` # debian / Ubuntu `sudo yum install python3-devel ` # Red Hat / CentOS `brew install mysql-connector-c` # macOS (Homebrew) ### Install from PyPI `pip install mysqlclient` NOTE: Wheels for Windows may be not released with source package. You should pin version in your `requirements.txt` to avoid trying to install newest source package. ### Install from source 1. Download source by `git clone` or [zipfile]( 2. Customize `site.cfg` 3. `python install` ### Documentation Documentation is hosted on [Read The Docs](
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