Small Parser Version
by Stefan Holmberg
(C)opyright by Systementor AB 1999
This package contains the trail version of Small Parser.
Small Parser gives you a small footprint SQL Parser implemented as an ActiveX-component.
This means you could use it from within a variety of programming languages; Visual Basic and Visual C++ to name a few.
The intention is not to support the whole SQL language rather the most important subset. This makes it smaller and a whole lot easier to use.
1. Installation:
At first I tried to be nice to you all, and created an real Windows-like graphical installation routine ( using InstallShield ). But I found out that I got an 800% overhead in file size ( meaning your download would be a lot slower ), so considering my users all will be developers I assume you all know how to register an ActiveX-component - you will have to do it yourself. It is pretty easy:
Start up a command prompt. Go to the SmallParser directory. Run the following command
>regsvr32 smallparser.dll
2. Sample program:
The Visual Basic sample program resides in the SmallParser/VB Sample directory. Open up the project in Visual Basic environment and just press F5 to run.
3. Registration:
The Small Parser product is shareware. That means you could try the software during a trial period before paying to the author the right to use it.
You've got a trial period of 30 days. If you are using the software after this period, you should register it. The software will still work the same after this period but it's your responsibility to register. Registering also gives you the benefit to get the sourcecode! The component is written in Visual C++ 6.0 with ATL.
The only limitation for unregistered use is that you will get no support whatsoever, and as said earlier you will not be able to get get the sourcecode. The component is written using Visual C++ 6.0 and ATL.
3.1 Usage in your own applications
The rules for licensing are simple: you will need to pay for each computer/user as stated below in the Registration fee section. So it is OK to sell it as as part of your own product as long as you pay for all licenses.
3.2 Registration fee
Small Parser: The registration fee was US$20 per user or per computer ( excluding servers ). Due to the huge amount requests for some other licensing schemes ( when dealing with large installations for example ) we have decided to support another licensing scheme as well:
Unrestricted use ( on as many computers you want, as long as you don't ship SmallParser sourcecode along with your application ): US$85. There is an upgrade program from one single license to unrestricted - that's US$65.
3.3 Registration online/offline
Secure online registration is available, as well as phone ordering, ordering by mail, fax etc.
For information on how to register, please check
Once your registration is registrered by us, you will receive by email the sourcecode as well as some extra sample code. The delay is about 24 to 48 hours.
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