from __future__ import absolute_import
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.paginator import InvalidPage, Paginator
from django.urls.base import NoReverseMatch
from django.db import models
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.template.response import SimpleTemplateResponse, TemplateResponse
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_text, smart_text
from django.utils.html import escape, conditional_escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.text import capfirst
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from xadmin.util import lookup_field, display_for_field, label_for_field, boolean_icon
from .base import ModelAdminView, filter_hook, inclusion_tag, csrf_protect_m
# List settings
ALL_VAR = 'all'
PAGE_VAR = 'p'
COL_LIST_VAR = '_cols'
DOT = '.'
# Text to display within change-list table cells if the value is blank.
class FakeMethodField(object):
This class used when a column is an model function, wrap function as a fake field to display in select columns.
def __init__(self, name, verbose_name):
# Initial comm field attrs = name
self.verbose_name = verbose_name
self.primary_key = False
class ResultRow(dict):
class ResultItem(object):
def __init__(self, field_name, row):
self.classes = []
self.text = ' '
self.wraps = []
self.tag = 'td'
self.tag_attrs = []
self.allow_tags = False
self.btns = []
self.menus = []
self.is_display_link = False
self.row = row
self.field_name = field_name
self.field = None
self.attr = None
self.value = None
def label(self):
text = mark_safe(
self.text) if self.allow_tags else conditional_escape(self.text)
if force_text(text) == '':
text = mark_safe(' ')
for wrap in self.wraps:
text = mark_safe(wrap % text)
return text
def tagattrs(self):
return mark_safe(
'%s%s' % ((self.tag_attrs and ' '.join(self.tag_attrs) or ''),
(self.classes and (' class="%s"' % ' '.join(self.classes)) or '')))
class ResultHeader(ResultItem):
def __init__(self, field_name, row):
super(ResultHeader, self).__init__(field_name, row)
self.tag = 'th'
self.tag_attrs = ['scope="col"']
self.sortable = False
self.allow_tags = True
self.sorted = False
self.ascending = None
self.sort_priority = None
self.url_primary = None
self.url_remove = None
self.url_toggle = None
class ListAdminView(ModelAdminView):
Display models objects view. this class has ordering and simple filter features.
list_display = ('__str__',)
list_display_links = ()
list_display_links_details = False
list_select_related = None
list_per_page = 50
list_max_show_all = 200
list_exclude = ()
search_fields = ()
paginator_class = Paginator
ordering = None
# Change list templates
object_list_template = None
def init_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.has_view_permission():
raise PermissionDenied
request = self.request
request.session['LIST_QUERY'] = (self.model_info, self.request.META['QUERY_STRING'])
self.pk_attname =
self.lookup_opts = self.opts
self.list_display = self.get_list_display()
self.list_display_links = self.get_list_display_links()
# Get page number parameters from the query string.
self.page_num = int(request.GET.get(PAGE_VAR, 0))
except ValueError:
self.page_num = 0
# Get params from request
self.show_all = ALL_VAR in request.GET
self.to_field = request.GET.get(TO_FIELD_VAR)
self.params = dict(request.GET.items())
if PAGE_VAR in self.params:
del self.params[PAGE_VAR]
if ERROR_FLAG in self.params:
del self.params[ERROR_FLAG]
def get_list_display(self):
Return a sequence containing the fields to be displayed on the list.
self.base_list_display = (COL_LIST_VAR in self.request.GET and self.request.GET[COL_LIST_VAR] != "" and
self.request.GET[COL_LIST_VAR].split('.')) or self.list_display
return list(self.base_list_display)
def get_list_display_links(self):
Return a sequence containing the fields to be displayed as links
on the changelist. The list_display parameter is the list of fields
returned by get_list_display().
if self.list_display_links or not self.list_display:
return self.list_display_links
# Use only the first item in list_display as link
return list(self.list_display)[:1]
def make_result_list(self):
# Get search parameters from the query string.
self.list_queryset = self.get_list_queryset()
self.ordering_field_columns = self.get_ordering_field_columns()
self.paginator = self.get_paginator()
# Get the number of objects, with admin filters applied.
self.result_count = self.paginator.count
self.can_show_all = self.result_count <= self.list_max_show_all
self.multi_page = self.result_count > self.list_per_page
# Get the list of objects to display on this page.
if (self.show_all and self.can_show_all) or not self.multi_page:
self.result_list = self.list_queryset._clone()
self.result_list =
self.page_num + 1).object_list
except InvalidPage:
if ERROR_FLAG in self.request.GET.keys():
return SimpleTemplateResponse('xadmin/views/invalid_setup.html', {
'title': _('Database error'),
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.request.path + '?' + ERROR_FLAG + '=1')
self.has_more = self.result_count > (
self.list_per_page * self.page_num + len(self.result_list))
def get_result_list(self):
return self.make_result_list()
def post_result_list(self):
return self.make_result_list()
def get_list_queryset(self):
Get model queryset. The query has been filted and ordered.
# First, get queryset from base class.
queryset = self.queryset()
# Use select_related() if one of the list_display options is a field
# with a relationship and the provided queryset doesn't already have
# select_related defined.
if not queryset.query.select_related:
if self.list_select_related:
queryset = queryset.select_related()
elif self.list_select_related is None:
related_fields = []
for field_name in self.list_display:
field = self.opts.get_field(field_name)
except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
if isinstance(field.remote_field, models.ManyToOneRel):
if related_fields:
queryset = queryset.select_related(*related_fields)
# Then, set queryset ordering.
queryset = queryset.order_by(