# PyTorch-JAANet
This repository is the PyTorch implementation of [JAA-Net](http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ECCV_2018/papers/Zhiwen_Shao_Deep_Adaptive_Attention_ECCV_2018_paper.pdf), as well as [its extended journal version](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.08834.pdf). "*v1.py" is for the ECCV version, and "*v2.py" is for the IJCV version. The trained models can be downloaded [here](https://sjtueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/shaozhiwen_sjtu_edu_cn/Eu3SDFcZYG9Ah5RdRYqfYxoBWDyWici_FdWJP8TnYFqaZw?e=ogNmZv). The original Caffe implementation can be found [here](https://github.com/ZhiwenShao/JAANet)
# Getting Started
## Installation
- This code was tested with PyTorch 1.1.0 and Python 3.5
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/ZhiwenShao/PyTorch-JAANet
cd PyTorch-JAANet
## Datasets
[BP4D](http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~lijun/Research/3DFE/3DFE_Analysis.html) and [DISFA](http://www.engr.du.edu/mmahoor/DISFA.htm)
Put these datasets into the folder "dataset" following the paths shown in the list files of the folder "data/list". You can refer to the example images for BP4D and DISFA
## Preprocessing
- Put the landmark annotation files into the folder "dataset". Two example files "BP4D_combine_1_2_land.txt" and "DISFA_combine_1_2_66land.txt" are also provided
- For DISFA dataset, we need to select the annotations of 49 landmarks from original 66 landmarks:
cd dataset
python read_disfa_49land.py
- Conduct similarity transformation for face images:
cd dataset
python face_transform.py
- Compute the inter-ocular distance of each face image:
cd dataset
python write_biocular.py
- Compute the weight of the loss of each AU for the training set:
- The AU annoatation files should be in the folder "data/list"
cd dataset
python write_AU_weight.py
## Training
- Train on BP4D with the first two folds for training and the third fold for testing:
python train_JAAv1.py --run_name='JAAv1' --gpu_id=0 --train_batch_size=16 --eval_batch_size=28 --train_path_prefix='data/list/BP4D_combine_1_2' --test_path_prefix='data/list/BP4D_part3' --au_num=12
- Train on DISFA with the first two folds for training and the third fold for testing, using the the well-trained BP4D model for initialization:
python train_JAAv1_disfa.py --run_name='JAAv1_DISFA' --gpu_id=0 --train_batch_size=16 --eval_batch_size=32 --train_path_prefix='data/list/DISFA_combine_1_2' --test_path_prefix='data/list/DISFA_part3' --au_num=8 --pretrain_path='JAAv1_combine_1_3' --pretrain_epoch=5
## Testing
- Test the models saved in different epochs:
python test_JAAv1.py --run_name='JAAv1' --gpu_id=0 --start_epoch=1 --n_epochs=12 --eval_batch_size=28 --test_path_prefix='data/list/BP4D_part3' --au_num=12
- Visualize attention maps
python test_JAAv1.py --run_name='JAAv1' --gpu_id=0 --pred_AU=False --vis_attention=True --start_epoch=5 --n_epochs=5 --test_path_prefix='data/list/BP4D_part3' --au_num=12
## Supplement
- The PyTorch implementation for the ECCV version conducts two minor revisions to make the proposed method more general:
- The redundant cropping of attention maps is removed
- The assembling of local feature maps uses element-wise average instead of element-wise sum
- The differences in the extended journal version are detailed [here](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.08834.pdf)
## Citation
- If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers
title={Deep Adaptive Attention for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment},
author={Shao, Zhiwen and Liu, Zhilei and Cai, Jianfei and Ma, Lizhuang},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},
title={J{\^A}A-Net: Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment via Adaptive Attention},
author={Shao, Zhiwen and Liu, Zhilei and Cai, Jianfei and Ma, Lizhuang},
journal={International Journal of Computer Vision},
- 粉丝: 7569
- 资源: 2110
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