Process the Backup or Restore commands.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
print_function, unicode_literals)
import copy
import os
import six
import shlex
from shutil import copyfileobj
from subprocess import Popen
from django.core.management.base import CommandError
from dbbackup import settings
# Base Engine Settings
class BaseEngineSettings:
"""Base settings for a database engine"""
def __init__(self, database):
self.database = database
self.database_adminuser = self.database.get('ADMINUSER', self.database['USER'])
self.database_user = self.database['USER']
self.database_password = self.database['PASSWORD']
self.database_name = self.database['NAME']
self.database_host = self.database.get('HOST', '')
self.database_port = str(self.database.get('PORT', ''))
self.BACKUP_COMMANDS = self.get_backup_commands()
self.RESTORE_COMMANDS = self.get_restore_commands()
def get_backup_commands(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement get_backup_commands")
def get_restore_commands(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement get_restore_commands")
def get_env(self):
"""Extra environment variables to be passed to shell execution"""
return {}
# MySQL Settings
class MySQLSettings(BaseEngineSettings):
"""Settings for the MySQL database engine"""
def get_backup_commands(self):
backup_commands = settings.MYSQL_BACKUP_COMMANDS
if not backup_commands:
command = 'mysqldump --user={adminuser} --password={password}'
if self.database_host:
command = '%s --host={host}' % command
if self.database_port:
command = '%s --port={port}' % command
command = '%s {databasename} >' % command
backup_commands = [shlex.split(command)]
return backup_commands
def get_restore_commands(self):
restore_commands = settings.MYSQL_RESTORE_COMMANDS
if not restore_commands:
command = 'mysql --user={adminuser} --password={password}'
if self.database_host:
command = '%s --host={host}' % command
if self.database_port:
command = '%s --port={port}' % command
command = '%s {databasename} <' % command
restore_commands = [shlex.split(command)]
return restore_commands
# PostgreSQL Settings
class PostgreSQLSettings(BaseEngineSettings):
"""Settings for the PostgreSQL database engine"""
def get_backup_commands(self):
backup_commands = settings.POSTGRESQL_BACKUP_COMMANDS
if not backup_commands:
command = 'pg_dump --username={adminuser}'
if self.database_host:
command = '%s --host={host}' % command
if self.database_port:
command = '%s --port={port}' % command
command = '%s {databasename} >' % command
backup_commands = [shlex.split(command)]
return backup_commands
def get_restore_commands(self):
restore_commands = settings.POSTGRESQL_RESTORE_COMMANDS
if not restore_commands:
restore_commands = [
prepare_db_command = self.prepare_db_command()
if prepare_db_command:
return restore_commands
def dropdb_command(self):
"""Constructs the PostgreSQL dropdb command"""
command = 'dropdb --username={adminuser}'
if self.database_host:
command = '%s --host={host}' % command
if self.database_port:
command = '%s --port={port}' % command
return '%s {databasename}' % command
def createdb_command(self):
"""Constructs the PostgreSQL createdb command"""
command = 'createdb --username={adminuser} --owner={username}'
if self.database_host:
command = '%s --host={host}' % command
if self.database_port:
command = '%s --port={port}' % command
return '%s {databasename}' % command
def prepare_db_command(self):
"""Use this to run a command after createdb"""
return None
def import_command(self):
"""Constructs the PostgreSQL db import command"""
command = 'psql -d {databasename} -f - --username={adminuser}'
if self.database_host:
command = '%s --host={host}' % command
if self.database_port:
command = '%s --port={port}' % command
command += ' --single-transaction '
return '%s <' % command
def get_env(self):
"""Extra environment variables to be passed to shell execution"""
return {'PGPASSWORD': '{password}'}
class PostgisSQLSettings(PostgreSQLSettings):
"""Settings for the PostgreSQL database engine"""
def prepare_db_command(self):
return None
command = 'psql --username={adminuser} -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"'
if self.database_host:
command = '%s --host={host}' % command
if self.database_port:
command = '%s --port={port}' % command
return '%s {databasename}' % command
# Sqlite Settings
class SQLiteSettings(BaseEngineSettings):
"""Settings for the SQLite database engine"""
def get_backup_commands(self):
def get_restore_commands(self):
# DBCommands Class
class DBCommands:
""" Process the Backup or Restore commands. """
def __init__(self, database):
self.database = database
self.engine = self.database['ENGINE'].split('.')[-1]
self.settings = self._get_settings()
def _get_settings(self):
""" Returns the proper settings dictionary. """
if any(e in self.engine for e in ['mysql']):
return MySQLSettings(self.database)
elif any(e in self.engine for e in ['postgis']):
return PostgisSQLSettings(self.database)
elif any(e in self.engine for e in ['postgres']):
return PostgreSQLSettings(self.database)
elif any(e in self.engine for e in ['sqlite']):
return SQLiteSettings(self.database)
def _clean_passwd(self, instr):
return instr.replace(self.database['PASSWORD'], '******')
def translate_command(self, command):
""" Translate the specified command or string. """
def replace(s):
s = (
s.replace('{username}', self.database['USER'])
.replace('{adminuser}', self.database.get('ADMINUSER', self.database['USER']))
.replace('{password}', self.database['PASSWORD'])
.replace('{databasename}', self.database['NAME'])
.replace('{host}', self.database['HOST'])
.replace('{port}', str(self.database['PORT']))
return s
if isinstance(command, six.string_types):
return replace(command)
command = copy.copy(command)
for i in range(len(command)):
command[i] = replace(command[i])
return command