SKompiler: Translate trained SKLearn models to executable code in other languages
The package provides a tool for transforming trained SKLearn models into other forms, such as SQL queries, Excel formulas or Sympy expressions (which, in turn, can be translated to code in a variety of languages, such as C, Javascript, Rust, Julia, etc).
The simplest way to install the package is via `pip`:
$ pip install SKompiler[full]
Note that the `[full]` option includes the installations of `sympy`, `sqlalchemy` and `astor`, which are necessary if you plan to convert `SKompiler`'s expressions to `sympy` expressions (which, in turn, can be compiled to many other languages) or to SQLAlchemy expressions (which can be further translated to different SQL dialects) or to Python source code. If you do not need this functionality (say, you only need the raw `SKompiler` expressions or perhaps only the SQL conversions without the `sympy` ones), you may avoid the forced installation of all optional dependencies by simply writing
$ pip install SKompiler
(you are free to install any of the required extra dependencies, via separate calls to `pip install`, of course)
### Introductory example
Let us start by walking through a simple example. We begin by training a model on a simple dataset, e.g.:
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
X, y = load_iris(True)
m = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=3, max_depth=3).fit(X, y)
Suppose we need to express the logic of `m.predict` in SQLite. Here is how we can achieve that:
from skompiler import skompile
expr = skompile(m.predict)
sql ='sqlalchemy/sqlite')
Voila, the value of the `sql` variable is a super-long expression which looks like
CASE WHEN ((CASE WHEN (x3 <= 2.449999988079071) THEN 1.0 ELSE CASE WHEN
... 100 lines or so ...
THEN 1 ELSE 2 END as y
It corresponds to the `m.predict` computation. Let us check how we can use it in a query.
We import the data into an in-memory SQLite database:
import sqlalchemy as sa
import pandas as pd
conn = sa.create_engine('sqlite://').connect()
df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4']).reset_index()
df.to_sql('data', conn)
query the data using the generated expression:
results = pd.read_sql('select {0} from data'.format(sql), conn)
and verify that the results match:
assert (results.values.ravel() == m.predict(X).ravel()).all()
Note that the generated SQL expression uses names `x1`, `x2`, `x3` and `x4` to refer to the input variables. You may choose different input variable names by writing:
skompile(m.predict, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']).to('sqlalchemy/sqlite')
### Multiple outputs
Now let us try to generate code for `m.predict_proba`:
expr = skompile(m.predict_proba)'sqlalchemy/sqlite')
The generated query is different from the previous one. Firstly, it is of the form
... as y1, ... as y2, ... as y3
The reason for that is that `m.predict_proba` produces three values - the probabilities of each class, and this is reflected in the SQL. You may, of course, provide different names to the outputs instead of `y1`,`y2`,`y3`:'sqlalchemy/sqlite', assign_to=['a','b','c'])
You may obtain a list of three separate expressions without the `as ..` parts at all:'sqlalchemy/sqlite', assign_to=None)
or request only the probability of the first class as a single `... as y2` expression:'sqlalchemy/sqlite', component=1, assign_to='y2')
### Multi-stage code
You might have noted that the SQL code for `predict` was significantly longer than the code for `predict_proba`. Why so? Because
predict(x) = argmax(predict_proba(x))
There is, however, no single `argmax` function in SQL, hence it has to be faked using approximately the following logic:
predict(x) = if predict_proba(x)[0] == max(predict_proba(x)) then 0
else if predict_proba(x)[1] == max(predict_proba(x)) then 1
else 2
Note that the values of `predict_proba` in this expression must be expanded (and thus the computation repeated) multiple times.
This problem could be overcome by performing computation in several steps, saving and reusing intermediate values, rather than doing everything within a single expression. In SQL this can bbe done with the help of `with` expressions:
with proba as (
select [predict_proba computation] from data
max as (
select [max computation] from proba
argmax as (
select [argmax computation] from ...
To generate this type of SQL, specify `multistage=True`:'sqlalchemy/sqlite', multistage=True,
Note that while in single-expression mode you only get a single column expression, which you need to wrap in the relevant `SELECT .. FROM ..` statement, in multistage mode the whole query is generated for you. For that reason you need to provide the name of the source table as well as the key column.
The effect on the query size can be quite significant:
> 15558
len('sqlalchemy/sqlite', multistage=True))
> 2574
The multi-stage translation is especially important if you need to generate Excel code, because Excel does not support formulas longer than 8196 characters. If you need to port complex models, splitting them up is therefore the only way. An example of how to deploy a large random forest model to Excel is available in [this video](
### Other formats
By changing the first parameter of the `.to()` call you may produce output in a variety of other formats besides SQLite:
* `sqlalchemy`: raw SQLAlchemy expression (which is a dialect-independent way of representing SQL). Jokes aside, SQL is sometimes a totally valid choice for deploying models into production.
Note that generated SQL may (depending on the chosen method) include functions `exp` and `log`. If you work with SQLite, bear in mind that these functions are not supported out of the box and need to be [added separately]( via `create_function`. You can find an example of how this can be done in `tests/` in the package source code.
* `sqlalchemy/<dialect>`: SQL string in any of the SQLAlchemy-supported dialects (`firebird`, `mssql`, `mysql`, `oracle`, `postgresql`, `sqlite`, `sybase`). This is a convenience feature for those who are lazy to figure out how to compile raw SQLAlchemy to actual SQL.
* `excel`: Excel formula. Ever tried dragging a random forest equation down along the table? Fun! Due to its 8196-character limit on the formula length, however, Excel will not handle forests larger than `n_estimators=30` with `max_depth=5` or so, unfortunately.
* `sympy`: A SymPy expression. Ever wanted to take a derivative of your model symbolically?
* `sympy/<lang>`: Code in the language `<lang>`, generated via SymPy. Supported values for `<lang>` are `c`, `cxx`, `rust`, `fortran`, `js`, `r`, `julia`, `mathematica`, `octave`. Note that the quality of the generated code varies depending on the model, language and the value of the `assign_to` parameter. Again, this is just a convenience feature, you will get more control by dealing with `sympy` oode printers [manually](
* `python`: Python syntax tree (the same you'd get via `ast.parse`). This (and the following three options) are mostly useful for debugging and testing.
* `python/code`: Python source code. The generated code will contain references to custom functions, such as `__argmax__`, `__sigmoid__`, etc. To execute the code you will need to provi