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# 馃幈 Naas in short
The Naas project and its hosted version naas.ai is open-source, it transforms Jupyter Notebooks in a safe production environment thanks to micro-services(like a scheduler) accessible in 芦 low-code 禄.
The product is based on 3 elements: features, drivers and templates.
The templates enable "data geeks" to kickstart projects in minutes, the low-code drivers act as connectors to facilitate access to tools, and complex libraries (database, API, ML algorithm...) while the low-code features (scheduling, asset sharing, notifications...) enable faster iteration and deployment of outputs to end users, in a headless manner.
Naas is forever free to use with 100 credits/month.
Open your account
PS: If you contribute to this library of open-source notebooks templates, you can X2 your monthly credits 馃弳
# Documentation
<a href="https://naas.gitbook.io/naas/" title="Redirect to Documentation">
<img width="200px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-naas/naas/main/images/gitbook.svg" alt="Gitbooks naas" />
# Issue
If you found a bug or need a new feature, please open an Issue here.
# Try Naas on Binder
You can try out some of Naas features using the My Binder service.
Click on a link below to try Naas, on a sandbox environment, without having to install anything.
Test it in binder (WIP)
## Install Naas only
`pip3 install naas`
## Install Naas with drivers
`pip3 install 'naas[full]'`
# Run locally
## Install
it will create and install all dependency in docker machine
## Test local server
`./install -ro`
it will run your docker machine only.
if you want to rebuild docker too `./install -r`
Then open your browser at the url:
enter `naas` as password
if you want other password `./install.sh -t=mypassword`
### Api documentation
We have a WIP documentation in swagger.
### Live reload
If you do change in naas code, the server will live reload.
If you use naas in a notebook restart the kernel to get the changes.
### Naas Manager
Open Naas manager outsite of jupyter context :
## Run test
Open Jupyterlab
click on `+` to open Launcher
Open Shell
Go the right directory `cd naas`
Run it in the shell `pytest -x` to test your code
Each Change you do from your IDE or from jupyter in the Naas folder is live reloaded
If you test naas feature inside a notebook reload your kernel between changes.
Same for the manager page you have to reload the Page to see the changes.
To go faster you can use `isolated Manager` to reload only manager and not full jupyterlab
## Check lint
`python -m black naas` format better
`python -m flake8 naas` check if any left error
## Publish
You can commit from jupyter or from your local IDE, code of Naas is sync between docker machine and your computer
this auto publish by github action on main branch
# Supporters:
<a href="http://sentry.com" title="Redirect to Sentry">
<img width="200px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-naas/naas/main/images/sentry.svg" alt="Sentry" />
<a href="https://gitbook.com" title="Redirect to Gitbook">
<img width="200px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter-naas/naas/main/images/gitbook.svg" alt="Gitbooks" />
### Authors:
* [Jeremy Ravenel](https://github.com/jravenel)
* [Maxime Jublou](https://github.com/Dr0p42)
* [Martin Donadieu](https://github.com/riderx)