# disk_treemap
Just another disk usage analyzer with treemap GUI.
## Pros
* Written in Python. Easy to run, modify and extend. Cross platform support. (Tested on Linux, Windows, and Android with
* B/S structure. You can run the scanner on a remote machine, and view treemap via a browser on a local machine
* Support save/load a treemap. You can run the scanner on a machine, then copy result to another one and view it.
* Support S3 or S3 compatible object storage service
## Cons
* The web base frontend may suffer from performance issue if the treemap is too large.
* Scan speed is not ideal, especially on Windows.
# Installation
## Install via pip package installer
pip install disk_treemap
## Build and install from source
# clone the repository
git clone
git submodules update --recursively
# build static
python3 setup.py build_static
#build wheel
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
#install built wheel
pip install dist/disk_treemap-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl # change the filename
# Usage
usage: disk-treemap [-h] [--size-tree-path SIZE_TREE_PATH] [--overwrite]
[--scan-only] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--compression]
[--endpoint-url ENDPOINT_URL] [--follow-links]
[--follow-mounts] [--everything]
[paths ...]
positional arguments:
paths path(s) to scan. If multiple paths is provided, they
will be show in root side by side. S3 or compatible
object storage service is supported by a "s3://"
prefixed URI
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--size-tree-path SIZE_TREE_PATH, --size_tree_path SIZE_TREE_PATH, -f SIZE_TREE_PATH
path to save scan result as a JSON file
--overwrite, -o overwrite existed JSON file. default to False
--scan-only, --scan_only, -s
scan and save JSON file but do not start web server.
default to False
--host HOST, -H HOST listening host of the web server
--port PORT, -p PORT listening port of the web server. default to 8000
--compression, -c enable compression of web server. require
flask_compress to operate. default to False
--endpoint-url ENDPOINT_URL
custom endpoint url, only affects S3
--follow-links, --follow_links
follow symlinks
--follow-mounts, --follow_mounts
follow mounts
--everything use Everything by voidtools to speedup scanning. The
result will be absolute path. Everything must be
running and only x64 version is supported.
You may also use the module directly: `python -m disk_treemap.main`. Same arguments apply.
A `size_tree.json` will be generated in the current directory. It contains file tree and file size information. Keep it
# Typical Usage
**Analyze an ordinary computer**
1. Run `disk-treemap <Paths to analyze>`
1. After `listening` appearing, open browser and navigate to .
**Analyze a Windows computer with Everything x64 installed**
1. Make sure Everything x64 is running.
1. Run `disk-treemap --everything <Paths to analyze>`
1. After `listening` appearing, open browser and navigate to .
**Analyze a remote Linux server, view on the local machine**
1. Run `disk-treemap <Paths to analyze> --host`.
If bandwidth between the server and the local machine is limited, try to install optional dependencies and append `--compression` to command above to enable compression.
1. After `listening` appearing, open browser on the local machine and navigate to http:
//<IP address of the server>:8000 .
**Analyze a remote Linux server without external accessible IP, view on the local machine**
1. Run `disk-treemap <Paths to analyze> --scan_only`
1. After process exit without error. There should be a file named `size_tree.json` in the current directory. Copy the
file to local machine using `rsync` or other tools.
1. Run `disk-treemap` in the directory where the copied file located.
1. After `listening` appearing, open browser and navigate to .
**Install and analyze an Android phone with Termux**
1. Install Termux https://termux.com/
1. Install Python and pip in Termux https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Python
1. Install disk_treemap via pip: `pip install termux`
1. Just do analyze as your phone is an ordinary computer.
* Provide more visualization. Icicle/flame, sunburst maybe.
* Use NTFS USN Journal to speed up scanning on Windows.
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