* Project hosting: <http://code.google.com/p/nose-testconfig/>
.. contents::
Written by Jesse Noller
Licensed under the Apache Software License, 2.0
You can install it with ``easy_install nose-testconfig``
What It Does
nose-testconfig is a plugin to the nose test framework which provides a
faculty for passing test-specific (or test-run specific) configuration data
to the tests being executed.
Currently configuration files in the following formats are supported:
- YAML (via `PyYAML <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyYAML/>`_)
- INI (via `ConfigParser <http://docs.python.org/lib/module-ConfigParser.html>`_)
- Pure Python (via Exec)
The plugin is ``meant`` to be flexible, ergo the support of exec'ing arbitrary
python files as configuration files with no checks. The default format is
assumed to be ConfigParser ini-style format.
The plugin provides a method of overriding certain parameters from the command
line (assuming that the main "config" object is a dict) and can easily have
additional parsers added to it.
Test Usage
For now (until something better comes along) tests can import the "config"
singleton from testconfig::
from testconfig import config
By default, YAML files parse into a nested dictionary, and ConfigParser ini
files are also collapsed into a nested dictionary for foo[bar][baz] style
access. Tests can obviously access configuration data by referencing the
relevant dictionary keys::
from testconfig import config
def test_foo():
target_server_ip = config['servers']['webapp_ip']
``Warning``: Given this is just a dictionary singleton, tests can easily write
into the configuration. This means that your tests can write into the config
space and possibly alter it. This also means that threaded access into the
configuration can be interesting.
When using pure python configuration - obviously the "sky is the the limit" -
given that the configuration is loaded via an exec, you could potentially
modify nose, the plugin, etc. However, if you do not export a config{} dict
as part of your python code, you obviously won't be able to import the
config object from testconfig.
When using YAML-style configuration, you get a lot of the power of pure python
without the danger of unprotected exec() - you can obviously use the pyaml
python-specific objects and all of the other YAML creamy goodness.
Defining a configuration file
Simple ConfigParser style::
main_server =
secondary_server =
So your tests access the config options like this::
from testconfig import config
def test_foo():
main_server = config['myapp_servers']['main_server']
YAML style configuration::
And your tests can access it thus::
from testconfig import config
def test_foo():
main_server = config['myapp']['servers']['main_server']
Python configuration file::
import socket
global config
config = {}
possible_main_servers = ['', '']
for srv in possible_main_servers:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((srv, 80))
config['main_server'] = srv
And lo, the config is thus::
from testconfig import config
def test_foo():
main_server = config['main_server']
If you need to put python code into your configuration, you either need to use
the python-config file faculties, or you need to use the !!python tags within
PyYAML/YAML - raw ini files no longer have any sort of eval magic.
Command line options
After it is installed, the plugin adds the following command line flags to
--tc-file=TESTCONFIG Configuration file to parse and pass to tests
--tc-format=TESTCONFIGFORMAT Test config file format, default is
configparser ini format
--tc=OVERRIDES Option:Value specific overrides.
--tc-exact Optional: Do not explode periods in override keys to
individual keys within the config dict, instead treat
them as config[my.toplevel.key] ala sqlalchemy.url in
Passing in an INI configuration file::
$ nosetests -s --tc-file example_cfg.ini
Passing in a YAML configuration file::
$ nosetests -s --tc-file example_cfg.yaml --tc-format yaml
Passing in a Python configuration file::
$ nosetests -s --tc-file example_cfg.py --tc-format python
Overriding a configuration value on the command line::
$ nosetests -s --tc-file example_cfg.ini --tc=myvalue.sub:bar
Overriding multiple key:value pairs::
$ nosetests -s --tc-file example_cfg.ini --tc=myvalue.sub:bar \
--tc=myvalue.sub2:baz --tc=myvalue.sub3:bar3
``Warning``: When using the --tc= flag, you can pass it in as many times as
you want to override as many keys/values as needed, however you can not use it
to add in new keys: The configuration key must already be defined. The format
is in ``parent.child.child = value`` format - the periods are translated into
keys within the config dict, for example::
myvalue.sub2:baz = config[myvalue][sub2] = baz
You can override the explosion of the periods by passing in the --tc-exact
argument on the command line.
Changes & News
* Fix a bug in the python config file parsing reported by Christopher Hesse
* Per feedback from Kumar and others, the eval()'ing of ini-file values
has been removed: allowing arbitrary python in the values was more
annoying less standard then was worth it.
* Added the --tc-exact command line flag, to block the exploding of
name.name values into dicts-within-dicts
* Updated the docs to parse right.
Fix documentation examples per Kumar's feedback.
Fix pypi packaging issues
Initial release. May contain bits of glass.
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